Trump is in tempo storm now.
Noodle making deals
Having a ton of fun right now with miracle rogue. Never played it before. Don't have sherazin, but subbed leeroy. Also missing an assassinate flower. Those auctioneer turns are addictive.
You don't sub sherazin with leeroy. Sherazin can't really be subbed. You run leeroy alongside sherazin. Or you run arcane giants alongside sherazin.
"Win 7 games as Rogue or Warrior"
I'm digging Freeze Mage. Love Arcanologist.
With Antonidas or 2 pyroblast?
Sounds like Hearthstone to me.I set my quest rogue opponent to 2 hp with a full board as token druid after using living mana
He vanishes so I hero power him down to 1 with his quest at 1
he glacial shard freezes me and the minions i develop with all sorts of bounce cards.
I fail to draw a bluegill over 3 turns.
he activates his quest for lethal at 1 hp
this is my hearthstone life.
I play against absolute fucking idiots, incredibly incompetent people making strictly unarguably incorrect plays over and over again and they beat me because they are high roll gods and my rng is shit.
Sounds like Hearthstone to me.
Pulled three legendaries and a dinosize of Elise the explorer's pack. If only my regular packs were so great.
Sadly Elise's pack actually were meant to have higher chance pulling epic and Legendary.
My miracle rogue opponent plays swashburgler and gets malkorok
malkorok gives him vine cleaver
he cold bloods malkorok and goes face
with a ravaging ghoul on my side, and 3 1/1 tokens + malkorok on his I decide to rat into brawl
malkorok wins the 7 minion brawl giving my opponent lethal
this is what happens in at least half my games, this level of bullshit.
Your other half cause your opponent to post about how half of his/her games are bullshit.![]()
Aside from some wonky interactions like secrets proccing off of Mad Scientist's death source (which just doesn't make sense), the #1 thing I dislike mechanically in Hearthstone is how buffs work. If a 1/1 is buffed to a 5/5, takes 2 damage, and is then silenced, it should be DEAD. If a 3/2 is buffed to a 4/3 by another minion's presence, takes 2 damage, and that other minion dies, it should be DEAD.nah, half my wins are cuz of solid play.
so only a quarter of the time should they be posting about me.
BTW just destroyed a paladin with a pretty lucky draw, silly goose thought he could pyro equality my warleader board.
But Miracle Rogue probably slaughters you.Man, im fucking ripping Pirates booties with purified priest, its not even fucking close.
But Miracle Rogue probably slaughters you.
What's a decent midrange hunter deck look like. I threw some shit together and I'm doing ok with it, but it feels like a struggle more often than not. I mean it's mostly the same cards as usual other than the new 1 and 2 drops, which do make a HUGE difference. Then again, I've always been bad at hunter. I just end up with no cards in hand WAY too early. I just need that starving buzzard buff that I always dream about.What miracle rogue? It's all quest rogue and pirate warrior thanks to the ts meta. Thankfully midrange hunter obliterates both those classes right now. I've been on vacation but I'm now laddering and am straight through to 10 with midrange hunter with very little effort.
What's a decent midrange hunter deck look like. I threw some shit together and I'm doing ok with it, but it feels like a struggle more often than not. I mean it's mostly the same cards as usual other than the new 1 and 2 drops, which do make a HUGE difference. Then again, I've always been bad at hunter. I just end up with no cards in hand WAY too early. I just need that starving buzzard buff that I always dream about.
By the way, anyone wanna beat me down for 80g?
Few things get me as angry as when an opponent who has lethal in their hand decides to go through their entire deck before just ending the match.
I'd only do that if my opponent bmed me 1st.
That would be fair but I barely even bother using the emotes anymore.
Few things get me as angry as when an opponent who has lethal in their hand decides to go through their entire deck before just ending the match.
My miracle rogue opponent plays swashburgler and gets malkorok
malkorok gives him vine cleaver
he cold bloods malkorok and goes face
with a ravaging ghoul on my side, and 3 1/1 tokens + malkorok on his I decide to rat into brawl
malkorok wins the 7 minion brawl giving my opponent lethal
this is what happens in at least half my games, this level of bullshit.
#Overwatch We are currently investigating reports of login issues. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
"Taunt Warrior isn't boring"
*10 seconds later on today's episode of Kripp says the darndest things*
"It's not about winning, it's about playing as many Warrior cards as possible"
Aside from some wonky interactions like secrets proccing off of Mad Scientist's death source (which just doesn't make sense), the #1 thing I dislike mechanically in Hearthstone is how buffs work. If a 1/1 is buffed to a 5/5, takes 2 damage, and is then silenced, it should be DEAD. If a 3/2 is buffed to a 4/3 by another minion's presence, takes 2 damage, and that other minion dies, it should be DEAD.
Win 3 games as warrior when I have no warrior quest.
Reroll into play 10 pirates.
OK, fine. It's funny that blizzard really wants to force you into playing pirate warrior sometimes.
Totally forgot to include Upgrade, but still went 3-1 anyway.
queue control warrior get quest rogue (who full keeps his hand)
queue midrange hunter get elemental shaman
fucking hell.
But Miracle Rogue probably slaughters you.