I am genuinely sick of Paladin already. Blizzard fucked up bad with Stonehill Defender.
So which were you playing tonight? Hunter, murloc, or pirate?
I am genuinely sick of Paladin already. Blizzard fucked up bad with Stonehill Defender.
So which were you playing tonight? Hunter, murloc, or pirate?
I think he's running one sap, which is just enough considering how often you can end up comboing it with Vilespine to clear a taunt heavy board.
I'm really liking Xaril in Un'Goro Miracle. When he's in the deck with razorpetals it feels like you will always have enough ammo to:
- proc Auctioneer
- enable Vilespine / Evis
- reduce giant cost
- revive Sherazin
- buff VC
Sometimes, all at the same time!
Drawing the stealth potion on top of all that is just sick.
The one card I'm not sure of is having 2xFoN. Sometimes feel like I can get away with just 1 and slide in a CB for that little bit extra burst...
I've lost to Hunter x 2 and a Taunt Warrior with Giant Flower Rogue.
I feel like I should be able to win the Hunter match-up. The Taunt Warrior match-up supposedly favors the Rogue, but I didn't find that to be the case in my first match. I cycled through my whole deck, but couldn't keep a threat on the board.
What list are you running? Taunt Warrior is so passive its usually easy for rogue to set up a board, gather removals and swing at face.
Edit: How does the Sherazin seed interact with stuff like explosive shot and betrayal? Does the seed have a place on the board like any other minion and absorb the damage?
What list are you running? Taunt Warrior is so passive its usually easy for rogue to set up a board, gather removals and swing at face.
Edit: How does the Sherazin seed interact with stuff like explosive shot and betrayal? Does the seed have a place on the board like any other minion and absorb the damage?
While it's in dormant state it's immortal. It has place on board, but no damage received.
The only way to kill it permanently is using hex/poly/silence/devolve etc
Auctioneer | Sherazin Seed | Xaril
None of the above?
It's weird that you assume one of those considering Paladin is pretty exceptional right now in terms of matchups. It doesn't outright lose to much at all really.
So now I need to play Paladin? Is that legendary that makes everything a 3/3 essential
Either the Quest Rogues are all already high rank or they vanished because the deck wasn't that great but I quite like the meta right now. I see every class unlike before in MSG where I only saw Shamen and Pirate Warriors. Heck, I'm even happy seeing Hunters again.
After taking all the advice in the thread into account, I decided to try going super aggressive as suggested, betting on my ability to win.
I removed the Execute and added a Wolfrider (theoretically, since I don't remember it showing up in my deck or mulligan ONCE in 5 games).
Despite the deck and playstyle changes, I lost another 4 in a row. I'm not aware of a way I could have won any of them, but please correct me if I am wrong. This seems statistically unlikely. The 5th game I got good draws and won, but even there I didn't draw the Wolfrider.
*edit* On my 8th game I drew the Wolfrider. I'd love to know the odds of that.
Fair point, but could it have changed the game's outcome? If I'm doing the math right that would only be a few points extra of damage, and they had enough taunts to shut the game down with plenty of HP left.In Game 2, Turn 2 you Dread Corsair, punch the Taunt with your Axe then upgrade to a 1/3 weapon. I'd have played the Dread Corsair and the Southsea Deckhand instead, trade taunt with Deckhand and kept the one Axe charge, as on your next turn you can drop Bloodsail Cultist and turn your Axe into a 4/2.
Fair point, but could it have changed the game's outcome? If I'm doing the math right that would only be a few points extra of damage, and they had enough taunts to shut the game down with plenty of HP left.
I know it's good practice in general, just saying I don't know of a way that particular game could have been won (unless I'm totally butchering the math).
Those poor rank 25 players.first time playing in months.
7-0 with exodia mage lul
I played against the version with Vanish...RIP.Its weird. Quest rogue clearly isnt overpowered, its just a horrible design.
Guess it's time to change the titleWatching Thijs stream and every deck is playing Golakka, Hungry Crab and the new Ooze.
After 2 years of playing Hearthstone- made rank 10 in standard last night. Feels good man.
Using quest taunt warrior, so kinda cheesy I know. Did have to navigate a slew of quest rogues so there's that. Brawl top deck draw saved me more than once.
Crafting Tirion for Murloc Pally?
Tirion is just a must on the paladin class.
because of that and the other legendary and the warleaders I can't play that deck, it's way too expensive for me
Anyone want to trade a PAF quest?
I'm at candyFrog#1327
a report of the average winrate of the quests completion until now
interesting to see them really low, specially the marsh queen, I never expected to be one of the worst, if not the worst.
Quest Priest is everywhere in Wild, hahaha.
Like I told Dahbomb, Murloc Shaman is also very popular and strong in Wild.
Why is Lakkari Warloc so much better in Wild than it is in Standard? Is it because so many more decks are greedy and slow, so you have more time to reap its rewards?
I'm currently in a rank 8 match , both of us are Dragon Priests.
We're in an infinite loop of Drakonid OP's
Someone help
Edit: I think we summoned like, 10 combined Drakonids that game.
An easy way to make any bullshit win feel worse: instead of a top deck, it's now something a Priest or Rogue got from a card generator.Facing a shaman and having them topdeck bloodlust is literally the worst feeling in the history of the planet earth.
I still don't have this card
An easy way to make any bullshit win feel worse: instead of a top deck, it's now something a Priest or Rogue got from a card generator.
Quest Priest is everywhere in Wild, hahaha.
Like I told Dahbomb, Murloc Shaman is also very popular and strong in Wild.
Why is Lakkari Warloc so much better in Wild than it is in Standard? Is it because so many more decks are greedy and slow, so you have more time to reap its rewards?
I saw a Trollden video where a guy got 4 Ice Blocks in a row and won because of it.Cabalist's Tome into Primordial Glyph into Primordial Glyph into Cabalist's Tome into Ice Block.
I didn't play any Questlocks this month, so I have no idea!well you have a lot more healing in wild and the ability to use the old elise in order to flip your deck free of all the discard stuff once you complete the quest which seems really important to me, since otherwise you're playing with an insanely small deck that can't go long which is the only way lakkari could ever be worth a damn
I didn't play any Questlocks this month, so I have no idea!