To be fair you kind of deserved that with druid. There's a slight chance of Mulch as well.14/14 Van Cleef on Turn 3 against Druid. Yay!
Keeper of the grove.
Yeah, I knew the data points to reach player being guaranteed an epic within every 10 packs and a legendary in every 40, but I had never actually seen the averages before, even though those were floating around for a while, too. Would've been nice to know the chances for golden cards, though.Those stats were already known. I think pity timer hits 100% at 40 packs.
Game A: Mage gets 4 mana blizzard at key early game moment from babbling book.
Correct, sorry.You're thinking Primordial Glyph, not Babbling Book.
Yeah, I knew the data points to reach player being guaranteed an epic within every 10 packs and a legendary in every 40, but I had never actually seen the averages before, even though those were floating around for a while, too. Would've been nice to know the chances for golden cards, though.
Rarity / Percentage of Total
Commons 1.2%
Rares 1.05%
Epics 0.19%
Legendaries 0.07%
I like how Blizzard lowered the draft rate of Flamestrike and Abyssal Enforcer in arena a month ago and gives every Mage at least 4 meteors per draft. Fun!
Got them today.Did anyone ever get their packs for the TESPA event from a couple weeks ago?
Some day I should start making notes on dupes.
I'm facing a mage who has had the following in their top 12 cards:
* 2 mana wyrms
* 2 fireballs
* 2 firelands portals
Literally half of their cards thus far have been dupes.
Hemet c'thun warrior is legit. lmao
Which should I craft first for Murloc Mid Range Paladin out of
Sunkeeper Tarim
Light Ragnaros
I was in the same situation and picked Tarim. No regretsWhich should I craft first for Murloc Mid Range Paladin out of
Sunkeeper Tarim
Light Ragnaros
Ragnaros is off little help when you're behind on board, Tarim wins you the board.Tarim is a very solid choice but ragnaros lets you live like an insect
Ragnaros is off little help when you're behind on board, Tarim wins you the board.
Ragnaros is at his best to get out of range of damage from hand.
But you live, insect.
Actually lightlord has helped me win far more games from behind than tarim. When you're behind against a few small minions, making tarim a deadish card or just a very bad one, lightlord can single handed win those games. There are a couple match ups where tarim is great, and trust me I'm a big proponent of tarim (even was pre-release!) but I think lightlord is amazing as well. In terms of paladin legendary cards right now I would go: lightlord, tirion, tarim (because tirion got much better with sylvanas out and hydrologist), then wickerflame.
Tarim offer more flexibility because he also used in divine favor smorc murloc deck
I'd craft Tarim
I have all standard pally Legendary btw HahAA
Seriously, Druid with Innervate and Vicious Fledgling on turn 1 breaks the game.
Seriously, Druid with Innervate and Vicious Fledgling on turn 1 breaks the game.
what decks is it played in? Is beast druid back?
Aggro token druidwhat decks is it played in? Is beast druid back?
finally got around to playing the build you posted:
lots of fun
just tested it in a few casual games
deserves way more upvotes and attention probably
Aggro token druid
The list pretty much gravitate to broken shit if innervated nowadays tho than just token like finja, fledling and bittertide hydra. I use all 3 in my aggro druid cuz why not.
Exactly. Deck pretty bound to try to roll high with double innervate anyway so might as well go all the way.That sounds even more highroll dependent than normal.
Tarim offer more flexibility because he also used in divine favor smorc murloc deck
I'd craft Tarim
I have all standard pally Legendary btw HahAA
I get Tarim from what must have been my 40th park today. I also have Tirion. Is there any good deck I could run that doesn't require murlocs? The only epic I have is a warleader and it would be so expensive to get the rest most people run.
Sure. Nzoth, dude, normal midrange, normal control.
Vomit hand and maybe auto-win. I played for a good 4 hours last night, and ~half of my matches were against Egg Druid.I think egg druid is officially the dumbest deck of the set.
I just auto concede against quest rogue now. I simply don't have any fun playing against them so I don't waste my time, regardless of what my winrate against them is.
Are you playing ranked? I just drop minions and go face and see if I can beat them. I often can.