So for those who've played a fair amount, what is the content like? How are the missions, what types? How is the progression?
Depends what you mean a fair amount, I got about 20 hours in, level 14 or 15.
Lots to unlock, doesn't feel too grindy, very addicting gameplay loop, the missions are nothing too spectacular from what I've played, some search and destroy type stuff, some defend an area, etc.
If you like third person shooters, co-op, and don't mind a little grinding, this is a no brainer. The game is also quite skill based in terms of choosing the right loadout and maneuvering around the battlefield.
At higher levels there is co-op equipment, like a very powerful launcher but you need one person to fire and another one to load so it's much faster.
The other thing is that there are two enemy races, and they fight VERY differently, so the strategy has to change quite a bit. I put in 20 hours on the insects and I'm still kinda into it, will try the robots soon.
Really great game, it'd be nice if they added some vehicles and special monsters to chase down and kill, eg. like the world bosses in D4, perhaps for rare materials, i dunno, just to give the game a bit more flavor.