Heavy disagree.I also am having the same experience. I bought the game because people were raving about how good the game is, how it has extremely consumer friendly BP/store, the servers are fixed and the devs take player feedback well. I've played the game for about 10 hours now and it's the complete opposite.
+I paid full price for the game and yet every single future weapon and equipment that is coming to the game will require Battle Pass purchase. How people are okay with this is beyond me. Even F2P games don't make you pay for new weapons, perks and item added to the game
+The devs are openly hostile to the playerbase's complaints, nerf stuff without buffing it and add RNG elements to the gameplay that aren't fun like the meteor showers
+The game's servers are a mess. It's a 50/50 toss up on whether I can play the game without issue or whether I can't even log into the game/the game freezes after a mission due to the massive amount of players. It took 3 days for me to get in game currency I earned
Besides the complaints that I have above, the game is amazing in every other way. But I just don't understand why the player base is straight up lying about the clear issues the game has.
I Have enough credits just from playing to buy the premium battlepass 2.5x over.
Except for the mech update, PS5 servers have been pretty good for awhile.. will prob go to shit on Thursday, but only because it's going to hit a new CCU.
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