There's only about 500 of the 1000 Dungeon Crawler slots left, figure there should be a pretty big spike when that gets closer to 200-300, as it's the most popular of the remaining $250 tiers and will definitely sell out. Raid Leader and Guild Master no one really seems to be interested in, and I don't know if Collector will sell out but it's a little popular at least. If the Dungeon Crawler does sell out they could probably open up more slots for it a bit easier than with the Pro Player tier.
Hey everyone. I see people have some very strong opinions about the Kickstarter campaign. I just wanted to reiterate that we will not be increasing the quantity on Pro Player or Grand King tiers. The people who backed at those levels backed with the expectation that they would be limited, and we will honor that. Just like we won't increase the quantity on the Dungeon Crawler tiers if they should sell out. That's the unfortunate nature of limited items, but there are multiple options available to you that are still an incredible value should you want to be a HEX backer. You're free to continue discussing this civilly with each other, but that's our official position.
Like one free draft a week? Is that what it is?
Where does it say the other $250 ones get a free draft per week? I only saw that for the pro one which I would have bought for sure.
Where does it say the other $250 ones get a free draft per week? I only saw that for the pro one which I would have bought for sure.
I'm sure this has already been asked, but I searched through the thread and skimmed through the site and I couldn't find any answers..
Anyone know if you can mix colors for your deck? In the game play video on their site it seemed like there wasn't a second main phase, which seems silly.
I think it's interesting that some of these rewards for the high end tiers offer basically thousands of cards.... if the game is going to launch with 350 cards in it, how many reprints do they think people will want?
Or are they actually just vouchers that can be turned in for free starters/boosters whenever you want to redeem them?
You can have multicolor decks.
The packs you get are Set 1 but you can trade them off/use for drafts.
Thanks Ryuukan... good point about the drafts... forgot about that. I just clicked through that how to play video again, and it seems like you do have a second main phase... the guys in the video just kept spending their mana before combat. This makes me much more excited to give this game a shot!
It's interesting that the stretch goals for the most part are just increasing the rewards that you get for each tier, rather than adding more content to the game... I think that's probably for the best though since there's only so much functionality you can add at one time to a 'math based' game before the balance gets all out of whack. Especially in the beginning phases, it would suck to be locked into some kind of permanent decision that will forever hamper the play style of the game.
Either way, this looks fun... sockets on cards is a great idea![]()
They dont want to add too much feature to let the game come out fast as possible
I actually agree with you. I was just stating their own reasoning (because their AI acts as the judge so precise wording isn't needed like on a physical card where cheating and such is possible). Since you seem to really understand how wording on cards should be, I suggest that you make a topic on the official forums and make possible suggestions or even just your critiques - that way it at least gets known to CZE. Unless you don't care that much, that is haha
There's only about 500 of the 1000 Dungeon Crawler slots left, figure there should be a pretty big spike when that gets closer to 200-300, as it's the most popular of the remaining $250 tiers and will definitely sell out. Raid Leader and Guild Master no one really seems to be interested in, and I don't know if Collector will sell out but it's a little popular at least. If the Dungeon Crawler does sell out they could probably open up more slots for it a bit easier than with the Pro Player tier.
Didn't read the whole thread, but I won't spend money buying digital cards if I cannot resell them.
I was alright dropping money on MtG because you could always resell your cards. Craigslist, ebay, in person, to a shop, lots of options.
You can resell card
Perhaps the most notable MMO element is the auction house. In HEX, there will be a ready in-game market for rare and powerful cards traded for in-game currency.
There's no cashing out though, right? Like after you accumulated the 1000 or so booster packs and cards you get from backing at a Grand King level and all the 1000s of cards from years of free drafts etc, you're stuck with 10,000s of cards you can't sell for real money?
All I can find on the Auction House is this:
Which mentions just selling for in-game gold.
- In our videos, we have all the priority stops turned on, which is why you see people having to click on 'Pass Priority' all the time. Most users will probably turn a significant number of those off to speed up their game.
Welcome to GAF
Question about this part: is there going to be a fixed/formalized pass priority system for PvP? Like, always automatically pass if no action, etc.? I would imagine that some people would always leave it on if the option exists just the potential mind game of suggesting a playable answer or not; or, if they're poor sports, to quit the match but make you slowly grind it out.
Is there a fixed set of rules for the competitive PvP side?
Hey guys!
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I actually created a NeoGaf account as soon as the KickStarter went up, but didn't realize NeoGaf had a slower vetting process.
I'm going to try to answer all the questions that came up in this thread. If I missed one, sorry!
Hey guys!
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I actually created a NeoGaf account as soon as the KickStarter went up, but didn't realize NeoGaf had a slower vetting process.
I'm going to try to answer all the questions that came up in this thread. If I missed one, sorry!
- Gold and Platinum is indeed tradeable
- We've already mentioned that we're going to have a 'build your own league' system, where you can determine all sorts of information about the format (such as banning cards, adjusting life totals, etc.) -- we're not guaranteeing it at launch, but it's a feature we are going to put in for sure.
- Mercs are all PvE onle, though there is a 'wild west' format, which is 'play PvE decks against other players'.
- All $250 tiers get 1 free draft a week for a year. The Pro Player tier gets that for its entire life.
- You can mix shards (Diamond, Sapphire, etc.) at will when deckbuilding.
- In our videos, we have all the priority stops turned on, which is why you see people having to click on 'Pass Priority' all the time. Most users will probably turn a significant number of those off to speed up their game.
Again, apologies if I missed anything. It's a long thread!
Chris Woods
We haven't determined if we're going to let people cash out their platinum. This is a legal thing -- there are international money laundering laws we apparently have to comply with. I honestly don't know the specifics on it, because I'm not the legal guy. We will let people know once we do.
We won't be giving out rewards until Beta, because we will probably do a wipe after alpha. In alpha we'll probably just give people a buncha stuff and let them go nuts.
You can sell anything that is tradeable on the AH (which is almost everything, with some limitations on trial players) for gold or platinum. Gold is the "in game" currency, and can only be obtained by playing PvE or from other players. Platinum is the premium currency.
Chris Woods
We haven't determined if we're going to let people cash out their platinum. This is a legal thing -- there are international money laundering laws we apparently have to comply with. I honestly don't know the specifics on it, because I'm not the legal guy. We will let people know once we do.
We won't be giving out rewards until Beta, because we will probably do a wipe after alpha. In alpha we'll probably just give people a buncha stuff and let them go nuts.
You can sell anything that is tradeable on the AH (which is almost everything, with some limitations on trial players) for gold or platinum. Gold is the "in game" currency, and can only be obtained by playing PvE or from other players. Platinum is the premium currency.
Chris Woods
We haven't determined if we're going to let people cash out their platinum. This is a legal thing -- there are international money laundering laws we apparently have to comply with. I honestly don't know the specifics on it, because I'm not the legal guy. We will let people know once we do.
We won't be giving out rewards until Beta, because we will probably do a wipe after alpha. In alpha we'll probably just give people a buncha stuff and let them go nuts.
You can sell anything that is tradeable on the AH (which is almost everything, with some limitations on trial players) for gold or platinum. Gold is the "in game" currency, and can only be obtained by playing PvE or from other players. Platinum is the premium currency.
Chris Woods
We're not 100% sure on the date for alpha yet, so until we do know we don't want to say anything.
The only way to get PvP cards in through purchase of PvP packs, winning tournaments, or as KS rewards.
Chris Woods
Oh okay, cool.
How can you tell if a card is PVP or PVE?
Also, will there be sales on packs?
We're not 100% sure on the date for alpha yet, so until we do know we don't want to say anything.
The only way to get PvP cards in through purchase of PvP packs, winning tournaments, or as KS rewards.
Chris Woods
Hey guys!
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party. I actually created a NeoGaf account as soon as the KickStarter went up, but didn't realize NeoGaf had a slower vetting process.
Also, will there be sales on packs?
I'm not speaking for Chris or CZE, but I would seriously be surprised if there were no sales on packs ever. I'm sure there will be (you could even almost say that the $4 a month subscription is an infinite sale on packs).
Hmm... are there any guaranteed drops from dungeons or raids?Dungeon Crawler is best for someone who likes the equipment side of the game. (The modifiers next to cards when you look at them on our website.)
Raid Leader is nice because you will have no trouble finding people to raid with. If you are planning on just playing with friends, then is just makes defeating raids easier, but if you're playing alone being a Raid Leader makes you an auto-include in any group.
Each tier is designed to try to appeal to a particular type of player.
Chris Woods
Mill can be blue or black
I think blue is the more effective mill though.
The blue/black spells are usually the best, segue into another question:
Have they shown any multicolor spells yet?
Check out the tournament page, sounds exciting as hellJust saw the kickstarter video.. freakin' hilarious! Hex looks like it has tons of potential. Take my money.[IMG]
Is it just me or does this seem a little OP? Not that I can complain as I play decks of that sort.[/QUOTE]
The problem with escalation cards in PvP right now is that we don't know how fast/slow the meta is going to be. If it's fast enough you might be able to get a couple of identical escalations off, and it looks like Blue in particular has some serious draw power, so it's possible that something like the card you linked could be useful in a milling deck.
However, if the meta ends up being slower, escalation cards could be completely useless. Not strong enough the first time you pull them, and by the time you pull them again (if you do), it's far too late for you to change the outcome of the game with them.
I guess we'll see how it plays out, and it's a great idea, but I think that escalation will have more use in PvE.