I used to play a lot of competitive Magic as well and I agree with everything here except the bolded part. Mechanically, I think lands are fine. Great, even. MtG's problem with them is they made the good ones wayyyyy too rare and expensive for a card that is required in every deck.
It is exactly like magic. Down to keywords that are just named slightly differently.
That in itself is not a bad thing - MoTG is a good staple framework that many sytems use -, now it will boil down to the individual abilities and combos for variety.
God why does this have to be a magic clone. There are so many clones out there.
God why does this have to be a magic clone. There are so many clones out there.
Shadow Era is basically what this game is and is based on the WoW TCG which the Hex guys also made and this is extension of.
Point i'm trying to make that game has a very friendly consumer business model and without dumb mechanics like talents, sockets and evolving monsters. Booster packs and decks only cost $1 each, you can sell unwanted duplicates for in game gold and every level up gives you $1 worth of paid credits. Gold is also won from battles. The auction house system in Shadow Era is a supply and demand one like Runescape and the Guild Wars 1 material trader, the more there is of a card the cheaper it is in, the less there is one of the more expensive it is in gold.
The only thing holding Shadow Era back is its engine as it's cross platform between iOS/Android/PC/Mac/Linux.
I just find the whole PvE/PvP card sets in Hex just ridiculous. It's not a problem for other TCGs having one set. The benefit of a digital only game is you can balance cards.
Shadow Era is basically what this game is and is based on the WoW TCG which the Hex guys also made and this is extension of.
Point i'm trying to make that game has a very friendly consumer business model and without dumb mechanics like talents, sockets and evolving monsters. Booster packs and decks only cost $1 each, you can sell unwanted duplicates for in game gold and every level up gives you $1 worth of paid credits. Gold is also won from battles. The auction house system in Shadow Era is a supply and demand one like Runescape and the Guild Wars 1 material trader, the more there is of a card the cheaper it is in, the less there is one of the more expensive it is in gold.
The only thing holding Shadow Era back is its engine as it's cross platform between iOS/Android/PC/Mac/Linux.
I just find the whole PvE/PvP card sets in Hex just ridiculous. It's not a problem for other TCGs having one set. The benefit of a digital only game is you can balance cards.
I miss VS. System.WoW TCG was extremely fun. I really like the idea of persistent damage on units and the resource system seemed much improved from Magic's. Face cards are also a lot of fun in various games.
Upper Deck used to be incredible (not sure if they still are). VS System and WoW was like a one-two punch delivered by God himself. The games never seemed to blow up though. I know VS died to lack of prize support (RI fucking P, I mean what other card game can pit the X-Men against the Teen Titans?).
Looks like this is going to finish funding soon. I'm curious about what they'll decide on for stretch goals.
I really don't want to play Magic (other than my problems with the resource system, the way combat works just never spoke to me), but this looks like it could grab enough of my card playing friends and take off even without them. And I'm itching for a well done TCG, and I get the advantage of jumping in early.
The degree to which this cribs from Magic makes me scared that Wizards could go after it legally. It even has essentially the same color pie + artifacts.
They're asking for suggestions over on their forums. A fair number are ridiculous but account authenticators seem to be a popular enough suggestion I'd expect to see that pop up, which is something I'm more than OK with.
While I'm 99 percent a limited player when it comes to TCGs, I'd be willing to buy into constructed with this game if it's significantly cheaper. My pipe dream is that the massive amount of packs seeded from Kickstarter will keep staples pretty cheap early on.
Really, right now the tiers are so well thought out that the only thing I think they can do is add even more free packs or starter decks to all of them. We could ask for new cards, but we don't know enough of the game to make suggestions; they just have to show us more Kickstarter exclusive cards and then we'll see if we like them.
As for what else they can develop? I'd probably ask for spectator mode/replay options. Should be easy to some degree just by having a combat log.
I don't think Wizards could because there seems to be enough different to differentiate itself (socketing, equipment, digital only, and different names of the mechanics, etc.). I do hope that one of the stretch goals includes Richard Garfield possibly helping with the game in some way. I have no idea if that will happen, and it's probably unlikely, but I can hope at least.
Also, as of right now, I'm at the Collector Tier.
Basic mechanics are pretty much a carbon copy and I don't think anyone who played MtG will be able to dispute that. Having different names for the mechanics that pretty much works exactly the same definitely doesn't hold up against any potential legal arguments either.
It's more worrisome that since they're copying the cards from MtG, they probably do little playtesting for their cardsets which means that we will also get future cardsets that are basically again a retread of MtG cards, or if they actually come into designing their own, it will be badly balanced. Nothing in this game really inspire confidence about the basic gameplay holding its own since it feels like little effort was put into it.
Tablet versions, obviously. Also, fund the second round of cards.
Having looked at the various info, it seems that we're Kickstarting two games in one, a straight up online TCG and an RPG based on said TCG.
Also, I would ask for clarification on what "free drafts" mean. It appears that the draft requires three booster packs plus a fee (currently planned to be a dollar), which indicates that for the "free draft" you'd still need to find the three boosters.
It's been confirmed that the Pro Player tier includes the entrance free and the three booster packs for free (there's a button you can push once every week to use your free draft for that week). You also get to keep and trade those cards and rewards you may get in the draft.
That's basically correct. PVE cards can only be acquired in the PVE game (not booster packs) or, presumably, through the auction house.
Basic mechanics are pretty much a carbon copy and I don't think anyone who played MtG will be able to dispute that. Having different names for the mechanics that pretty much works exactly the same definitely doesn't hold up against any potential legal arguments either.
It's more worrisome that since they're copying the cards from MtG, they probably do little playtesting for their cardsets which means that we will also get future cardsets that are basically again a retread of MtG cards, or if they actually come into designing their own, it will be badly balanced. Nothing in this game really inspire confidence about the basic gameplay holding its own since it feels like little effort was put into it.
This card seems a little.. OP? 1/1 with first-strike for one mana and two sick abilities with a synergy? And, yes, it's a PVP card.
Hope they get the balance right.
The degree to which this cribs from Magic makes me scared that Wizards could go after it legally. It even has essentially the same color pie + artifacts.
I don't know, could go either way, looks like the kind of card that's only great if it's in your first hand (along with a second or even third). The extra raptors it makes get shuffled in to your deck, so there's no guarantee you'll see them any time soon either, and they're sorta weak so they'll get in the way of drawing better cards later on. The best thing seems to be the drawing an extra card.
How does equipment work exactly? Is it per card or per card type? That is, do you need to equip every card separately, even if it's the same card? So assuming a 4 max of the same card, would you need 4 boots and 4 calling blades? Also, if so, then the clones it puts in your deck wouldn't have the draw card bonus, so they'd be significantly less valuable.
Just watched the How To Play video they added to their page, it seems pretty similar to Hearthstone in the way that you have to kill the opponent's "hero". I haven't played many TGCs so I don't know if this concept is common or if it's a coincidence.
Ok now that i looked at the the video they sure do have a ton of things from magic. I think they should have at least tried to differentiate some more.
I don't know, could go either way, looks like the kind of card that's only great if it's in your first hand (along with a second or even third). The extra raptors it makes get shuffled in to your deck, so there's no guarantee you'll see them any time soon either, and they're sorta weak so they'll get in the way of drawing better cards later on. The best thing seems to be the drawing an extra card.
How does equipment work exactly? Is it per card or per card type? That is, do you need to equip every card separately, even if it's the same card? So assuming a 4 max of the same card, would you need 4 boots and 4 calling blades? Also, if so, then the clones it puts in your deck wouldn't have the draw card bonus, so they'd be significantly less valuable.
Is there a way to tell if a card is PvP?
Looks like the little icon at bottom of the card is orange on PVP cards and red on PVE cards.
That's just for rarity