Final stretch goal is Tablet support for iPad and Android for 1.5 million. That'd be pretty awesome. Also some set 2 packs for all.
err +1 free draft for life for all $250 pledges == instant surge....
Its for one year, not for life. Pro is still better, its just not night and day now.
i dont like that, i much prefered a boost in their respective tier.
For example the guild tier get 30 booster pack a month to give to the guild member.
Add to everyone draft is the wrong move to do
i dont like that, i much prefered a boost in their respective tier.
For example the guild tier get 30 booster pack a month to give to the guild member.
Add to everyone draft is the wrong move to do
30 boosters are month would be worth way more than any of the other $250 tiers. $60 a month as opposed to the $28 a month in free drafts from Pro, which is already way better than any of the other ones. I see what you're saying though, and I agree.i dont like that, i much prefered a boost in their respective tier.
For example the guild tier get 30 booster pack a month to give to the guild member.
Add to everyone draft is the wrong move to do
Yeah, at this it means that the Pro-Player Pack doesn't really get its tier bonus until year 2.
holy shit tablet support
this game is gonna be amazingggg
Do we know if cards will drop from dungeons? So far all I've heard is equipment dropping from dungeons, so I'm wondering if the Dungeon Crawler would be worth it over the Collector.
Damn right I'm super hype. You have no idea how much I wish I had the money for the final tiers to help make a card. Ugh that would of been so fun.
i'd just remake shadowmage infiltrator and put myself on there posterizing a goblin
assuming they already remade my favorite card of all time: undermine
I was always a fan of Mindslaver![]()
That better not be in this
I always found bribery hilarious. Though it's a bit slowthere's fun control and there's stupid broken...
Any confirmation you can sell boosters on the AH?
I was always a fan of Mindslaver![]()
That better not be in this
Are the pledge boosters all for set 1 - as in, if I have no plans to draft I should open them all at once?
Stasis, Twiddle, Goblin Trenches
I'd take any one of those, for sure.
Just don't make me pick!
It's going to be hard to resist the temptation to open all of my packs. I've heard drafting is a really good way to learn a TCG so I'll keep all my packs for cheap drafting.
From reading their site they even have Swiss drafts (every winner wins, continue playing even if you lose), along with competitive (top 2 players win) and more casual ones (top 4 players win).
So a question from a TCG noob; how does drafting thing go in terms of variety?
I understand the opening and taking one card then passing it on to the neighbor stuff, but how does does work, deck wise. Like if I join one of those drafting tournaments, I get 40-45 cards (something like that) but what kind of deck would it be? Do I get to choose/lockdown a specific type of deck when I first draw a card, or is everyone playing the same type of deck? (for example everyone is playing a orc deck)
So a question from a TCG noob; how does drafting thing go in terms of variety?
I understand the opening and taking one card then passing it on to the neighbor stuff, but how does does work, deck wise. Like if I join one of those drafting tournaments, I get 40-45 cards (something like that) but what kind of deck would it be? Do I get to choose/lockdown a specific type of deck when I first draw a card, or is everyone playing the same type of deck? (for example everyone is playing a orc deck)
Hey there, HEXers. I want to take todays update to address some of the comments weve had coming in since yesterdays update.
The Pro Player Tier
When we created these five tiers, we pictured each player as someone weve met in games weve all playedthe Raid Leader organizing people to take up the greatest challenges, the Guild Leader who is out there recruiting people and creating a community of friends, the Collector whos just gotta catch em all to own one of everything, the Dungeon Crawler whos building an armory of equipment for every dangerous scenario, and finally the Pro Player whos usually wandering around the tournament floor, shuffling three booster packs yelling DRAFT! So, we made five tiers with those players in mind.
After the Kickstarter launch, it became clear that many players saw the Pro Player tier as the best tier, and in hindsight, we can see that its out of balance with the other four. What weve done here is try to bring the other tiers in-line with the Pro Player tier without diminishing the Pro Player tier at all. Nothing has been taken away from the Pro Player tier. In fact, Pro Players will have an easier time finding booster drafts and spend less time in queue because of the additional players coming in. After all, it is our goal with this campaign not just to secure funding to finish the game, but to also grow the community. We want to include as many HEX believers as possible through Kickstarter. We want Entrath to be full of players for you to both befriend and battle. This buff brings the other four tiers on more equal footing regarding how the community values the different tiers, as well as keeps the HEX community growing.
Raid Leader, Guild Master, Dungeon Crawler, Collector and the 1.5M Stretch Goal
That said, were going to commit to that buff now. Instead of being a reward for the 1.5M Stretch Goal which we're quickly approaching, were simply adding the 1 free draft per week (for 1 year) to Dungeon Crawler, Collector, Raid Leader, and Guild Master as of today.
Tonight, we'll update the Tier Reward images and have that added to reflect this buff.
Tablet support is huge as the world moves to light, low-cost mobile devices. Even if you dont see it as a value you can access now, I assure you that its something youll want later. As a good friend in the industry is often quoted saying, There are more android devices being activated in the world each day than babies born. Every time youre bored in a dentist office or stuck on a bus, youll be able to battle in HEX through your mobile device. The sooner we get that team up and running, the better both in getting HEX into your tablet now and being able to improve it for the future.
PayPal Update
Were at $73,497.10, quickly approaching the six-figure mark! Way to go, PayPal backers!
PVE Content
We know a bunch of you out there are hungry for PVE content. In our Kickstarter launch video, you saw the 360 degrees Shinhare jungle city. Weve had some recent articles that revealed two dungeons. Kevin unveiled the first version of the Warrior talent tree, and Chris is writing an article that explains how the dungeon experience works from the player point-of-view. We do have plans to stream that content in the future when its more polished and close to what youll experience in the game. We do plan to roll out and stream PVE content just like youve seen us do with the PVP content, but thats going to be further in the future. Thanks for your patience, adventurers!
Next Twitch Feed
Speaking of streaming, well be hosting our next live Twitch feed on Monday, June 3rd at 5 PM PST. Well have some more decks and innovations to show you why HEX is a revolutionary product in the market place. Tell all your friends and have them subscribe here on Twitch.
Card Previews
Art intern Kyle Wlodyga writes about his experiences with the art process as a college intern and gives aspiring illustrators a glimpse into what companies need out of their freelance artists. You can read that here.
Thats all for today. Leave your comments below and please dont forget to Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, subscribe on YouTube, register for our forums, and keep sharing this HEX campaign. Thanks, HEXers!
Well that confirms that the Pro-Player Tier doesn't benefit at 1.5M aside from the Set 2 packs.
Ah, I misread and didn't notice that.More to the point, nobody benefits outside of Set 2 packs at 1.5M: the year of free drafts is officially included in the other $250 tiers, regardless of how much they raise.
This whole affair has been their first mis-step in the whole campaign, but I don't really see any mass walkout happening.
Someone here in GAF has backed the guild or grand king tier? Will be fun to make a Neogaf guild.
i dont like that, i much prefered a boost in their respective tier.
For example the guild tier get 30 booster pack a month to give to the guild member.
Add to everyone draft is the wrong move to do
Thats not correct is it? Isnt it just 30 packs x 3 once and thats it? Ive told quite a few of my friends about this. Hope they join. Im thinking of one of the 250 tiers but i have no clue what to pick..It seems that the pro-player is the most cost effective tier?
Are people playing this already? I'm watching the video and trying to find how exactly this is not MT:G...
Edit: I understand it has a lot of features. But talking about the core card-playing game itself... it doesn't feel different from Magic. Or am I wrong?
You're not wrong - mechanically, it's very similar to Magic. I think that's a really smart move because Wizards is sitting on a goldmine that they are not taking advantage of. If you want something to compare what Cryptozoic is doing, just think of Blizzard's lost opportunity with the MOBA genre that Riot and Valve were able to take advantage of.
The dungeon actually sounds cool. The only bad news I can see is that it's a point and click adventure. People who want actual 3D or even 2D models running around in a world may be disappointed, although we don't know how things are going to go outside of dungeons. Still, there are going to be people that will dismiss something as an MMO if they see it as a glorified chat room...
You're not wrong - mechanically, it's very similar to Magic. I think that's a really smart move because Wizards is sitting on a goldmine that they are not taking advantage of. If you want something to compare what Cryptozoic is doing, just think of Blizzard's lost opportunity with the MOBA genre that Riot and Valve were able to take advantage of.
Please excuse my ignorance because the last time i played magic was in middle school but what exactly is Magic not doing that this is?