Beat EviLore at pool.
Haven't played that much yet but did get my wand last night. I am digging the game so far.
I had heard about this streamer in passing last year about how she escaped from Ukraine, but came across this today. She tears this shit apart, incredible.
I had heard about this streamer in passing last year about how she escaped from Ukraine, but came across this today. She tears this shit apart, incredible.
they cultivated their audiences and stoked their delusions.
Shit, she''s even pretending Roger Waters is "Pro Russia".
I have no sympathy for these people.
did I claim she can';t have that opinion? I said I have no pity on people who cultivate audiences that turn on them. That includes GFR and all the rest. They helped create this hate, then are distressed when they are the focus.Or, it is a different opinion. You do realize you are doing exactly what you claim her audience is doing, right?
did I claim she can';t have that opinion? I said I have no pity on people who cultivate audiences that turn on them. That includes GFR and all the rest. They helped create this hate, then are distressed when they are the focus.
Hogwarts Legacy players on Xbox Series X and PC, expect a patch today to fix a few bugs and performance issues.
Due to a few extra issues we found, the PS5 patch will need to be pushed by a few days. This includes the fix for the "Collector's Edition" Trophy. We're now targeting the PS5 patch for later this week. Thank you for your patience while we work on this!
Get the amount, I think 9 for lvl 2 and another 13 for lvl3, and give them to the caretaker. He is in the place he leads you to for the mission,, right next to the faculty tower floo flame.To unlock level 2 & 3 locks do you just keep collecting the Demiguise Moons or do you have to find the caretaker?
You have to turn them into him. 9 moons for level 2. He's in the same spot, outside of the faculty section.To unlock level 2 & 3 locks do you just keep collecting the Demiguise Moons or do you have to find the caretaker?
From what I've played so far it looks like quests and finding pages is the way to go for experience, not grinding mobs. Maybe I'm wrong thoughIt's silly but I pretty much stuck to doing side quests outside of hogwarts and a bit of grinding after the first few hours. It's a bit addictive to just roam around fighting enemies and doing these quests. I had to put a pause on one of the side quests since I believe the spider boss monster was like level 32 and I was only level 16. Even with just the few spells of leviosa, pulling things close, and that fire blast spell you can crush a lot of enemies. Leveling up does take a bit longer than I thought it should since I was fighting quite a few enemies that were around 6 levels stronger than me most of the time. Felt like I was missing something though since the L1 button was not being used. So I went back to hogwarts to do more classes and ended up fixing that and just ended up learning how to actually use those defensive potions.
Complaints so far as mentioned was gear capacity, targeting, the npcs looking really weird when talking to me, and the world honestly kind of feels just like a very basic fantasy world. Like I was expecting a lot more oddities all over the place outside of just the pictures all over hogwarts. I want a more authentic feeling of hogwarts outside of the sorting hat. Although the world is beautiful I would like more exotic/unique areas to see/explore.
patch notes are here:'s a 345MB Patch on Steam right now. No patch notes
You have to dump them back at the caretaker for them to count if that’s what you mean.To unlock level 2 & 3 locks do you just keep collecting the Demiguise Moons or do you have to find the caretaker?
I really should be looking for those gobstones.Does it get any more cozy than Hogsmeade?
No your supposed to sell your shitThe whole gear slot thing tied to Merlin trials was kind of stupid. The game kind of forces you to do them.
Get basics first. Ancient magic generation is good no matter the build. So all the talents for that. The spell slots also. Defense potion talent is basically broken, complete invincibility and redirect spells for 20 seconds. Those are where I started. After that, wait till you got all the spells, so you can see which you like and want to build around.Any of have any good suggestions for how/where to spend talent point? I got 16 of them and I always overthink what to use them on. Especially since you can’t respec.
Did look at a “build guide” but i just don’t know…
Patch prolly broke something on PS5, and takes extra time to fix. Doubt they decided to work on xbox and pc over ps5.Damn, the platform with the (likely super expensive) marketing deal and that moved over 80% of the console units has to wait several days for their patch. I think I'd be annoyed if I was one of the PlayStation execs that put the deal together, and sold all of those units, only to get forced to play second fiddle to the platform you dwarfed and who got free advertising, essentially. Heh.
It's like something out of a story bookI really should be looking for those gobstones.
The caretaker's cabin's Field Guide page inside reads like it's supposed to be Hagrid's shack, or maybe it's just an allusion to a hypothetical large caretaker.I found the tower Dumbledore fell from in the Astronomy wing. Since Hogwart's is constantly changing it looks a little different. No clear path to the ground, for example.
I also went looking to see if Hagrit's would be shack already exists, but couldn't find anything convincing.
Agreed on both of these annoyances. I Googled last night thinking there had to be a way to set default appearances, but I couldn't find anything.JFC which psychopath decided it was a good idea to put L/R on the left thumbstick and Up/Down on the right thumbstick while flying? On what planet is this kind of control scheme a good idea?!
They really need to separate gear equip and transmog so you aren't sitting there manually re-applying your cosmetic overlays on every single piece of gear every time you upgrade to a new piece. And they should also implement cosmetic gear sets too so you can just push a button to equip your preferred appearance.
I completed some Merlin trials for this reason. It increases your gear capacity.Gear capacity is annoying as hell, this and targeting are my only complaints so far
The game takes place many generations before the HP movies, so Hagrid's shack likely doesn't exist yet. I think it was supposed to border the forest on the castle grounds.The caretaker's cabin's Field Guide page inside reads like it's supposed to be Hagrid's shack, or maybe it's just an allusion to a hypothetical large caretaker.
The cabin I'm talking about was right outside the forest on castle grounds, and the page you pick up alludes to Hagrid. This one:The game takes place many generations before the HP movies, so Hagrid's shack likely doesn't exist yet. I think it was supposed to border the forest on the castle grounds.
I say it every time it's brought up but Toy Story 3 was fantastic. It's one of the best kids games ever made and it's fun for adults as well. If you have an Xbox and a kid 100% buy it for them. It's only $10 and it still holds up very well.It’s hard to believe this is the first huge game these devs have made let alone first RPG and what not.
Far more quality and even quantity than I ever expected in almost every way.
I tried. It was inaccessible.Has anyone gone into the train tunnel with the spiders? I think something is there.
Imagine clowns paying 60 bucks for a mod to look like a dude with a wig when it's already in the gameUgly AF.
Looks like a dude with a wig.