Unknown Soldier
I'm honestly disappointed that they gave us all these fun spells and abilities that can hit single targets (and later on some can be upgraded to have small AoE effects), but every big fight in the game consists of you being locked into an arena with a horde of enemies around you. All of your effective crowd control is the plants essentially, so you throw your plants out and they get busy eating your enemies for you which isn't exactly fun when you most likely want to be using magic to murder your opponents.Upgrading all herbology skills and gear really is OP. Holy crap. Drop two cock-diesel cabbages at once, then a tentacula, warp off and hide, and they will wipe out a room - event he boss as well sometimes.
I could also complain about the absolutely terrible targeting system which also makes magic not fun compared to letting the plants do it. It drops your target the moment it moves off screen, it constantly switches targets on you even when locked on and trying to combo juggle somebody, it has no proximity priority and never targets the enemy standing directly in front of you trying to chew your face off, and for fuck's sakes when you Protego and Stupefy why the fuck does it reflect the Stupefy onto the target you're locked onto instead of the caster? Simply being able to Stupefy reflect onto the enemy behind you off the screen and make them stop for 2 seconds would go a long way towards letting you enjoy magic instead of relying on plants or becoming a stereotypical Souls dodge roller for the whole fight.