Painkiller Q8 said:Going to pick it up tonight, but I'm still confused about some thing.. PS3 or XBOX360 ?
ColonialRaptor said:Which controller do you like with FPS's better?
Warm Machine said:It wasn't a bad game at all. In what way was it bad? Was it the 50 player online multi? The vast array of vehicles? Huge well designed maps? Great useful and very balanced class system? The unique drone vehicles? The multiplayer ranking based on team play instead of k/d? The Frontline mechanic that forced tactical teamwork instead of lone wolf tactics? The best surround sound audio on a console game to that point eclipsing that of Bad Company? The destructible environments?
Or maybe because you never played it.
The vehicles were fine. The gameplay was decent too. But the gunplay... I swear it felt like a Time Crisis FPS. So bad. FoW made The Club look like gun porn.Spl1nter said:No. The gunplay and vehicle implementation was just poor. You know the core gameplay.
Read the policy that's ON THE RECEIPT.dustin said:Anyone know what gamestops return policy is on opened games with a receipt?
Painkiller Q8 said:Well, I to prefer play FPS's on Xbox controller.. and I was planing to get it on Xbox.. but after this (HEAD2HEAD) .. I don't know :S
Neverender said:I'm really enjoying this game so far. Not sure what the beef is.
Sinatar said:Yea that ini tweak didn't work. So basically I can't use vehicles or drones. This is awesome.
That combined with the campfest map design, hilariously overpowered sniper weapons and overly busy clustered maps is turning this into my worst purchase of the year. What a waste.
bhlaab said:So the graphics are great until you look at them
CcrooK said:Well, after a session of playing, leveled up to 22. MP at 32 players (to me) is a little to chaotic for my taste. The 16 man rooms I enjoy best. Oh and the SCAR is a fucking beast in this game. Getting close to the M16 so we'll see how that shapes up. I'm having a lot of fun with the MP. I just hope they put in some patch work with connecting with games. Also I've ran into a few games where the lag is out of control. What gives?
Moofers said:PS- All the game journos hyping up the game's "emotional toll" are full of shit. There's some cool stuff in the game, but the impact is lost because its presented in such CoD fashion. I'm a bit disappointed after hearing somebody on Weekend Confirmed talk about it like it haunted them.
TheApatheticOne said:I dont get the hate for this game. I'll admit, its not the prettiest game, but I had a lot of fun with the multiplayer last night. (I typically dont touch the single player of FPS)
I was having a blast with my air recon drones (with thick skin and extra fuel). My best game was 16 kills, 2 deaths, and 19 assist. Battle Commander is a blast, and I actually didnt run into snipers really at all. Im really looking forward to getting back to this after work.
disable fps cap and remove mouse lag:
1) close the game
2) go to ..\My Documents\My Games\HOMEFRONT\GCGame\Config
3) open GCEngine.ini
4) find and edit: bSmoothFrameRate=false UseVsync=false UseFPSSmoothing=false
5) save and close GCEngine.ini
6) open GCInput.ini
7) find and edit: bEnableMouseSmoothing=false
8) save and close GCInput.ini
9) load the game, click options, click system, check and uncheck v sync, click apply (this forces the game to read the updated configs)
turn off start movies:
1) close the game
2) go to ..\My Documents\My Games\HOMEFRONT\GCGame\Config
3) open GCEngine.ini
4) find and edit: bShouldStopMovieAtEndOfLoadMap=true ;+StartupMovies=LegalScreen_PC ;+StartupMovies=THQ ;+StartupMovies=ThreeLogos ;+StartupMovies=DE_Logo ;+StartupMovies=NVidia ;+StartupMovies=HomeIsLogo
5) save and close GCEngine.ini that's it!
if any of the above steps don't work for you, i suggest you start clean by deleting the auto-generated user configs and editing the master default configs. here's how:
delete user configs:
1) close the game
2) go to ..\My Documents\My Games\HOMEFRONT\GCGame\Config
3) delete GCEngine.ini and GCInput.ini (WARNING: this will erase all of your current Homefront settings)
disable fps cap and remove mouse lag:
1) go to ..\Steam\steamapps\common\homefront\Engine\Config
2) open BaseEngine.ini
3) find and edit: bSmoothFrameRate=false UseVsync=false UseFPSSmoothing=false
4) save and close BaseEngine.ini
5) open BaseInput.ini
6) find and edit: bEnableMouseSmoothing=false
7) save and close BaseInput.ini
8) load the game, click options, click system, check and uncheck v sync, click apply
turn off start movies:
1) close the game
2) go to ..\Steam\steamapps\common\homefront\GCGame\Config
3) open DefaultEngine.ini
4) find and edit: bShouldStopMovieAtEndOfLoadMap=true ;+StartupMovies=LegalScreen_PC ;+StartupMovies=THQ ;+StartupMovies=ThreeLogos ;+StartupMovies=DE_Logo ;+StartupMovies=NVidia ;+StartupMovies=HomeIsLogo
CronosBlade said:Time I hit start button - 8:55 PM
Time I saw credits - 12:30 AM
Thank god for Gamefly!
Pylon_Trooper said:Steering clear of all the naysaying, I'm super-hyped for the multiplayer side of things. I'm more a Battlefield man than a COD'er
Marleyman said:I have a friend telling me that it is more of a COD-type game than Battlefield, other than the map sizes. I just find it tough to get into an FPS that isn't built with the Frostbite engine.
Marleyman said:I have a friend telling me that it is more of a COD-type game than Battlefield, other than the map sizes. I just find it tough to get into an FPS that isn't built with the Frostbite engine.
TheApatheticOne said:I guess its a experiences may vary type deal, but as someone that has put a ton of time in both CoD:BLOPS/MW2 and BFBC2, I would personally say it feels much more like Battlefield than CoD.
TheApatheticOne said:I guess its a experiences may vary type deal, but as someone that has put a ton of time in both CoD:BLOPS/MW2 and BFBC2, I would personally say it feels much more like Battlefield than CoD.
TheApatheticOne said:I guess its a experiences may vary type deal, but as someone that has put a ton of time in both CoD:BLOPS/MW2 and BFBC2, I would personally say it feels much more like Battlefield than CoD.
Marleyman said:I have a friend telling me that it is more of a COD-type game than Battlefield, other than the map sizes. I just find it tough to get into an FPS that isn't built with the Frostbite engine.
Pylon_Trooper said:So, you reckon there'll be a nice community grown out of this, particularly the PC version? Seems like it's fallen quite nicely after the CODBLOPS hubbub and well before any Battlefield 3 rears its gigantic head...
...any predictions?
Pylon_Trooper said:Okay, so we've got some polarity here. Some say it's COD'y, others Battlefield-esque! Curiouser and curiouser!
wwm0nkey said:So I hear this game blows according to some people. Sucks because it looked really good![]()
wwm0nkey said:So I hear this game blows according to some people. Sucks because it looked really good![]()
MechDX said:Its a cross between BF/CoD/Pokemon! How can this be bad?
TheApatheticOne said:It is a shame. I mean, if you're looking for something new in the world of FPS, I definitely would recommend this game. Granted, the servers need work (could only get into Skirmish and BC Skirmish last night, 360 version), GC needs to be longer, and Im sure more things will arise, but everything else was great. A very good sense of familiarity mixed in with it being something different as well (especially BC mode).
Mr. Snrub said:I'm pretty positive this is server-configured. Rounds the first day were lasting like ~5-10 mins, total, and yesterday each set of capture points took a lot longer.
Mr. Snrub said:Nah, definitely not COD-ish. I can't stand COD--could never get into it. Maybe TDM feels more like COD, but Ground Control is like a mix of BF/BC's Conquest mode (as far as capturing point) and Rush mode (as far as map advancing goes), and feels like it, too.
Mr. Snrub said:I'd say the gunplay is more COD than BF, but I kinda prefer that. The gun sounds are much better than COD, but people aren't bullet sponges like in BF/BC. I like BC2 Vietnam because the weapons deal more damage and feel lethal. Guns are very lethal in Homefront.
Confidence Man said:As for Battlefield it's really made with vehicles as a core component and they feel more integrated; as soon as you start a game there are tanks rolling and choppers flying around, whereas in Homefront it seems to be more of an infantry game where vehicles are the exception rather than the rule, although the drones do have a large presence.
wwm0nkey said:So I hear this game blows according to some people. Sucks because it looked really good![]()