How are the controllers on the console version compared to the Call of Duty controls?
Chrange said:So I redeemed the code for online play at home on the web, then played some single player last night. Today I try to play at the office and get the 'redeem code to go past 5' message...
Tied to the machine?
test_account said:How are the controllers on the console version compared to the Call of Duty controls?
Chrange said:So I redeemed the code for online play at home on the web, then played some single player last night. Today I try to play at the office and get the 'redeem code to go past 5' message...
Tied to the machine?
sparky2112 said:Man, I'm gonna be PISSED if this is the case (which I'm sure it is - why wouldn't it be?) I've got THREE 360s in my house.
How much does an extra code cost?
I'll believe it when it hits reddit and gets a thread made about it.Rated-Rsuperstar said:Just saw this video on youtube. Apparently the guy complained to Kaos's community manager and they went and outright banned him from both the multi and singleplayer portion of the game. I didn't even think it was possible to ban someone from playing SP.
Deadly Cyclone said:Some good news, THQ is touting around 375,000 units sold on day 1 in the U.S.
Deadly Cyclone said:Some good news, THQ is touting around 375,000 units sold on day 1 in the U.S.
Sethos said:That's not too shabby, how does that compare with other games? Never really heard of many Day 1 sale numbers.
Deadly Cyclone said:Some good news, THQ is touting around 375,000 units sold on day 1 in the U.S.
SneakyStephan said:Ugh, I renounce all my love for the makers of DC.
This game is awful, the sp is extremely crummy (wasn't expecting anything else).
But the mp is just a mess.
Everything from the jumpy framerates, enemy models blending into the ugly colors of the surroundings, huge diff between ironsight and normal aim speed, more than weird tank turret control, floaty humvee machine gun controls, 70 round magazines with 1 sec reload times no recoil for most weaps and 2 bullets killing people (it's like having a frigging fully automatic AWP with endless mag size in CS) , commander mode which instead of punishing snipers and campers ends up punishing that guy who just killed 3 people to clear out the objective and is trying to defend it while it's capping and graphics that look like a very primitive xbox game (I don't mind q3 or even cs graphics, but this just looks out of place, and runs horribly too).
Meh, there is just too much that ruins any decent experience you might ever have with it.
Maps are all just a big square field with a bunch of objects/houses plopped down in them.
bc2:vietnam, cs, q3, rtcw, tf2, ut99 and the likes all weep , for their intelligent map design clearly did not rub off on these chumps.
Second time in 3 years that I buy a game before trying it, second time that I get burnt.
Before anyone says I got my ass kicked and am here to vent, I was topping the scores in the last 3 games, and I'd rather come in last in a cs , AA 1 (rip) or q3 match than win in this.
I'm tired and cranky, time to call it for today.
Deadly Cyclone said:Some good news, THQ is touting around 375,000 units sold on day 1 in the U.S.
anyway multiplayer is also super fucking bad. there are no ballistics whatsoever and the guns are all super powerful laser guns with no recoil and there's no environment destruction at all. trying to drive around in a tank is just pointless because as previously mentioned, you will get stopped cold by fucking picket fences that are everywhere on the tiny ass levels
also the way it works is, the bullets come out of your fucking skull. if you have line of sight on something you can shoot it, even if your gun is like clearly firing into a brick wall. it's fucking terrible
yeah that's me in an abrams being stopped COLD by a wooden fence
bhlaab said:
Our Skirmish playlists are capped at a lower player count (16 max) which means they do not require a dedicated server. Our peer-to-peer networking code runs great, and the performance will be similar to what youd expect from any FPS with a solid peer-to-peer infrastructure, like the Halo series. You will certainly be able to get a queue-free taste of the full Homefront experience, until our dedicated server capacity is high enough to support demand.
DUN GOOFD said:wow this game is unplayable on PS3.
cant find servers.
party system doesnt work.
backing out of game lobby restarts your system.
how could they release crap like this??
Deadly Cyclone said:Some good news, THQ is touting around 375,000 units sold on day 1 in the U.S.
I've got into games all day just fine on ps3DUN GOOFD said:wow this game is unplayable on PS3.
cant find servers.
party system doesnt work.
backing out of game lobby restarts your system.
how could they release crap like this??
That's not his real twitter. This is his Twitter:Deadly Cyclone said:Wow, just read the guy's Twitter feed, he is a class-A douche.
"#whosaiditwasok to be mexican? all of them need to be hit by a #tsunami"
Do you have anything to contribute or is every post going to be an attention-seeking troll attempt?bhlaab said:
C Jones said:That's not his real twitter. This is his Twitter:
~Kinggi~ said:Are you fucking shitting me?
1 Day. Hey thanks all those people that preordered for 57$ now go fuck yourselves cause we be dropping the price!
Fuck preorders and fuck this shit.
~Kinggi~ said:Are you fucking shitting me?
1 Day. Hey thanks all those people that preordered for 57$ now go fuck yourselves cause we be dropping the price!
Fuck preorders and fuck this shit.
Hmm, the MP did seem interesting, how many people are currently playing do you think?commish said:Amazon gave me the difference. So, with the 15 dollars in promotional credit I received for pre-ordering, the game cost me a net price of under $30. Seeing how much I am loving MP, it is well worth it.
Give it back. Chances are excellent you're going to regret it, especially with the inevitable price drops coming. Seriously. Don't open it.Ramirez said:I have the game sitting here, unopened, I'm really torn on whether or not I should give it a go or take it back for something else.I really wish they would have had a demo...
Ramirez said:I have the game sitting here, unopened, I'm really torn on whether or not I should give it a go or take it back for something else.I really wish they would have had a demo...
When did you preorder?commish said:Amazon gave me the difference. So, with the 15 dollars in promotional credit I received for pre-ordering, the game cost me a net price of under $30. Seeing how much I am loving MP, it is well worth it.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Hmm, the MP did seem interesting, how many people are currently playing do you think?
bkfount said:it dropped almost $20 in one day and has server issues. Don't open it and save the $60 for something else. You will always be able to pick this up cheap as hell, probably by the end of the month.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Hmm, the MP did seem interesting, how many people are currently playing do you think?
eznark said:When did you preorder?