SumGamer said:I am a fool to not know that word LOL. Apologize for my foolishness.
I apologize for laughing at you but God damn that was hilarious.
SumGamer said:I am a fool to not know that word LOL. Apologize for my foolishness.
PM sentcjtiger300 said:Yeah, I have had a few lockups, but nothing terrible. Lets try to squad up today. From what it looks like, you can have up to 16 in a squad! Thats crazy!!!
Mines the same as my username here. I might be full though, so send me yours.
Mr. Snrub said:Anyone have a favorite loadout yet? I've been mainly using this, but really liking the SCAR lately:
Primary: ACR
Grenade: Flashbang
Attachment: ACOG
Equipment 1: White phosphorous
Equipment 2: Personal UAV
Abilities: Grizzled (XP bonus); Quickdraw (faster ADS)
eznark said:I apologize for laughing at you but God damn that was hilarious.
Hey guys, we're working hard on putting together another in-depth MP update for later today or early tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!
Erasus said:Thinking about getting this on PC. But I hear it is a sniper fest like MoH... True or not?
This is easily the worst game I have ever played when it comes to snipers/campers. No exaggeration. I'd be shocked if that patch doesn't include some sort of fix, frankly. And yes, you can spend massive amounts of points and take out the snipers...who simply respawn at no cost and get right back to it.Erasus said:Thinking about getting this on PC. But I hear it is a sniper fest like MoH... True or not?
Erasus said:Thinking about getting this on PC. But I hear it is a sniper fest like MoH... True or not?
What do you think the fix could be? Snipers arent close to being overpowered. They are effective but there are things in place to help combat them (parrot drone). Maybe not so much at the early levels so I guess maybe that is the problem. The game is not as run and pop friendly as CoD imo.nyong said:This is easily the worst game I have ever played when it comes to snipers/campers. No exaggeration. I'd be shocked if that patch doesn't include some sort of fix, frankly. And yes, you can spend massive amounts of points and take out the snipers...who simply respawn at no cost and get right back to it.
Someone from DE posted in the Steam forum that they were fixing that on the PC version. He didn't say how. No word on the consoles.nyong said:This is easily the worst game I have ever played when it comes to snipers/campers. No exaggeration. I'd be shocked if that patch doesn't include some sort of fix, frankly.
Mr. Snrub said:Not true. Just usual whining about snipers in any FPS, except this game has a mode that identifies them as a target. You also have a number of ways to kill campers, including an airburst grenade.
Air burst grenade costs 1200 battle points... that's a big deal to spend on one little sniper who will respawn 4 seconds later.Mr. Snrub said:Not true. Just usual whining about snipers in any FPS, except this game has a mode that identifies them as a target. You also have a number of ways to kill campers, including an airburst grenade.
nyong said:This is easily the worst game I have ever played when it comes to snipers/campers. No exaggeration. I'd be shocked if that patch doesn't include some sort of fix, frankly. And yes, you can spend massive amounts of points and take out the snipers...who simply respawn at no cost and get right back to it.
RavenHawk said:Maybe you have ways to kill campers ala the airburst grenade and other means, but for those like myself who are grunt-level, you are target practice. The game has some interesting concepts, but you are at a significant disadvantage when you start out.
SneakyStephan said:Air burst grenade costs 1200 battle points... that's a big deal to spend on one little sniper who will respawn 4 seconds later.
Battle commander mode does not identify the target, all it does is show you the position where he got his last kill from.
Whil it does work to help prevent spawn camping and camping in general, he can move between every kill once he is marked.
This is why you will see most snipers (who got the hang of the game) snipe from somewhere on a hill, so they can hide behind it and move a bit to the side between kills.
No, and that's one of the issues I have with the game. You can't kill people in vehicles. The guy in the tank turret is half exposed yet you can't shoot him at all.SapientWolf said:Someone from DE posted in the Steam forum that they were fixing that on the PC version. He didn't say how. No word on the consoles.
Can you get sniped through the jeep?
SneakyStephan said:Air burst grenade costs 1200 battle points... that's a big deal to spend on one little sniper who will respawn 4 seconds later.
Battle commander mode does not identify the target, all it does is show you the position where he got his last kill from.
Whil it does work to help prevent spawn camping and camping in general, he can move between every kill once he is marked.
This is why you will see most snipers (who got the hang of the game) snipe from somewhere on a hill, so they can hide behind it and move a bit to the side between kills.
But yes, snipers aren't that super effective to get long killing streaks, but they ARE extremely cheap to get killed by in this game, and you rely completely on your team to cockblock them all game long. (which is why I pretty much always play the spotter, noone else seems to do it).
Many matches on pc end up having 7 + snipers on each team in no time.
People complain about bc2 sniping but I never minded it, (at least not enemy snipers), a bit of erratic movement + bullet travel would keep most snipers from ever hitting you.
This is something entirely different though.
commish said:I complained about snipers in BC2 not because they killed me, but because as played by retards they are fucking useless in taking objectives in all FPS. Even in this game, I did see 4 snipers on a hill on my team, capturing nothing. It's like that in all FPSs tho. People love to be snipers.
Erasus said:Thinking about getting this on PC. But I hear it is a sniper fest like MoH... True or not?
That's hilarious, but I can kind of see why they did that.angelfly said:No, and that's one of the issues I have with the game. You can't kill people in vehicles. The guy in the tank turret is half exposed yet you can't shoot him at all.
kamspy said:Snipers are easy to counter with drones.
Add me Homfront PC GAF: kamspy
kamspy said:Snipers are easy to counter with drones.
Add me Homfront PC GAF: kamspy
angelfly said:No, and that's one of the issues I have with the game. You can't kill people in vehicles. The guy in the tank turret is half exposed yet you can't shoot him at all.
SneakyStephan said:Battle commander mode does not identify the target, all it does is show you the position where he got his last kill from.
Whil it does work to help prevent spawn camping and camping in general, he can move between every kill once he is marked.
This is why you will see most snipers (who got the hang of the game) snipe from somewhere on a hill, so they can hide behind it and move a bit to the side between kills.
All counters have counters. I'd say thats a good thing.SneakyStephan said:I'm going to repeat this, parrot drones are easy to counter with very cheap AT drones.
SneakyStephan said:If you are going to assume that the people dealing with the snipers aren't retarded than please do assume that the snipers themselves aren't retarded either and will take out parrots (3 sniper bullets) and move if they got a star.
Deadly Cyclone said:The area it shows moves with him every set number of seconds, also when he reaches 3 stars it will show where he is. At one and two stars only 2 or 4 people can see his general area, but that number grows immensely once he hits 3.
I understand the need for tradeoffs because no one wants to play a game where you get shot in the leg and then your character falls on to the ground and you have to watch him lay there and bleed to death for 4 hours but I think there's a difference between that and a tank being able to run over wooden fences. When I'm driving a tank in a game I understand certain qualities about tanks such as their tendency to fuck up things they run into, and when these expectations are betrayed to such a ridiculous degree as to my tank being totally powerless against a 3 foot wooden picket fence then not only is my suspension of disbelief shattered but it fucks with how I play the game (not planning for wooden fences to be obstacles when I'm driving a tank because I'm driving a tank).commish said:Uhhh... games have been making these kinds of tradeoffs since the beginning of time. Are you arguing for uber realism? As in, one shot and you're dead? Tanks that can level a building in seconds? I'm not sure what you are arguing for, to be honest. How would you rather have them design the level, or do you want tanks and choppers and the rest of the vehicles removed altogether?
Automatically flag their location and lower the cost of sniper-counters? Recoil? I dunno. It's a balance issue, but it's a genuine issue that alot of people are complaining about. I hate the fact I can't run 10 feet on most maps without getting sprayed by someone sitting half-way across the map. Line-of-sight is an issue as well. If they can see you, they can hit you, regardless of where their gun-barrel is pointing. I suspect they had issues with environmental collision's pretty atrocious in vehicles or when trying to leap over stuff.PhatSaqs said:What do you think the fix could be? Snipers arent close to being overpowered. They are effective but there are things in place to help combat them (parrot drone). Maybe not so much at the early levels so I guess maybe that is the problem. The game is not as run and pop friendly as CoD imo.
Well yes, but the AT is imo a bit cheap for how effective it is.PhatSaqs said:All counters have counters. I'd say thats a good thing.
SneakyStephan said:It's amazing as patrolling vehicle though, you just let it fly around and save your 2 shots to keep people from capping your objective/take out a tank/def an objective.
Mr. Snrub said:
A very long time if you take the buddy perk.Mr. Snrub said:Man, I really wish I knew how the demo recorder looked so I could show the games I'm in. Very little camp fests, everyone's running to capture points, etc.
Wow, now that's a good idea, didn't think of long can it stay in air before fuel runs out?
kamspy said:Oh, killer! I sent invites to everyone listed in CST and EST. I also joined the community group. Going to try and wrap up DA2 tonight and tomorrow so I can play Homefront all weekend.
I usually give a shit less about KDR and just go for objectives. I'm also happy to do tactical shit, so yeah. Hope this ends up being fun.
SneakyStephan said:A very long time if you take the buddy perk.
What are your PC specs because I wouldn't get either one on the PS3, to be honest. The framerates aren't all that great.Cornbread78 said:Help me, Homefront or Crysis 2? I already paid for teh pre-order of Crysis2, but I'm hearing the Ps3 version is flawed and horrible...
Np, try combining the buddy, rhino armor, and drone speed perks for your scouting btw, they give your parrot some real legs to last on.Mr. Snrub said:.
Nice, thanks for the tip.
TheApatheticOne said:Still weirded out by how many people are complaining about snipers. I guess Im just getting lucky?
Anyways, whoever ever said that this is the worst game you have ever played for snipers being everywhere, did you play MoH, MW2, or Mw1?
None of the above. I took a break from shooters this generation apart from TF2, CS:S, LFD1/2, and BC2. I've played a few others like AvP for short stints as well.TheApatheticOne said:Anyways, whoever ever said that this is the worst game you have ever played for snipers being everywhere, did you play MoH, MW2, or Mw1?
Mr. Snrub said:Also, SCANDAL: someone says they see that Homefront shipped with 10 maps. DLC? Not sure if this can be verified, though.
Mr. Snrub said:Your starting loadouts have hellfire missiles and the buzzard missile done.
Sounds like my experiences so far. I'd love to see a video of anyone taking objectives and coming out with a positive kill/death ratio. Taking objectives offensively turns into a war of attrition just about every time for me.RavenHawk said:The game pretty much continued this way, with me going 3-12 while capping 2 points. At what point in time was I supposed to be able to afford to purchase a hellfire missile?
Two more levels until I have itdesu said:The maps are Harbor, Lowlands, Suburb and BigBox.
Also had a blast today, recon drone with 5 stars is just way too awesome.
Second sniper is way too crazy imho, the vision makes it so easy to find people.
SneakyStephan said:Np, try combining the buddy, rhino armor, and drone speed perks for your scouting btw, they give your parrot some real legs to last on.
Each star resets your fuel as far as I know (I've stayed up for well over 10 minutes at a time with a drone)
You can also re-mark an enemy as soon as the red marker starts to flash.
If you can get behind 5-6 clustered enemies early on you can rack up some ridiculous amounts of BP and level up your drone in no time that way.
Once your drone is 3 star (I think it's 3) it will repair itself.
Once it has 5 stars it's a boss, hover around cover and noone can take you out (again unless they use an AT)
My highest so far is 5800 BP with a single drone , blew it all on a chopper and 3 airbursts in the last couple of minutes ^^
Herding an enemy sniper who is dead set on taking you out with his pistol into your infantry with your 5 star drone is beyond hilarious. (you can tell I don't like them can't you)
One more reason why I hate the snipers in this game is that every time an infantry guy on my team figures out that I'm being his scouting bitch , and he decides to go for objectives , and we are totally tearing them up together, some random sniper from the other side of the map sitting inside a sewer pipe or in some grass will randomly take him out.
Effing party poopers.
@ clocker: yeah the little flying rocket drone counters snipers fairly hard, but it's oh so fragile.
I try to scan the skies for them everytime I hear the telltale PSHPSHHH rocket sound if I'm infantry, because they are easy fast free points, and will wreck your team if you leave them alone.
nyong said:Sounds like my experiences so far. I'd love to see a video of anyone taking objectives and coming out with a positive kill/death ratio. Taking objectives offensively turns into a war of attrition just about every time for me.
If you notice the players putting choppers into the sky, it's usually the snipers too.
nyong said:Sounds like my experiences so far. I'd love to see a video of anyone taking objectives and coming out with a positive kill/death ratio. Taking objectives offensively turns into a war of attrition just about every time for me.
If you notice the players putting choppers into the sky, it's usually the snipers too.