on the conquest ending path now, all I need to do now is... get the shares of each nation up to 80....oh sweet jesus I'm going to die
Wait, why?
I think there's some throwaway line in a very early tutorial that robots are weak to magic, but you don't first encounter robots until way later and it isn't the main focus of the tutorial so I didn't even realise it until I saw someone else bring it up on another forum.So Re;Birth is awesome (first Nep game) but the grinding is ridiculous.why wasn't I told that the robot boss at the end of Chapter 2 resisted physical attacks? All the robots. I died and had to redo that whole dungeon because NO SAVE POINT :C
So Re;Birth is awesome (first Nep game) but the grinding is ridiculous.why wasn't I told that the robot boss at the end of Chapter 2 resisted physical attacks? All the robots. I died and had to redo that whole dungeon because NO SAVE POINT :C
oracle plans, but histoire's didn't trigger so i guess you can't get them in the conquest ending, going for maker's now so i'll do it then
The thing is, I "get" what RED is all about.
RED entertainment is responsible for Sakurai Taisen and Agarest War, which are pretty much waifu-centric games.
But good GOD she is just obnoxious. Every time she's onscreen she's talking about wifeys. It's like if CAVE interjected into every conversation with "I can dodge this!" or "my hitbox is sooooooooo tiny".
I google searched it and found it out. I feel the rest of the game won't be that difficult.I think there's some throwaway line in a very early tutorial that robots are weak to magic, but you don't first encounter robots until way later and it isn't the main focus of the tutorial so I didn't even realise it until I saw someone else bring it up on another forum.
I'm not buying any of the DLC until NG+ just for a first playthrough. I've been making the dungeon plans and I did the Weaken Enemies one because they just got annoying for me. I used Life Rings forIt's unfortunate, but Rebirth 1 is the only game that has the awful difficulty spikes fortunately. IIRC it's just 3-4 bosses that are like that. Plutia is pretty OP BTW (she's a $1 DLC character, all the DLC chars are pretty good). You still shouldn't need THAT much grinding if you do optional dungeons though. At least I didn't, but I know the drill pretty well. Also use life rings.
And the Plan system is NOT optional, Rebirth 1 more than any other game really seems to expect you to use it a lot, and more generally you're better off using the plan system in any of the games.
You say this but it's still Lauren Landa. You're probably just annoyed at the new direction/lines, which is understandable, but I really can't tell the difference.I love Cave talking about her hitbox/etc. But RED's only annoying because they had to cram her in to replace NISA and honestly NISA was always just blabbing about JUSTICE instead of wifies. Broccoli is also crammed in, to replace Gust...not sure why.
Also disappointed they re-voiced cave, her original VA in Mk2 was way better. More serious and deep sounding, this one's eh.
the adorable music note tatoo
Word.Red is just like Plutia, awesome at first but the gimmick got old super fast, also her having a big chest always weirded me out for some reason, should've been pettanko
also how in the hell can anyone not love 5pb?
she seriously has the best design of any maker, hell of any character in the franchise
the blue hair, the black/pink clothes, the equalizer waves in her eyes that change based on her mood, the cute heart guitar pick, the awesome headphones, the adorable music note tatoo
all hail 5pb, haters can get owned
Don't forget, the Re;Birth 3 LE is up for preorder in EU, and will be in NA at 6PM PST tonight!
Man, this pisses me off. Is there a list anywhere with all dungeons? I was so sure I had all, but since I have everything beaten in Stella's Dungeon, but the Neptral Tower and only have 6 of 7 stars, I am missing something. I got everything that is requried to get toWhat lese is there to find?Trinity March.
Apparently the colosseum is improperly-named in the localization due to reasons.To answer your question the colosseum does count for Stellas trophy. The colosseum is actually called the neptral tower and you need the moon key plan to unlock the door on the 50th floor. You can get the moon key by completing the junk box dungeon with stella. once you get the moon key the colosseum will have 99 floors and it will take about 9hrs and 54min to complete. Once you complete all the dungeons , the True Neptral Tower will unlock. and it will have floors 1000-10000. Thats where the fun begins because this take 13hrs and 20mins to complete. And thats with the dlc. Oh and the colosseum does have one of the star pieces called the Benetnasch.
Man all this complaining about poor Stella. She totally gets better in RB3, I swear!
Pretty sure this sums up the thread mood though (might want to reduce your volume a bit).
So, has anyone had a dramatic cutscene ruined by Stella yet?
Fuck Stella's Dungeon. I thought I unlocked all dungeons, missed trinity marsh. There's always one trophy that's soul destroying in Neptunia.
I wasn't gonna get Re;birth 3 because I liked Victory the least in the series, but I have gotten my boyfriend into the series and he tells me we need to get it haha. I'm not gonna lie, the 12 or more free character dlc and the fact makers can 'boost' like CPU's is tempting. I don't know though.
So I sat down and tried to write a review for Re;Birth 2.
But ehh...I think I sabotaged it by watching eXistenZ shortly before.
My mind is well and truly screwed right now.
Short version: I thought Nep2 was alright, although less funny than the first game. Also there were moments where I just felt really uncomfortable.
I google searched it and found it out. I feel the rest of the game won't be that difficult.
I'm not buying any of the DLC until NG+ just for a first playthrough. I've been making the dungeon plans and I did the Weaken Enemies one because they just got annoying for me. I used Life Rings forafter losing to her once.White Heart
You say this but it's still Lauren Landa. You're probably just annoyed at the new direction/lines, which is understandable, but I really can't tell the difference.
I'm surprised at all the people I'm suddenly seeing that hate Victory. I thought it was clearly the best game (game-wise) in the series and I'm not sure the series would be seeing nearly as much current success without it. Victory's combat system basically made the games worth playing.
Do people really, REALLY hate Iris Heart or what? The combat is the first decent system, the character portraits are good (it looks like they're AWFUL in 1 but they're good in Mk2 as well), the new outfits are better IMO, the HDN1 designs were too scaredy-cat to incorporate game references for the most part, though I do love those designs too. Except Vert's HDD, it's a billion times better in Victory.
I actually bought all 3 characters and enjoyed them. Without Plutia I probably wouldn't have beaten the game this fast....why? The characters are $3 total and NG+ is grind hell. Buy the characters and enjoy them. Or be a skinflint and save $3 by not buying 3 complete characters, but I see no good reason to save them for playthrough 2+, NG+ is consistently my biggest complaint about these games.
Well for RB3:I love Iris Heart funnily enough! I thought the gameplay was by far the best in the series but I've held these feelings since I first played it when it came out. My biggest gripes were:
. Dub was almost none existent. Most story scenes were soundless and I found most of the content to be boring without some form of voicing.
. The Seven Sages weren't interesting in my opinion.Rei was and is the most interesting.
. Scouts. Nuff said. Required for true ending? Die.
. The difficulty spikes were worse than Re;birth 1, I stopped playing for months because I was sick of finally beating a boss to find the next boss almost one hit kills me every move.
Now, the gameplay was great and I love Plutia/Iris Heart, but I enjoyed every other game more.
So that's why I'm unsure if I should get Re;birth 3.
So basically, just send all those idiots out till you get the dungeons in question, then go inside and view an event. 6 events in total.If you are going for True Ending, you will need to go to the following locations for a scene:
You can set all your scouts out to do their job and then save before checking the Scout Board in town. If you don't get anything you need, like a dungeon you are looking for, reload and try again.
- Leggo Island - Scout Discovery located in Planeptune (objective crystal located in the 2nd zone)
- Vita Dimension - Scout Discovery located in Lastation (objective crystal located in the back of the zone)
- So Shal Forest - Scout Discovery located in Hello Continent (objective crystal located in the back of the zone)
- Keraga Dimenion - located in Hello Continent (objective crystal located in the back of the zone)
- Pii Shii Game Factory - Scout Discovery located in PC Continent (objective crystal located in the eastern room)
- Graphic Pass - Scout Discovery located in Eden (objective crystal located in the 2nd zone)
Well for RB3:
-The lack of dub is pretty damning, but it looks like this'll be remedied considering RB2 had just as much dub audio as Japanese audio, and the fact that the RB3 cartridges are so packed they had to add Japanese audio as free DLC
-I thought Anonydeath and Copypaste were pretty funny but definitely agree on. No changes that I know of here though.Rei
-Scouts are gone, it's all Remake system now to get the extra dungeons and stuff.
-Hmmm, yeah, dunno about difficulty spikes, but the gameplay's been revamped to some weird fusion of V and Mk2's systems. Could be better, could be worse.
I'd probably hold off till I hear post-release opinions if I were you though.
Actually, there are no chapters locked behind scouts. Only the final boss' second form. Although it also messes with your party composition and has some different event scenes.
To get the last chapters you just need to view 5 Events that are really nigh impossible to miss if you're diligent and check Planeptune all the time.
Anyway, are you in Chapter 9? You can still salvage the situation provided you haven't fought a certain someone. Quoting a guide:
So basically, just send all those idiots out till you get the dungeons in question, then go inside and view an event. 6 events in total.
Scouts in VII are way better. They just bring you money, items, or have a direct effect on a dungeon, like say, +10% to item drops or +290% to shares gained. Stuff like that.
One of those effects is tough enemies and bosses and such, so you can basically turn those at will any time(with the caveat that the scout lasts for 10 minutes at a time). And flags have been turned into an item you can use from your inventory, similar to plans you just flip them on or off.
The people that work at IFI are some great guys and gals. I love their competitions.
p.s sorry for some pretty crappy quality photo.
I actually bought all 3 characters and enjoyed them. Without Plutia I probably wouldn't have beaten the game this fast.
I started Re;Birth 2 last night but after finishing Re;Birth 1 for 11 hours I only played for a short time. It seems easier than the first game.
Also I just found out some of the songs in the game from Victory were composed by Nobuo Uematsu.
I love Iris Heart funnily enough! I thought the gameplay was by far the best in the series but I've held these feelings since I first played it when it came out. My biggest gripes were:
. Dub was almost none existent. Most story scenes were soundless and I found most of the content to be boring without some form of voicing.
. The Seven Sages weren't interesting in my opinion.Rei was and is the most interesting.
. Scouts. Nuff said. Required for true ending? Die.
. The difficulty spikes were worse than Re;birth 1, I stopped playing for months because I was sick of finally beating a boss to find the next boss almost one hit kills me every move.
Now, the gameplay was great and I love Plutia/Iris Heart, but I enjoyed every other game more.
So that's why I'm unsure if I should get Re;birth 3.
. I thought that would be the case, RB;2 being almost fully dubbed was a happy surprise. Hopefully RB;3 is fully dubbed.
And on another, another note, did anyone ever enter IFI's competitions? I entered their first one, the Christmas competition of 2013 and won, and my heart about stopped I tell you ~
I just took a photo recently to show some friends so I'll put it up here, it was a framed graphic of Purple and Iris Heart, signed by Tsunako herself.
I kinda feel sorry for her.Mizuno-san: Probably the one I’m most proud of and think is most necessary to use is the scout system, where you send out characters to get stuff and bring things back to you. So much so that we made the bosses really powerful so that if you aren’t using the system or taking your time to explore, the boss will really hand it to you. It’s really cool and I love it so please use it!
As expected, the One True Goddess steals the show with her peerless fashion sense.
Get outta the game's title, Neptune.
Noire's text bubble is some kind of apology for sucking so badly. Source: I don't speak Japanese.
Vert in decent outfit shock. Leanbox shares see unprecedented rise as a result (1 → 2).
New IF contest on Facebook. I won't be good enough to enter, but I want those plush! The Nep looks different than the one NISA sells, too. (Someone commented on Facebook and found both for $700 on eBay, holy crap!)
Alright so, shares are not a percentage anymore. You can have full bars for every nation. They increase with quests, and with the right Scouts in a dungeon you can get some pretty massive boosts to your share gain rate.So I need to find some sort of "mk2" robot in Victory 2 for an important quest, anyone know where it is? Here's the quest page. I don't see it on my map, not sure if I'm just missing scouted bosses or if it comes later than I'm at.
Also, how do shares work now? I'm using Noire and Uni no less than anyone else but their shares are 0%. I'm not using anyone from Lowee if I can avoid it and theirs are on par with the other nations.
Also, what are the "stars" on the map for each area? Assuming it's to do with scouts?
That's cause those plushes were only ever made for buying the anime volumes in Japan. They're the kinda super limited merch that sells for that much. NISA's is readily available and I assume lower quality or something. I still find it weird they released those AFTER losing the franchise.
VII's website updated. Million looks pretty neat.
Not sure if I care for her friend though.
That's cause those plushes were only ever made for buying the anime volumes in Japan. They're the kinda super limited merch that sells for that much. NISA's is readily available and I assume lower quality or something. I still find it weird they released those AFTER losing the franchise.
Alright so, shares are not a percentage anymore. You can have full bars for every nation. They increase with quests, and with the right Scouts in a dungeon you can get some pretty massive boosts to your share gain rate.
Here's the kicker. Shares decrease for every transformation or character knocked out. They're not permanently lost or anything, but you can't just transform all willy nilly anymore and nor can you revive people nonstop with zero consequences. Sure all you lose is a sorta minor stat boost...The rest I'm not too sure about so I'm just gonna guess. The stars on the map I assume is related to Hidden Treasures. There's no scan anymore, but to make a hidden treasure appear, first a Scout must uncover a condition. Then, within that dungeon, you must fulfill the condition. So, for example, something like "Win 5 fights in a row with no healing" or "No items/transformations for 10 fights". That sorta stuff. So you're kinda stuck without knowledge of Japanese.and a true ending condition provided others are satisfied.
For your rank up quest boss, I guess the most you can do is try and change enemies in a bunch of dungeons, and otherwise look for it in new places.
I'm assuming you're finishing up G-Dimension now? How's it like so far?
Million's alright, but I've never been a fan of knight-esque characters. Her associates actually the superior one for her tech stylings - hoping against hope that shes playable in some form. I dont know enough about Million Arthur to get who/what she represents.VII's website updated. Million looks pretty neat.
Not sure if I care for her friend though.
Glad that miserable pile of horseshit is done and over with.
Even with godly equipment the final Stella Dungeon boss does +/- 100 hp a hit. Bleahhhhhhh
Question is
With or without DLC
Not sure why anyone would attempt this without the DLC.
Not sure why anyone would attempt this without the DLC.
I don't actually have that much technical knowledge, I only watched my friend play through the base game without much side content. So I don't think I can really answer your questions, sorry, and I may be misinformed.
I think everything transfers on NG+, minus city upgrades and dungeon unlocks? You can choose stuff to(not) carry over, for free too. I think like in Victory, you need the True End to access a proper post-game.
Speaking of which, here's what I've gleaned of its conditions:view all events in Zero and Heart Dimension. In Gold Dimension, reach level 4 Public Relations during each character's story, which will unlock an optional scene. During Neptune's story specifically, reach level 7 public relations, whilst doing all sidequests and Histoire requests, but before meeting B-sha.