Dude it's a whole dollar
Do you know what I could buy with a dollar?
A therapist to help you cope with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stella Disorder)?
Dude it's a whole dollar
Do you know what I could buy with a dollar?
50% off in the Steam sale for both the games on there, seems like an awesome way for a HN newbie to jump in. Woop.
I feel like a chump thinking Rebirth 2 would get spawn invulnerability from Steam sales. Then again, it WAS discounted at launch too.
Actually, one of the options is(mechanics spoilers)Bolded is THE BEST. Though it will be really hard to use in Japanese...but Tales system is always a bit too annoying and "keep everything" is also annoying as I'd like to just go back with all my characters and outfits (I bet I lose the characters don't I) but play again from level 1 so it's not a super breeze.
Also wait wait wait what the fuck? Am I reading that right, that in the branching stories you had to reach high level public relations BEFORE joining all up? That would have taken a ton of grinding and never buying anything else. That's really annoying though at least it's sort of simple if you know of it. Or am I wrong and I can, before I finish G Dimension, go and upgrade all my crap?
I guess I wasn't likely to get the true ending with no guides and bumbling around in a Japanese version anyway but it's annoying to already find myself locked out.
Well I wouldn't have recommend getting it at $30 but it seemed pretty clear it wouldn't go under the $15 it was at launch so soon
Yeah OK so, massive warning in advance.
Y'know how RB2 had some EXEs locked behind plot progressions for some characters? Well they ditched that idea.
See RB3 makes it so that EXEs are locked behind the Plan system. Except to get the plan, you need to... use 100 skills. For each character.
Actually, one of the options is(mechanics spoilers)"Keep all characters", which can lead to some silly things. Also, there is an option for "4x running speed" and "ULTRA JUMP" which make it so you can get through the game in like, half an hour.
The following is not actual spoilers but it might mention some conditions and general feelings so I'm gonna Spoiler it.Yeah the ending is ridiculously obtuse. It took us 5 days between English and Japanese streamers, Twitch, various english discussion sites, and Japanese 2chan to figure out the true ending condition. And yeah you're wrong, it has to be within the chapters, and before a specific point for Neptune.
To be fair though, I think it's because the regular ending is very complete. This isn't like Mk2 or Victory's sort of really flat endings, it feels like good closure. Plus the True ending doesn't add much to it to boot. I think CH intended people to see the Normal ending first.
Also, as for the grind, I believe finishing the game gives you a Compile Heart processor set and a Delphinus processor set that you can sell for like, 2 million credits.
Definitely would be a huge disservice to the vita/PS4 crowd if the games on Steam were perma-discounted, or were available for like 5 bucks, regardless how short a period of time.
Things like Valkyria Chronicles which is/was half a decade old are a completely different story, of course!
Not sure why anyone would attempt this without the DLC.
Dude it's a whole dollar
Do you know what I could buy with a dollar?
I think the Spelunker's ultimate reward is the power bracelet, which lets you destroy more things/stronger boxes on the field.Regarding Victory 2, is there anything worthwhile in this Spelunker level? I hate it. Also did they get licensing from Square Enix? I swear the "you died" chime is exactly the same as spelunker z
I guess I'll be fine with normal end then--do I need to be sure to upgrade all my towns before ending G dimension though? I assume I'm close, I justMore than anything I want to unlock any gear, crafting stuff and most importantly outfits.fought Steamax or whatever and got the high jump?
I think the Spelunker's ultimate reward is the power bracelet, which lets you destroy more things/stronger boxes on the field.
Also yeah this is an official crossover, not the usual parody knockoff sorta thing.
As long as you don't finish the game, I don't think there's anything that's ever locked or missable between "chapters".
Twitter can ban you?
Also I don't think they have nation affiliations but I could be wrong.
Yeah sure:Edit: Okay, I'm tired of how insanely hard it is to find Neptunia guides/info so I'm making a master list of 'em. Let me know what (useful) guides any of you have used so far and what they cover.
Also HGH do you have the full details of the True Ending for Nep VII? Post 'em in spoiler tags if you could and I'll include that since I have found no english victory 2 guides at all to even link to.
From the sound of things, you seem to be pastthe 4 CPUs fight. Tell me that wasn't fun as hell eh? Probably one of the better ones in the series since they even let you override the boss music just for this fight. Too bad you actually chose the Candidate path though, getting to mess around with NEXT forms is fun.
And if you're still looking for guides, there's a "Basic Gameplay" guide for RB1 on Steam that seems pretty good for newbies to the series.
EDIT: Oh, there's a person on youtube putting up scenes of VII with English subtitles if anyone cares for that. Nothing too spoilery at the moment.
Well jeez, that sure is disappointing news. You sure it's not just the intro areas like in RB2?
What an odd thing after RB2, Noire and U got a full 1:1 treatment.
it starts off with a completely new scenario that's fully voiced, but so far everything that wasn't voiced in victory (a lot)isn't voiced here either
I am very sad.
Was looking forward to a bigger dub.
Was hoping for that too, though I'm sure a priority for the rebirths was keeping costs low (I wonder, do they reuse the actual recordings from Victory or did they have to redo? I havent' started my copy yet).
I... really don't know the answer to all this technical stuff. Sorry man.Questions
it starts off with a completely new scenario that's fully voiced, but so far everything that wasn't voiced in victory (a lot)isn't voiced here either
Awww... But ReBirth 2 was 1:1 with the Japanese version! And Noire! And U(ok U is a pretty tiny game but still)! Maybe RB3 just has way more scenes so they had to pick and choose? I'm just scratching my head over the logic in play here. And with how OQ came out I'm really worried now about VII too...Actually kind of annoyed they've put rebirth 2 on sale so steep so soon, but if you're looking to buy yeah that's a great price.
Was hoping for that too, though I'm sure a priority for the rebirths was keeping costs low (I wonder, do they reuse the actual recordings from Victory or did they have to redo? I havent' started my copy yet).
I'll be really disappointed if Victory 2 isn't fully voiced though
If you played less than 2 hours. But well, I don't want to whine, I had fun and that 20% isn't that much money. Just a bit irrtated about the now inckming price decay of cards, backgrounds and emoticonsAlso if you got RB2 at 50% off I'm pretty sure you can refund it and get it for 70% now, no questions asked. Weird thing is RB2 isn't listed on the daily page sales cause there's no Franchise page for the series.
the translation differs in a bunch of places so that stuff is all redone, an example is this line from victory
also megaton, stella is voiced! we did it!
Stella did not survive...
I... really don't know the answer to all this technical stuff. Sorry man.
Although I was certain the NEXT form had big stat boosts, I could have sworn damage numbers really went up after activating them. Maybe it's confirmation bias.
Awww... But ReBirth 2 was 1:1 with the Japanese version! And Noire! And U(ok U is a pretty tiny game but still)! Maybe RB3 just has way more scenes so they had to pick and choose? I'm just scratching my head over the logic in play here. And with how OQ came out I'm really worried now about VII too...
Also if you got RB2 at 50% off I'm pretty sure you can refund it and get it for 70% now, no questions asked. Weird thing is RB2 isn't listed on the daily page sales cause there's no Franchise page for the series.
Extra NPCs will be available as DLC, which will be released on launch day in North America and Europe the following week.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation is slated to release on PS Vita in North America on June 30th, with a European release to follow on July 3rd. As a bonus, three PS Vita themes will also be released as DLC when the game launches. Keep an eye out for our review later this summer.
Yes it was, despite what some people say and can't seem to get. The Japanese audio isn't fully voiced in the first place anyway, which seems to be what causes confusion.Was rebirth 2 really 1:1? I could swear some stuff was unvoiced but I didn't listen to the JP one. Victory 2 will be the first time I've listened to it in full (and it's 100% voiced except from optional Chirper events)
Extra NPCs will be available as DLC, which will be released on launch day in North America and Europe the following week.
Yes it was, despite what some people say and can't seem to get. The Japanese audio isn't fully voiced in the first place anyway, which seems to be what causes confusion.
Augh which also means I won't be able to use them when reviewing the game. I hate Free DLC (vs patched in content) even more since this became an issue. Who's DLC now?
You forgot Cave.
I don't really hate on them too much for the low dub % though, other people seem to take it way more seriously.
i think it's fine since she's super nervous in that screenshotI don't mind her stuttering but a lisp is a bit much
How much am I going to hate Stella?
dat nepgearBlanc website updated with the screens Vylash posted above, and also art for the Candidates:
the translation differs in a bunch of places so that stuff is all redone, an example is this line from victory
compared to the same line in rebirth 3
so obviously that stuff is redone, but they reuse the victory recordings for everything else
also megaton, stella is voiced! we did it!
No, it's just for that specific line, the point is to convey just how nervous she isWhat the HECK did they do to best girl Rei's lines.
Don't tell me that's her new thing...
And RED. I am ashamed.
I don't hate on them but it hinders my enjoyment a lot, it just feels really unprofessional and is jarring to enter fully voiced scenes and then the next important story scene being completely unvoiced. I just don't get the same enjoyment out of the humour and story when there is lack of voicing, its a personal pet peeve. Not that it'll ever affect my purchasing decisions because this franchise is one of my favourites.
i think it's fine since she's super nervous in that screenshot
i dunno, i barely use stella, at least not enough to get upset like you crazy platinum trophy people
(dlc char list)
So I bought Rebirth 1 on Steam even though I haven't touched my Vita copy yet....then someone bought me the second one. Yet I still don't want to get rid of my Vita copies.
To cute to sell.
Is there any DLC for 1 that I should grab?
Yeah I don't get why anyone would think that's a permanent impediment. Rewriting every line to make her shlur every word would be both exchtra work, annoying, and shilly. Plush her main gimmick(if any) is shtuttering.
Also came across a weird blog/rant/thing that's kinda sorta relevant? It gets a bit disjointed as it goes on though...
Yeah, the numbers are pretty crazy. Almost a good 100K combined between both games.Not sure if anyone's checked it out, but neptunia has seen a decent increase in sales since the steam sale started, check it out arrange by increase.
I wonder what level of sales are need for IF to keep releasing their games on pc.
Guys.... do you have any more hints for me with scouting in V?(Just got back to the game after a long break).
I'm totally sorry I can't help. Scouting is so random. I hope everything worked out for you.
Guys.... do you have any more hints for me with scouting in V?(Just got back to the game after a long break).
god eater-chan looks awesome, and i guess Uzume will be a regular character now?
Still have no idea how any of the true ending stuff works (and haven't even beaten it normally actually) but be sure to let me know if you get more specifics.