Two more Neptunia games announced for PS Vita. One is starring Noire and the other seems to be a remake/reboot of the very first HDN.
Neptune has competition.
Both Sega girls, so it is a teeny bit understandable.
Still, Purple Heart is my favorite CPU![]()
I'm late it seems, but great OT! Also isn't it kind of a "spoiler" (lol) for Peashy to be Yellow Heart? I know the Official Site kind of avoids saying it. But I guess it's so obvious it doesn't matter.
Anyone's order ship yet?
Is this game worth playing if I'm not attracted to females...?
Is this game worth playing if I'm not attracted to females...?
Is this game worth playing if I'm not attracted to females...?
Store updated with a ton of stuff:
including a framed poster of Skyfireblaze's cover(great work by the way)
That is seriously nice. I really like it.
I shall use this, awesome.
Really want that Iris Heart framed work.
And yes, great job, Skyfire!
Fuck those prices. 300!?
What the heck is a Giclee!?
Fuck those prices. 300!?
What the heck is a Giclee!?
I imagine it's like these... umm... how should I put it, these thick easel's? artists use but I'm not sure :/ The price really is something else D:
NISA has been selling those things since Mana-Khemia. If they weren't so pricey, I would have snatched that one up and Ar tonelico II's. They're basically printed/painted/whatever'd onto fancy easels and hand glossed to make it look even fancier. They're also ginormous. I've seen them at Anime Expo and my cousin owns one because he's insane.
NISA has been selling those things since Mana-Khemia. If they weren't so pricey, I would have snatched that one up and Ar tonelico II's. They're basically printed/painted/whatever'd onto fancy easels and hand glossed to make it look even fancier. They're also ginormous. I've seen them at Anime Expo and my cousin owns one because he's insane.
Haha, of course not! You just don't have to pay for shipping (then again shipping on the NISA Store is free), but he did get a free item with it. I forgot what it was, though.
Oh yes, I forgot to compliment Skyfire for his lovely custom box art. Very nice job! I'd use it if I could print it easily.![]()
Are they cheaper there at AXPO? and didn't know that huh
Haha, of course not! You just don't have to pay for shipping (then again shipping on the NISA Store is free), but he did get a free item with it. I forgot what it was, though.
neptunia fans will be happy soon.
My copy of Victory has not shipped. I AM NOT HAPPY.
My copy of Victory has not shipped. I AM NOT HAPPY.
if it makes you feel any better, they're being shipped right now.
Is it just me or does NISA store take a long, long time to reply back to emails? They having issues with my card it seems and I want to finish it as soon as possible.
The store staff is incredibly small, unfortunately. Not sure how many inquiries and such they got around the time of Neptunia V's release, so not sure. Sometimes they're quick (I haven't had to wait more than a day or two, but that wasn't close to any release).