The difficulty spikes are pretty nasty, though I haven't had that much trouble due to leveling while completing quest. Easily the hardest game in the series.
I just started Chapter 2, so I haven't hit the spike yet.
Also looooooooooool at Iris Heart's opening.
I just started Chapter 2, so I haven't hit the spike yet.
Also looooooooooool at Iris Heart's opening.
I just got theHDD forms too.
That scene was so good. I was grinning ear to ear the entire time.
Uh kind of bad is an understatement. More like unplayable. You'd only play it for the writing and charactersI've never played these games, should I start with the first one if I actually want to try? Also I heard gameplay was kind of bad in the first game...
I've never played these games, should I start with the first one if I actually want to try? Also I heard gameplay was kind of bad in the first game...
What I enjoyed is that Compile Heart finally explained the origins of the HDD power and how new "countries" form, since in Neptunia and Mk2 you were pretty much there.
A silly little detail, but at least it is a nice nod to us longtime fans that wanted to know the origin stories of the Neptunia universe.
omfg, what's with these OCD character acchievements. I'm seriously gonna be running around a dungeon and jumping like a fucking idiot the entire time. D:
Isn't it awesome? "I'm a kangaroo!" "Boing!"![]()
3:12:32 AM) : volyc made me go insane
(3:12:41 AM) : boing
(3:12:41 AM) : boing
(3:12:42 AM) : boing
(3:12:45 AM) : i'm a kangaroo
(3:12:46 AM) : boinnng
so my friend watching your stream:
Uh kind of bad is an understatement. More like unplayable. You'd only play it for the writing and characters
They kind of had an origin story in the first one for the four CPUs, the original CPU (The True Goddess), and Histoire. mk2 and now Victory just shits on it though lol. Neither of them also mentions Celestia, the home of the CPUs, in a non jokingly reference-y way either. Then again, they kind of had to reboot all the stuff from the first one to do mk2/V since the True Ending in the first one didn't really allow for a follow up.
Cross-post from the Pick-Up Post thread... HDN GET!
I've always been tempted by the previous games but never got around to picking one up until now, so this is my first foray into the Hyperdimension. I might be back here scrounging for help sooner rather than later ^_^
OMFG Neptune Is such an idiot it's brilliant. Intro to chapter 1 was soooooooooo Lawlz.
My limited edition came today. Now I can bring two lunches to work while making a bold statement about myself.
Very true, Neptunia in its own right was the origins story.
Ironically enough, with the whole parallel universe thing and this worlds way of creating CPU's in Victory they could have made a proper sequel of the original game. Oops!!!
Oh, and am I the only person who bought the regular edition and the LE? I want to keep my LE all pristine and stuff on the shelf.
So I'm 8 hours in and enjoying this game a lot. Plutia is so awesome.
You are a real otaku amongst otakus.
She is, her sleepy and gentle personality is quite cute, and it is quite a contrast when she gets mad and Sadie (Nep's nickname for Iris Heart) pops out. Parallel Noire is awesome, she is still the super tsundere but being friends with Plutia added a gentle aspect of her that was less pronounced in the original game and Mk2.
The rating system sucks too, at the end of ch 2 I got 27/40 and at the end of ch 3 my score was LOWER with 24/40. Guess I gotta do more quests and scouting, ha ha ha.
I'm trying to decide whether it'd be quicker to make a branch save later on (for the other endings) or at least get through it once then burn through to the split again.
I'd do the last one. Seem like you'd be better prepared if you do it that way.
I'm getting too many quests where I have absolutely no clue how I'm either supposed to get the item or find the enemy or quests where if I do find the enemy I get one shotted, and I'm only D rank. Like mk2 it seems like these quests were designed with end game in mind.
Hopefully chapter ratings doesn't tie into endings.
I'm trying to decide whether it'd be quicker to make a branch save later on (for the other endings) or at least get through it once then burn through to the split again.
Yeah leaning that way. Not sure how hard the true ending would be (especially with people talking about difficulty spikes) so might just do whatever the most normal one is and then come back and do true.
Yeah, I have a huge stack of unfinished quests. Maybe I will slow down this chapter and try more.
I think some quests aren't meant to completed until later on. I got a quest to kill an enemy near the end of chapter 2 and it killed me in a single hit.I've been attempting the quests but I just can't figure how to finish most of them. I finished Chapter 3 with a Quest rating of 4. And because of me not finishing quests like last chapter, my shares sucked too.
I've only played an hour or so of this but I like it so far. In a bit of a predicament, though... I've liked the dubs in the Neptunia games(for the most part), but they're always partially dubbed and I dunno if I want only a select few scenes to be voiced and just a lot of text, or fully voiced Japanese dub...
Like 90% of the game is voiced in Japanese.
I think some quests aren't meant to completed until later on. I got a quest to kill an enemy near the end of chapter 2 and it killed me in a single hit.
Like 90% of the game is voiced in Japanese.
I'm just in the middle of chapter 3 and jeez, when I recruited the character, she was 4 levels ahead of me; I guess I need to grind a bit; I usually kill everything in sight too.The difficulty spikes are pretty nasty, though I haven't had that much trouble due to leveling while completing quest. Easily the hardest game in the series.