I'm certainly not going to vote for Bush.
But I can't tell myself that Kerry is the best candidate that will be on the ballot this November. He's not, even if Nader can't get on the ballot in Georgia. The modern Democratic party has shifted too far to the center on social issues in an attempt to pander to mainstream American, while at the same time ending up in the pockets of the same corporations and industries as the Republicans.
I don't care if my vote costs Kerry the election. The Democrats have betrayed their traditional party base and values by this horrid, horrid shift that goes back to the early '80's. I refuse to endorse and support a candidate that won't take a stand for liberal issues and causes. Fuck the right wing smear machine for successfully turning "liberal" into a four letter word. Fuck them right in the ear. It is time for an end to the two party system in America, and the sooner the better. I believe that I will attempt to collect signatures to get both Nader and Cobb on the ticket in Georgia. The more choices, the healthier our country will be one day. I can no longer support the Democrats just because they're "not the Republicans". It's time for a change.
But I can't tell myself that Kerry is the best candidate that will be on the ballot this November. He's not, even if Nader can't get on the ballot in Georgia. The modern Democratic party has shifted too far to the center on social issues in an attempt to pander to mainstream American, while at the same time ending up in the pockets of the same corporations and industries as the Republicans.
I don't care if my vote costs Kerry the election. The Democrats have betrayed their traditional party base and values by this horrid, horrid shift that goes back to the early '80's. I refuse to endorse and support a candidate that won't take a stand for liberal issues and causes. Fuck the right wing smear machine for successfully turning "liberal" into a four letter word. Fuck them right in the ear. It is time for an end to the two party system in America, and the sooner the better. I believe that I will attempt to collect signatures to get both Nader and Cobb on the ticket in Georgia. The more choices, the healthier our country will be one day. I can no longer support the Democrats just because they're "not the Republicans". It's time for a change.