Any recommendations for cases with good airflow in the 50-60 price range?
Any recommendations for cases with good airflow in the 50-60 price range?
Any recommendations for cases with good airflow in the 50-60 price range?
Yep, it's my favorite TN monitor. Very, very fast. Colors are reasonably good, as you say. Backlight bleed is minimal as well.
Solid build. Can't really go wrong with that.
Just to give you a heads up: gaming on a 2560*1440 display is very demanding, so you may or may not find performance a bit wanting when playing at that resolution. You did the right choice by going with the 6950 2GB such a high resolution, VRAM does start becoming important.
What budget video card should I upgrade to if I have a ati 5770?
Wow, I opened my case to install a new fan up top and I noticed my video card is sagging lol. It's a pretty heavy/beefy card, I'm going to have to use something to keep it straight - possibly put something underneath or use a piece of string and tie it to the top.
Hm. It shouldn't really be sagging that bad. Maybe, make sure the screw that attaches the video card bracket to the the computer case expansion slot of is tight.
OK, here is another updated build list for me:
Part list permalink / Part price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($179.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H80 92.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($93.24 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($158.49 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($46.02 @ Amazon)
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($207.85 @ Newegg)
Hard Drive: Crucial M4 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($196.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI Radeon HD 6950 2GB Video Card ($249.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Corsair 650D ATX Mid Tower Case ($164.07 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair 850W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($124.99 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($24.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (64-bit) ($191.49 @ Mwave)
Total: $1638.10
(Prices include shipping and discounts when available.)
(Generated 2011-12-24 13:22 EST-0500)
Changed from my last list:
Added case, cpu cooler, DVD, OS and HDD.
I decided to go for a 850W PSU incase I ever decide to upgrade or go dual gfx cards in the future.
I switched my video card from a 560ti 2GB to a 6950, the benches seem to be better, any opinion on the difference?
When testing your videocard's overclocks, do you guys just run games and loop benchmarks like 3dmark & heaven for hours or do you also run brutal stuff like occt & furmark?
Do you think furmark & occt's gpu test are overkill? (insane heat and power draw)
The screws are definitely tight, I think it's just too darn heavyI found a post on the net with someone who had the exact same issue and same video card.
This is exactly what mine looks like, going to need to fix this asap.
found an actual link:
i know i shouldn't be looking at bestbuy for systems but i don't really see anything thats a better value (checked NCIX, CC, TigerDirect) without me having to build it (which again isn't a problem, but i'd rather not - saving only $50 doesn't really mean much)
It will NOT be used for gaming, but I don't want poor value (they have Intel ATOM systems that cost more FFS)
*edit* found one thats slightly better value, refurb though:
...maybe i should just build another one.
If I'm not mistaken, this XFX Core 750 is a Seasonic unit in disguise. If that is the case, then I would really suggest this one.PSU inquiry
Will work fine, the higher OC one will just downclock to match the lower one. You can then apply a custom OC if you would like. Make sure you have the latest drivers installed. Seems every nvidia driver release includes more tweaks for BF3.Just want to make sure this EVGA GTX 460 can SLI with this one. Having a hard time finding places that sell this. Just got BF3 for Christmas and if I'm not that satisfied with one 460 I may get another.
Also, Merry Christmas!
*internet high five*Just got done building my computer. The build went pretty smoothly and I have not run into any problems yet. Thanks for the op and the guys that looked over my build when I posted it a little while ago. Also helped my brother take out his power supply and replace it then put in a 560TI card. That went extremely smooth too. Got the drivers installed and i'm working on getting some games installed. Can't wait!
Just got done building my computer. The build went pretty smoothly and I have not run into any problems yet. Thanks for the op and the guys that looked over my build when I posted it a little while ago. Also helped my brother take out his power supply and replace it then put in a 560TI card. That went extremely smooth too. Got the drivers installed and i'm working on getting some games installed. Can't wait!
Buy a good GPU now and upgrade cpu/mobo later.With a E8400 at stock clock (3.0GhZ) what is the best video card I can buy without being CPU limited?
Reinsert the card 5 times. Unplug and replug ALL computer power cables.I disabled my integrated graphics and that didn't seem to help at all.
My computer just doesn't want to recognize my gpu I guess :/
The computer boots and the gpu fan is spinning, I'm lost about what to do.
A good 550W should do fine.What PSU would be recommended if I had the following Hardware?
Intel Core i5 2400
Crucial m4 CT064M4SSD2 64GB
Corsair Vengeance CML8GX3M2A1600C9 Low Profile
Asrock H61iCAFE
Samsung 2TB HDD
Samsung Optical Drive
PLUS a 79xx Series Graphics Card
750 W or 550W?
A good 550W should do fine.
Buy a good GPU now and upgrade cpu/mobo later.
What games/resolution/price are you looking at. Nothing is really too cpu limited that more gpu is bad.
This on sale is the best at the price range. Note the power cables might be a tight fit.How do I know which one is good? Is that one in the OP "Antec Basiq BP550Plus" a good one?
I'd say 560Ti/6950 then. Overclock your CPU to 3.6/3.8 as well if you can.1680x1050
I don't want to buy a super high end gpu because by the time i'll buy a new mobo even the 7970 will be old
I think all 955's are BE? It lists support for 125W CPUs so you should be fine. Just update the BIOS before you swap.So I want to upgrade my CPU from my P X4 9600, possibly to something like a PII X4 955BE but keep my mobo. This is my mobo:
I see the 955 listed, but not the Black Edition ... is there much of a difference between those revisions that it might not work?
What PSU would be recommended if I had the following Hardware?
Intel Core i5 2400
Crucial m4 CT064M4SSD2 64GB
Corsair Vengeance CML8GX3M2A1600C9 Low Profile
Asrock H61iCAFE
Samsung 2TB HDD
Samsung Optical Drive
PLUS a 79xx Series Graphics Card
750 W or 550W?
It sucks there's no deals on the all important i2500k. You can find deals on practically any of the other stuff if you keep up with hot deals forums, but never anything good on that CPU.
Intel knows they have us by the balls.
Just curious. Is there any advantage to having dual video cards?
For example....are 2x AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB better than one NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560? Benchmarks say the NVIDIA is better but it doesn't take into account dual cards.