So I made a build in the last thread based on the loads of useful info in the OP but I only ended up buying a few pieces (the ones that were on sale during BF) at the time. Since it's another big sale day and I never really got any feedback on my last build, I thought I'd bump my post and run a few questions by you guys. (As well as just put it out there for general feedback)
I have the SSD, CPU, and PSU, but I'm missing everything else. Specifically, I'm wondering if:
1) This will perform like a great albeit not top end build
2) Everything will work together
3) the 560 Ti 448 is a better bang for buck card than the 570 I'm currently planning on getting
4) I should wait on the new Radeon cards
5) there are any sales today I should take advantage of and immediately jump on (I saw a couple of deals on the aforementioned 560 Ti but I'm still not sure if it's better for me to go with it and if those deals are even decent savings in the first place)
I also have yet to decide on a case. I have no idea what would fit this build comfortably size wise, so I'm all ears when it comes to them. (I see that the
Carbide series 400r is on sale- is that a good case/deal?)
The OP has helped a ton already to a newbie like me, but I appreciate any further help you guys can provide. Thanks!