Warning, big pile of text.
So I have this weird problem.
Two weeks ago, I built a new PC with a GTX 660Ti and MSI H77A-G43 mobo.
Everything ran smooth and without any problems until I wanted to add another
hard disk. When I put the other hard disk in the SATA port (for my old files and music) and I restart the PC, all of a sudden my mobo loadscreen is way to big for my screen and when the system tries to start up windows, my screen loses the signal with my pc. However, the system is still running since I hear the startup sound.
I format the pc, download new drivers, everything I could think of, but nothing works.
It does, however, work when I use my Integrated Intel GPU.
Since I very lightly touched the cooler of my GPU, I thought it was there the problem lie, so I sent it back to the deliverer. However, I got it sent back today saying they didn't find a defect.
So I start it back up and yes, it does work! I install the new nVidia drivers and all and everything runs smooth...
Until I try to install the USB 3.0 drivers. In the middle of the setup, the screen goes black and I have the same problem from before I sent it back, with a blue screen added.
Now, the blue screen is gone but the same problem still remains. Could anyone think of anything that could be wrong with it? Was it the order of driver installation? I seriously have no idea what to do. Is it my mobo, my GPU? Should I ask my money back?
I'm all out of ideas...