Since my computer case is starting to show it's age, I decided to skip my little project of treating the interior with acoustic foam and get a new 'out-of-the-box-silent' case. The Fractal Design Define XL seems to be one of the, if not the best of 'em. I really dig the minimalistic monolithic design. Can you guys think of a reason why not to get it? The price is not an issue.
In the process of moving the components to the new case I would also like to get rid of my current PSU, the Corsair TX2 750W. Apparently it's a highly recommended power supply, which is why I bought it in the first place. The fan is silent enough, however the unit emits a high piched noise that's really getting on my nerves. From what I read it's somewhat of a common 'problem' with this particular unit.
I can get the Define XL case with the Fractal Design Newton R2 800W PSU for a decent price. From what I can gather it's pretty much tailored to my needs: silent, modular (which the TX2 isn't), and a good if not spectacular performer. Should I go for it or would you guys recommend something else in the 'silent PSU' category?
My specs: i7 2600K, 570 GTX, 4GB DDR3, system SSD + data HDD. All stock, no OC now or in the future. Thanks!
got one standing right here waiting for me to move my watercooling stuff in it, my cousin has a watercooled XL as well. So I can't tell you how well the isolation works just yet, but my cousin says it's awesome
It looks nice, has pretty much all features you want in a modern case, and has plenty of space.
Only cons I can think of are the weight (due to the isolation, although I don't really care), and maybe the quality control issues --> apparently Fractal has some issues with quality control on the XL line, I read some complaints about it and sure enough, the roof on mine is missing a rivet so it's not sitting flush with the front. Not that I care because I'm tearing it off anyway for some mods, but just be sure to check it well if you receive one that's all
As for silent PSU ... fan wise any Corsair AX (or HX) and Seasonic should be great as long as you don't stress them too hard. As for the electrical noise I don't have any experience with it. My HX650 doesn't do it and I hope no other PSU I'll buy in the future will because it would drive me nuts
Also if you're after total silence think about aftermarket cooling for your GTX570 ; no case can silence the stock coolers on video cards these days, and the XL does have quite some ventilation area in the back through which high pitched sound can escape