I really need to get an SSD, but 120gb (my price point pretty much) seems like a bad idea. Do you guys with 120s hit the ceiling all the time, or just have a streamlined way to move things back and forth?
I'm on a 120GB SSD. I have tried in vain to create a smaller Windows 7 install using RT7Lite - even with a 'safe' tweak it just refused to update to SP1. A shame, because it would have saved about 7GB.
I resorted to a vanilla install, and after doing the usual tweaks of reducing page file size and disabling hibernation, the footprint was about 15GB. Once graphics and sound drivers were on there plus all the usual suspects (firefox, winrar etc) you're hitting 20GB before you know it.
Then Photoshop... Office... depends on how many big programs you want to run regularly as well as games. If you're setting it up just for games, you'll probably have at least 90GB of space for game installs, which is not all that much especially if most of your stuff is on Steam and you like everything downloaded ready to go.
You also have to be very careful to direct everything else to your other drive. Photos, Music, Video must stay off the SSD. Whenever you save a document, photoshop project, etc... must be on the HDD. Your default 'Downloads' folder that your browser uses needs to be changed to somewhere on the HDD too.
It's just something you have constantly think about and you have to be very organised with your files and folders. If you're careful, it can work very well. I really wouldn't want to go for less than 120GB though. It's already on the edge of being uncomfortable.
But games are just gonna get bigger... 20GB per game will be the norm soon...