That's what we're here for. \m/
I'm here to be a curmudgeon.
That's what we're here for. \m/
I was confused why the price was almost the same, but it looks like you've got 2 monitors listed there?Have a look at this
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£164.94 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£25.24 @ CCL Computers)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£80.00 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£40.31 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 280X 3GB TWIN FROZR Video Card (£204.34 @
Monitor: LG 23MB35PM-B 60Hz 23.0" Monitor (£136.37 @ Amazon UK)
Other: CoolerMaster Silencio 352 Black Matt Edition USB3 MicroATX Mini-ITX Case (£44.78)
Other: G.Skill 8GB (2x 4GB) Dual Channel Ares Series Memory Kit (DDR3 2133, 11-11-11-30, 1.6v, Intel XMP Extreme Memory Profile Ready) (£55.99)
Other: Crucial CT256MX100SSD1 256GB MX100 SATA 2.5 Inch 7mm SSD Includes 9.5mm Adapter (£74.81)
Other: be quiet! Pure Power L8 630W BN182 Modular 80+ Bronze 12cm Quiet Fan Braided Cables SLi/Xfire (£57.16)
Other: Windows 8 from reddit r/softwareswap (£10.15)
Other: LG 24MP55HQ 24-inch Widescreen IPS LED Monitor (1920 x 1080, 250 cd/m2, 5M:1, 5ms, VGA/DVI-D/HDMI) (£123.99)
Total: £1018.08
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-10 22:28 BST+0100)
Have a look at this
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£164.94 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£25.24 @ CCL Computers)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£80.00 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£40.31 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: MSI Radeon R9 280X 3GB TWIN FROZR Video Card (£204.34 @
Monitor: LG 23MB35PM-B 60Hz 23.0" Monitor (£136.37 @ Amazon UK)
Other: CoolerMaster Silencio 352 Black Matt Edition USB3 MicroATX Mini-ITX Case (£44.78)
Other: G.Skill 8GB (2x 4GB) Dual Channel Ares Series Memory Kit (DDR3 2133, 11-11-11-30, 1.6v, Intel XMP Extreme Memory Profile Ready) (£55.99)
Other: Crucial CT256MX100SSD1 256GB MX100 SATA 2.5 Inch 7mm SSD Includes 9.5mm Adapter (£74.81)
Other: be quiet! Pure Power L8 630W BN182 Modular 80+ Bronze 12cm Quiet Fan Braided Cables SLi/Xfire (£57.16)
Other: Windows 8 from reddit r/softwareswap (£10.15)
Other: LG 24MP55HQ 24-inch Widescreen IPS LED Monitor (1920 x 1080, 250 cd/m2, 5M:1, 5ms, VGA/DVI-D/HDMI) (£123.99)
Total: £1018.08
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-06-10 22:28 BST+0100)
Should have been scrapped. 100%.I think even the Titan Z can't tempt Smokey.
I was confused why the price was almost the same, but it looks like you've got 2 monitors listed there?
Thank you!
From what I understand, the big benefits are for non-gaming stuff.Should have been scrapped. 100%.
The performance compared to the cheaper 295X2 is just embarrassing.
$20, yeah, go for 4GB.One more question...
Im looking at 2 760's
one of them is 2gb Asus for $229
and the other is a 4gb Msi for $249
I might as well go with the 4gb for $20 more, right?
Or is there a difference in build quality that should make me lean towards the Asus?
I don't really have any idea about the non-gaming stuff, but wouldn't a couple of titan blacks in SLI perform better for less? If so that probably only makes it useful for a SFF build which doesn't make sense because it's huge!From what I understand, the big benefits are for non-gaming stuff.
Sapphire one is ballin'.
Check the BST thread, someone had the ASUS DCU II one for $300. Not sure if it's still there as it was a crazy good deal.
Nope, because you can fit as many Titan-Zs as you have slots on a computer, and get 12GB of memory per card. It's not like SLI where memory is limited to the amount per GPU.I don't really have any idea about the non-gaming stuff, but wouldn't a couple of titan blacks in SLI perform better for less? If so that probably only makes it useful for a SFF build which doesn't make sense because it's huge!
I want to believe that I'm missing something.
The 780 is a beast, and definitely a card that will stand up to games for the next few years. It's that $300-400 price point that I think AMD has larger comparative advantage.I feel like the one in the BST thread is probably what I should go with, been pointed that way twice.
Just because I'm still on the fence here AMD wise, what about this for a 780?
I think even the Titan Z can't tempt Smokey.
Just because I'm still on the fence here AMD wise, what about this for a 780?
Easy, that might actually be preventing people from buying it. Who wants that shit?For $60 more you can get a 780Ti + Watch_Dogs from yours truly!
Easy, that might actually be preventing people from buying it. Who wants that shit?
You are speaking my language.I've become obsessed with the idea of getting the desktop back on the desk. No more do I want a build that has to hide underneath. Some of the Mini-ITX cases look good, but I am worried about the workflow for a system that might be under heavy load 20 hours a day and never shut off (just put to sleep. You need some serious cooling, and that drives the size up. Never the less, it¨'s not the size that is the main issue. It's the looks.
I don't know. I haven't been visually impressed by many cases lately. I feel I am getting tired of Corsairs and Fractal Designs constant iterations. I am ready for something new, yet still sleek and without crappy logos.
I would be more impressed by the FT05 if Silverstone actually sold some and I could start building a system when the 4790Ks go on sale here.(sometimes) Silverstone - They make the case here and there that is just amazing, but also have a lot of shit. The FT03 and FT05 are particularly impressive, IMO.
3 Titan Blacks > Titan Z
I thought about it....but when you can get 3 cards for the same amount well that's the way I went. I think it was the correct choice!
For $60 more you can get a 780Ti + Watch_Dogs from yours truly!
Has anyone got any idea when Nvidia will announce their lovely high-end Maxwell graphic cards?
Yes. Release date is the 25th.Do we have a specific date in Devils Canyon? Also is the chip going to be fully functional in a Z87 Impact VI? I read that it will but will I be able to OC on that board?
That'll mostly come down to the fans used. It certainly has ample airflow to prevent CPU/GPU coolers from going crazy. You could easily line it with some sound deadening material too.I would be more impressed by the FT05 if Silverstone actually sold some and I could start building a system when the 4790Ks go on sale here.Still haven't seen much else that I'd be totally happy with. The Enthoo Evolv looks nice, but it's not for sale either and I suspect it will not be very good at keeping noise in check.
Any reason to crossfire R9 290 4GB if only running 1080p on 4.5ghz 2500k?
Someone needs to start a "forever waiting for big Maxwell" support group.
Someone needs to start a "forever waiting for big Maxwell" support group.
If you want more performance, sure.Any reason to crossfire R9 290 4GB if only running 1080p on 4.5ghz 2500k?
No good reason, in my opinion. I'm running a similar card (GTX 780) at 1920x1080 and it's overkill, to be honest, unless I'm trying to maintain a perfect 60 FPS with the absolute highest settings on the most demanding games (like Crysis 3 or ubersampling on The Witcher 2).
Edit: Do you have the card yet? Test it first, see if you're happy with performance of a single one firsthand and you'll have your answer. You can always add a second later if you wish, but I doubt you'll want to unless you're driving a 120 Hz monitor or something equally out there. A plain 1080p 60 Hz monitor is no problem with a single card though.
I've become obsessed with the idea of getting the desktop back on the desk. No more do I want a build that has to hide underneath. Some of the Mini-ITX cases look good, but I am worried about the workflow for a system that might be under heavy load 20 hours a day and never shut off (just put to sleep. You need some serious cooling, and that drives the size up. Never the less, it¨'s not the size that is the main issue. It's the looks.
Increasing clock speed and then comparing your performance with benchmarks.Just out of curiosity, is there any way to tell if my game performance is being limited by my CPU? I am running an i5 4670k and a GTX770 (Twin Frozer). I play a lot of racing sims (pCARS, Assetto Corsa, etc) and I feel like whenever I race against AI and there is any type of collision (which there often is) I get FPS drops. Also in Watch Dogs I find my performance to be rather disappointing (lots of FPS fluctuations).
Increasing clock speed and then comparing your performance with benchmarks.
What is it currently clocked at?
Well you're about maxed out. There isn't really anywhere to go, CPU-wise, to get better performance in games than the 4670K.I think I have one of those "bad" chips. I can only manage stable performance at 4.3ghz (1.20v IIRC). I read I should be able to hit a higher clock 4.5-4.8ghz but once I go past 4.4ghz I get periodic crashes. EDIT: I have a Hyper 212 EVO BTW. Max load (at 4.3ghz) temps never go above 72c.
In general, there is a lot of information on how GPU perform in certain games, but very little on how specific CPUs affect specific game performance. Benchmarks pick a CPU and then test multiple GPU, and not vise versa.
New thread up within minutes.Well my screen became all snowy about 10 minutes ago and isn't stopping. Looks like I'll finally be replacing my Asus G72-GX after ~5 years.... Not sure if I should get a laptop now or a PC (if a PC, I'd need to get a desk as well, or just use my living room coffee table.), or where to start.
Main purpose- Gaming, streaming, watching anime, you know, nerd shit.
780. And where the hell did you find one for $350?Whats the better buy, a R9 290 at $300 or a GTX 780 at $350?
780. And where the hell did you find one for $350?
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 780 - $350
Around 6 months used, I do not have the original box but It will be shipped with care.