Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
newelly87 said:Ign needs to close down the Australian section.
Oh god :lolfreddy said:Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
RandomVince said:This.
I was always amazed when Australian EDGE managed to do alright, even when it wasnt quite as good as the UK one (still, they seemed to kick off the trend of dishing out 10s willy-nilly).
And now the Australian IGN has managed to out-stupid the original version. Thats quite an achievement.
Ahh more meltdowns.freddy said:Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
freddy said:Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
Nice catchfreddy said:Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
Solidifying your tag I see.RagnarokX said:
Vorador said:^^^^^^ Never get's old :lol
It's even the same poster!! :lol :lol :lol
Don't try to play this off, Rus McLaughlin. We know it's you.legend166 said:Holy crap! I don't even remember that :lol
The similarities are truly frightening.
Dax01 said:Don't try to play this off, Rus McLaughlin. We know it's you.
RagnarokX said:Oh IGN Australia.
Remember this thread from January?
IGN actually got banned for a little while over it.
I don't understand how something that won't be launched untill Q4 2010 at the earliest is the new hotness.The Wii is common. The shine is off. Natal is the new hotness.
that Wiis are now readily in stock at Babies R Us, a.k.a. the pastel circle of hell. That's just depressing. The Wii is common. The shine is off. Natal is the new hotness.
Yeah, and it came off as a futile attempt to prove he's not a fanboy.the thoroughbred said:He did end on a positive note.
I'm the guy who's been known to lead off a column by typing "the Wii is a fad" several times in a row. Not because I personally believe it, but because it's fun to watch Nintendaddicts get Hulk-mad (complete with humorous color changes) and the very notion raises interesting questions.
freddy said:Does this guy recycle his articles or something?
Because he spent the first few paragraphs pulling out the old troll arguments. You can't start a good Queen Elizabeth article by calling her a whore. Then he let's loose with this one:hamchan said:Why the heck didn't you mention the positive stuff he has to say about the wii in your OP? the stuff about how people calling it a toy should reevaluate their need for playing games. How "more is coming. Alot more." He also said that the Wii does have hardcore games, just that they didn't sell as well as expected, which he isn't wrong about.
You wanted an ign bash thread?
N-fans love to shout Wii sales numbers (52.3 million units at this writing) and its total market domination (almost half of all consoles sold is a Wii) and call it good. It is good... it's just not good enough. The real money's made in software, and that's where the Big N's had a ton of trouble reconciling two distinct classes of consumer: casual players and hardcore gamers.
Yes, more statistics that I can get behind, now it's up to 4:1! Keep on chugging, btw, where is the stats for the annual profits?From other article said:My personal 360/Wii ratio is about 3 to 1. And I blame the Wii for that.
Is it really that bad? Like, Joy "to the" stiq bad, or worse than that?RandomVince said:This.
I was always amazed when Australian EDGE managed to do alright, even when it wasnt quite as good as the UK one (still, they seemed to kick off the trend of dishing out 10s willy-nilly).
And now the Australian IGN has managed to out-stupid the original version. Thats quite an achievement.
I'm the guy who's been known to lead off a column by typing "the Wii is a fad" several times in a row. Not because I personally believe it, but because it's fun to watch Nintendaddicts get Hulk-mad (complete with humorous color changes) and the very notion raises interesting questions.
Amir0x said:*scribbles down notes for 'do game "journalists" hate wii?' thread*
Zenith said:Did an IGN editor just confess to purposely skewing articles to troll the Wii?
I honestly couldn't be bothered reading through again to bold things, it's too painful. So I'll give a quick summary:
- Wii only sells because of Wii Fit and Wii Play
- Wii does not sell software
- Wii has no hardcore games
- Contrary to point one, Mario Kart sells really well (he doesn't acknowlegde the contradiction, however)
- Oh yeah, the point in topic: apparently the Wii's high sales are moot because the Xbox 360 makes more money than it. what is this I don't even
So basically, stock standard for IGN
A few developers stepped up to fill the hardcore void Nintendo left, and the results have been shaky to say the least. Capcom's done well porting its popular Resident Evil series to the Wii, but tanked badly doing the same to zombie apocalypser Dead Rising. Sega's bombed three times in a row with Madworld, House of the Dead: Overkill, and The Conduit.
All these games put together wouldn't match the sales figures of Wii Music, which (at 2.6 million sold) is the comparative "failure" of the Wii Game imprint. No lie, some of them are well deserving of their abysmal fate, but Madworld and Conduit are good games that could have and should have done better.
Azelover said:It's IGN desperate for hits.
In the short term it does work, long term who knows. They've been doing this periodically for a long time already.
EmCeeGramr said:yeah conduit should have sold well, not house of the dead
:lol :lol :lolTyrant_Onion said:![]()
"Can you imagine a world without gaming journalists?"
marc^o^ said:Also, New Super Mario Bros won't sell because it's a platformer.
Shikashi said:Oh... what in the name of fuck? Whoever came up with that "You can't spell ignorant without IGN." is a genius.
I don't know what it is, but this post just made me smirk. Probably because of all the stereotyping and "anecdotal evidence". I also like the irrelevant "he has three kids under 6" comment. However, I'm not that dense to deny that the Wii has an image (and game library ?) problem with a certain demographic.PaNaMa said:The OP's arguments are filled with flaws (52 million not enough, etc) however he does make some valid points as well. I will say this: Myself and maybe 7 of my friends have all had Wii's since launch. None of us have turned them on, nor have even our girlfriends turned them on, since the launch of Mario Kart. Even then, my GF played that for just a couple days.
Everyone I know with a Wii simply does not play it. No one even turns it on, let alone buys any new games for it. Granted, we're all core gamers who play on XBL every night.
Our GFs could be described as casuals, however. Like the OP said, we have Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart all sitting on my entertainment center gathering dust. Oh and Zelda too, cause I picked it up used.
Anyways, Wii is still megapopular and that's great. I may even try this Conduit game he takled about. And I'm going to get Tiger Woods 10 cause I played it at a friend's house (he has three kids under 6) and I actually really enjoyed it. But Nintendo's $250 console is feature-barren and performance challenged compared to PS3 and 360, and now that Microsoft and Sony have acheived price parity with Wii (just about) Nintendo has to consider either dropping its price or kicking out some MAD GAMES to get those 50 million people buying software.
You are the best examples ever of the Wii user base and your condition stands as the best example of Wii users as a whole.PaNaMa said:Everyone I know with a Wii simply does not play it. No one even turns it on, let alone buys any new games for it. Granted, we're all core gamers who play on XBL every night.
Ever since summer of 2008, no major Wii games have come out, up until Wii Sports Resort this year. Of course your girlfriends won't use it if there aren't any games to use it with, when they're mostly playing it with you or by themselves.Our GFs could be described as casuals, however. Like the OP said, we have Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart all sitting on my entertainment center gathering dust. Oh and Zelda too, cause I picked it up used.
What do you want people to say to an article like this? "Well he does have some points?"SamBishop said:It was IGN. IGNorant sluts, actually. There were shirts made. For the company. Did I just blow your mind?
I fucking give up. This thread isn't interested in discussion. Thanks for being thread 23940809284 that counter-balances all the awesome that was in the unfortunately-titled "Do games 'journalists' hate the Wii?" thread.
Nope, editorial folks just hate you and get off on seeing reactions like this.