Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
A. I don't believe Microsoft makes near as much as Nintendo in profits. It's like listening to Obama say he's going to insure 50 million uninsured, stick it to the insurance companies and require them to insure people that have pre-existing conditions, give cupcakes out daily to everyone including baby animals, AND somehow make health costs go down without telling old people to sod off when they get an illness. I just don't believe it, I don't believe Obama, and I'm sick of being lied to.
B. WTF are we talking about? Oh yeah, bullshit. I'm a much bigger fan of the HD consoles, both of them, but this is nut talk. I wish it were true, but it's not.
C. IGN is good. I don't sweat the haters. Yeah, they have BS like this occasionaly, but who doesn't? And I like the IGN podcasts. BEYOND! 3RL is also great. The Wii podcast needs some work. They always sound so depressed about the state of things.
B. WTF are we talking about? Oh yeah, bullshit. I'm a much bigger fan of the HD consoles, both of them, but this is nut talk. I wish it were true, but it's not.
C. IGN is good. I don't sweat the haters. Yeah, they have BS like this occasionaly, but who doesn't? And I like the IGN podcasts. BEYOND! 3RL is also great. The Wii podcast needs some work. They always sound so depressed about the state of things.