Since you cant comprehend why the article is bad ill help point it out for you.
Heres a listing of all the paragraphs and the sentences that are just fanboy comments or flamebait.
God the article sure gets off to a great start!!!
O god now we get to the HERES MY GAMING LIBRARY and all wii games are complete shit!!!
Now most people after stupid shit like this wouldnt read the article especially if it was about the 360 or PS3. Even people in the OT would just make fun of an article like this. But hey since the Wii gets special treatment lets move on.
Heres a listing of the factually wrong, distorting facts paragraphs.
:lol :lol
Factually wrong
1. SSBB and SMG sold more than every single game this generation except for the COD's, Halo, GTAIV and Assassins creed this is somehow disappointing? Who gives a shit if they didnt sell as much as Wii Fit.
2. SSBB is actually STILL in the top fifty monthly sellers based on leaked data and SMG is in the top 20-30 Wii games.
Factually wrong.
It was actually the Wii had the lowest average play time. Obviously there are NOT more people gaming on a gamecube. But hey distorting the facts if fun!
Also nice flamebait at the end.
Obviously hardcore games dont sell as much on the Wii but this is still terribly written
1. Dead Rising was garbage but hey since it TANKED I guess that means it offsets Resident Evil
2. HOTD:Overkill didnt bomb by any means and its a lightgun game
3. Sega stated that only Madworld bombed
4. Would ANY of these games sold 2.6 million fucking copies on ANY platform? I mean seriously.
Ok who cares if he distorts facts or just writes flat out wrong stuff. Lets move on to points he makes
Heres a list of the paragraphs of completely baseless or wrong points.
Ok so wheres he going to go with this....
Wii has similar tie ratios to the PS3 and has the lowest average weekly ownership out of any of the consoles.
See jokers post
But hey Wii doesnt sell games!!!!
:lol :lol
RIGHT so the only reason why it sold was because it had Wii in the title. THeres not enough fucking smiles for this.
So ignoring that its topping the Wii pre-order charts, Nintendo expects it to sell 10 million along with everyone else, and even those nielson surveys say its going to do awesome NSMB WII is going to be diappointing?????
Go back to the Tie ratios.
Heres the listing of weak "points" he made on the article that we can discuss!!!!
Uh What??? A rail shooter if never going to be a top seller
High Voltage did make Hunter the reckoning..... which is in a similar vain to The Grinder.
Ok so heres his MAIN POINT that Nintendo is somehow turning a magical corner into satisfying harcore gamers.... I dont feel like getting the list wars out but what exactly is Nintendo doing different? OMG they are making a SECOND SMG, Zelda, Metroid all of which are already on the Wii but somehow the Wii isnt hardcore until the SECOND one comes out............. Pretty freaking weak "article"
In summary if any article requires multiple people to translate, ignore multiple flamebait paragraphs, ignore multiple factually incorrect paragraphs, ignore multiple baseless and stupid claims to get to a few minor weak points most people would say that the article is complete shit.
Most people dont want to discuss articles written like garbage so its no wonder that theres a lot of smiles in this thread. But hey I guess nobody was reading BEYOND what the article was saying right? :lol :lol