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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Anyone with experience with Godot Engine here? It's 1.0 version was released today and it is often described as an opensource alternative to unity.


The editor runs on Windows, OSX and Linux.

Buildoptions are pretty versatile

Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android
Desktop Platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux
Web Platforms: PNaCL
Consoles: Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita (only with license from Sony)
Upcoming (not stable yet): HTML5 and Windows Phone.
One Click Deploy & Export to most platforms. Easy to create custom builds too.

Ranger X

UE4 added to my list for next OT.

I want to hear everyone's thread name suggestions! What should OT2 be named?

Indie Game Development |OT2|
Pixels for the Poor
Help for Making Thing
All Your Pixels Are Belong Inside
Making Dreams A Reality
Developer PvP Inside!
Hype Not Included

Give me more! Share your suggestions, thoughts, dreams and hopes so I can crush them!

- High Def work for low res salaries
- The most gratifying misery that exists
- Not only blip blop blips
- Now more popular than AAAs


Neo Member
UE4 added to my list for next OT.

I want to hear everyone's thread name suggestions! What should OT2 be named?

Indie Game Development |OT2|
Pixels for the Poor
Help for Making Thing
All Your Pixels Are Belong Inside
Making Dreams A Reality
Developer PvP Inside!
Hype Not Included

Give me more! Share your suggestions, thoughts, dreams and hopes so I can crush them!

- Get a real job


UE4 added to my list for next OT.

I want to hear everyone's thread name suggestions! What should OT2 be named?

Indie Game Development |OT2|
Pixels for the Poor
Help for Making Thing
All Your Pixels Are Belong Inside
Making Dreams A Reality
Developer PvP Inside!
Hype Not Included

Give me more! Share your suggestions, thoughts, dreams and hopes so I can crush them!

Procedurally Generated

Mr. Virus

Yo Indie GAF! Hollow Knight is now over its Kickstarter funding goal and heading through its stretch goals with 58 hours left on the campaign!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in this thread who's supported the game, and I'm mega-excited to be able to make it!

No game pics today (more tomorrow!), but here's a design from one of the screen prints that a bunch of backers will receive:


Congrats :D! Looking forward to the final result!


We submitted 7 iOS updates for games all through last week (the oldest 10 days ago). I expect some of it will get through but not all of it.

This is a really useful site for estimating your potential submission queue times, though in "special" times like now it becomes less accurate http://appreviewtimes.com/

Keep an eye on the raw data though day to day and you'll get a sense for what your chances are.
Yeah, been watching the site like a hawk - looking a little like I may get in by a hair. Maybe :)


UE4 added to my list for next OT.

I want to hear everyone's thread name suggestions! What should OT2 be named?

Indie Game Development |OT2|
Pixels for the Poor
Help for Making Thing
All Your Pixels Are Belong Inside
Making Dreams A Reality
Developer PvP Inside!
Hype Not Included

Give me more! Share your suggestions, thoughts, dreams and hopes so I can crush them!

Pixel Pimping
Of raw polygons and cutting edge pixels
Because game developers are people too
Come for the pixel graphics, stay for the quircky gameplay


Yo Indie GAF! Hollow Knight is now over its Kickstarter funding goal and heading through its stretch goals with 58 hours left on the campaign!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in this thread who's supported the game, and I'm mega-excited to be able to make it!

No game pics today (more tomorrow!), but here's a design from one of the screen prints that a bunch of backers will receive:


YEESSS! Great job! I'm so happy for you guys.


Yo Indie GAF! Hollow Knight is now over its Kickstarter funding goal and heading through its stretch goals with 58 hours left on the campaign!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in this thread who's supported the game, and I'm mega-excited to be able to make it!

No game pics today (more tomorrow!), but here's a design from one of the screen prints that a bunch of backers will receive:



- High Def work for low res salaries
- The most gratifying misery that exists
- Not only blip blop blips
- Now more popular than AAAs

I like "High Def work for low res salaries" the best out of all of them so far, but I'd just say "High def work for low res pay" instead - small word nitpick, but I feel it has (slightly) better rhythm! The idea is top notch though :-D


- High Def work for low res salaries
That made me chuckle :)

Yo Indie GAF! Hollow Knight is now over its Kickstarter funding goal and heading through its stretch goals with 58 hours left on the campaign!

Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in this thread who's supported the game, and I'm mega-excited to be able to make it!
Congrats! I can't wait to play the final game and I hope you manage to snatch some stretch goals while you're at it :)


Things are getting real over here, we're getting ready to register our partnership & business tonight.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I'll hopefully have an awesome announcement for Shwip soon :)


y'all should be ashamed
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Wait, indie games? Those aren't real games.
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| coming to a bundle/PS+/GwG near you.

haha maybe those are too dark.


On a whim today I tried doing something that -- for some reason -- I've never considered doing. My game, from the start, for whatever reason has a blue overlay blended in over all the art. It sets a blue hue to everything (it doesn't constrain every color, but it did make many things more blueish and generally suppress certain colors, such as medium/dark reds became muddled and warmer greens became cooler greens -- stuff like that) and sort of contributed to a higher contrast look to everything due to how everything interacted. For some reason I had myself brainwashed that this was sacred, I could never remove it, that it was REQUIRED to make the game art look presentable.

Well, for some reason today I tried removing it just to see what things look like nowadays. After all, it was put in very early in the process.

After just a little tweaking I'm actually pretty excited to say farewell to that overlay. I've found I can get a much dimmer, more organic look to everything, and since so many colors were being suppressed, especially subtle colors, in many areas I'm getting more complexity in the compositions now.


Here we see warmer, dimmer, more organic appearance that lends itself well to the atmosphere.

The bigger clips show off the differences more.

The outdoor areas (there are more outdoor areas, just not shown yet or in the beta :p) are quite a bit different now, with a more organic, natural look.

Beware even the webm example on the outdoor graphic came to a large file size. Not sure why.

New: http://www.gfycat.com/NiceDimIndianringneckparakeet
Old: http://www.gfycat.com/MammothDeliriousGuineafowl

It really stands out when you see them back to back. I guess I always thought the blue tint gave it a unique look, but I think it was taking away more than it was giving.

More examples of the new look...

http://www.gfycat.com/CoordinatedRelievedAustralianfurseal -- here you can see a lot more color subtly in the indoor portion, particularly note you can see purple things now and distinguish them

http://www.gfycat.com/GracefulFearlessBlackandtancoonhound -- Green areas look greener now, and warmer. Also note the new death animation in this one.


http://www.gfycat.com/AgreeableAffectionateGentoopenguin -- charge blast.

It's also nice to note that yellow is back on the menu. Yellow was a very, very hard color to get to look right with the old overlay. Especially subtle greenish yellow.


Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Let's all be Notch
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Now with more Pixel Art
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Game Makers Stand in Unity
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| You don't get to 500 million Twitter followers without programming a few enemies


I also like "High def work with low res pay". Or you could use "def" twice, or you could use "res" twice.

Although of course, many people including me are aiming to make low-res games. I guess I'll only get what I deserve if I make no money. :p


Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Earliest Access
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Kickstart Me a Dream
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Way of the Future
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Only brass I listen to are my balls
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Unfocused Group
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| I have an Idea Boner
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| I Have This Great Idea I hope no one steals
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Seriously I've had this idea since I was 12, I can't tell you what it is because I'm afraid it'll get stolen, but it's seriously the best idea ever
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Looking for Artist To Work For Free
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Side Project
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Where Art and Brains Occasionally Collide
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Fuckin' Indie Games
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Parity Clause Blues

Jobs that looks incredible, really makes a difference! Nice work :D

Thanx :)


Things are getting real over here, we're getting ready to register our partnership & business tonight.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I'll hopefully have an awesome announcement for Shwip soon :)
Exciting! If I remember correctly, you're in Canada right? Is the process as daunting as it seems to someone who has never done it before?


Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Earliest Access
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| I Have This Great Idea I hope no one steals
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Looking for Artist To Work For Free
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Side Project

I like these ones a lot.


Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Watch Us Make The Next Free Game On PSN
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Art And Safety Not Guaranteed
Indie Game Dev Thread |OT2| Not AAA, but Soon(tm)


Exciting! If I remember correctly, you're in Canada right? Is the process as daunting as it seems to someone who has never done it before?

It's pretty overwhelming at first, but luckily we sat down with a really cool guy that knows his way around business and he gave us some great advice. It certainly helps hearing advice from someone in real life instead of reading endless websites and hearing contradicting things.

We're in Canada ya!
Indie Game Development |OT2| Let Us Cling Together
Indie Game Development |OT2| Blazing Trails, Forging Dreams
Indie Game Development |OT2| A Dev's Gotta Do What A Dev's Gotta Do (too long?)
Indie Game Development |OT2| Indie GAF Needs Your Hype!
Indie Game Development |OT2| Creating Fun For You!
Indie Game Development |OT2| We're Trying it at Home
Indie Game Development |OT2| Quit Your Day Job
Indie Game Development |OT2| The Miracle of Shipping


Now I feel offtopic


Some friend of mine recorded some excerpts from the demo I showcased at RetroSevilla (a local expo at my hometown) and made this Early-Preview-Trailer.

It's short, it's blurry, it has no combat, there are errors in the backgrounds, and I didn't finish the character remake I started last month (so you'll notice some inconsistencies in the animations), but you might still want to check it out if you're curious about how the game will look like.

I know, pic or you won't click.-

UE4 added to my list for next OT.

I want to hear everyone's thread name suggestions! What should OT2 be named?

Give me more! Share your suggestions, thoughts, dreams and hopes so I can crush them!
- High Def work for low res salaries

haha, pretty good.

A variation :

- Hi-res stress, low-res pay

Other entries

- From Garage to Mountaintop!
- Is That a Pixel In Your Pants or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
- Always Pack An Extra Pair of Indies
- A Pixel for a Penny, Mister?
- 1000 Ideas Enter, 1 Indie Leaves
- Profit, come home!
- Steam says I'm Green, Bank says I'm Red
- Indie: There Are No Strings On ME
- Red Dead Return on Investment
But what about my graveyard?

I liked yours and other ones more, but that one spoke to me personally. VizionEck's first targeted release date was September 2013. Then it was Dec 2013. Then it was June 2014. Then it was Dec 2014. Now I've finally learned to just go with "it'll be ready when it's ready."

Also some bad/good news about VizionEck!

I lost my in game language. My notebook containing all the information in it was most likely thrown away, and if it's just hidden I certainly couldn't find it. I have good memories of how most of it worked and I still have copies of the alphabet from my language programs, but really I have to start all over again.

This is bad, but I actually think it's good for the long run. During development of the original language there was a lot I learned and my skill in crafting it increased over time. Things from the very beginning were worse than things finished recently. So by rebuilding from the ground up I can make the overall language much better.

Also I'm keeping the visual style of the "alphabet" the same, but there are some core changes I'm happy I get to make. For starters the original language could only VERY loosely be translated in to English. That fit fine with the game's lore, but it would have restricted what I could hide in their writings. It also made it a lot harder for me to write things in the language. So this new language is just as foreign yet the general meaning can be converted back and forth pretty easily.

The second major change is how efficient the language is. I started thinking of languages as a lossy compression system. Take a picture of a cat for example. It's a relatively large file while a text file of "cat" is much much much smaller yet still contains the same general information. A picture is worth a thousand words but just a few words can still generally explain the image. So with my language I set out with two requirements. 1: the language had to be at least nearly as efficient as English. When converting English to my language the resulting text/speech should take about the same amount of time to read/hear. 2: the written language had to be faster than drawing images/hieroglyphs. When this language was first being developed on its alien planet, the early civilizations would have needed a reason to convert to it. They would only convert if it was faster than their previous system.

The third big change is with the structure of the language. It's not something I can explain right now, but basically the new language perfectly fits the creatures speaking it and how their society evolved. The old language was just designed as "what if they spoke this way?"

It doesn't really look that different that what I've shown in the past, but here's an example of the written language.

The spoken language is still something I'm not quite sure about. I have it up and running, but the result just seems a little off. Again thank you to those who helped me export my sound wav from unity.


It's pretty overwhelming at first, but luckily we sat down with a really cool guy that knows his way around business and he gave us some great advice. It certainly helps hearing advice from someone in real life instead of reading endless websites and hearing contradicting things.

We're in Canada ya!
Cools. So you guys decided to go partnership over corporation? Did you guys get an accountant, and lawyer up? Or just doing it all yourself?

I'm thinking I should register a business soon as well, and it's all so confusing. In BC, Canada, btw. =)


Now I feel offtopic


Some friend of mine recorded some excerpts from the demo I showcased at RetroSevilla (a local expo at my hometown) and made this Early-Preview-Trailer.

It's short, it's blurry, it has no combat, there are errors in the backgrounds, and I didn't finish the character remake I started last month (so you'll notice some inconsistencies in the animations), but you might still want to check it out if you're curious about how the game will look like.

I know, pic or you won't click.-

looks nice! nice sound effects, the environment art of the first area is really killer.

when are you going to show combat?



I finally have a prototype that I can share in case you are interested. My game is called Nomad Fleet and is a RTS for PC set in space. My main sources of inspiration are Homeworld (for the combat) and FTL (for the not-ready-yet level generation).

You can download the prototype here (215 MB PC only): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9078240/Unity/NomadFleet/NomadFleet.rar

The prototype lacks many features but has a tutorial and a sample level where you have to resist an enemy ambush while your hyperspace generator recharges so you can escape. Here's some screenshots:

Mothership and Fleet


Tactical map


Galactic Map (procedural level selection)


Thanks for your time and feedback!


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yay! My game is finally starting to look like a game!(lol)
Ok everything is unpolished and not definitive, i need to fill the background with people, i'm not sold on the hud(the body in particular) and so on but it's a start right?
Please say yes.

Damn if only i was more dedicated to it :(


I liked yours and other ones more, but that one spoke to me personally. VizionEck's first targeted release date was September 2013. Then it was Dec 2013. Then it was June 2014. Then it was Dec 2014. Now I've finally learned to just go with "it'll be ready when it's ready."

Oh, I was actually referring to my veritable landmass of unshipped, unfinished games. Shipping when I'm finished means I'll never ship anything! :p


Now I feel offtopic


Some friend of mine recorded some excerpts from the demo I showcased at RetroSevilla (a local expo at my hometown) and made this Early-Preview-Trailer.

It's short, it's blurry, it has no combat, there are errors in the backgrounds, and I didn't finish the character remake I started last month (so you'll notice some inconsistencies in the animations), but you might still want to check it out if you're curious about how the game will look like.

I know, pic or you won't click.-

Awesome looking! We knew the animations and environments (especially the urban one, wow) were already good looking, but those sound effects are on point as well. Did you make them yourself? If not, found them someplace accessible? (not that I'd look at the same place, I'm just asking because, umm...)

As a side note, I'm a bit less of a fan of the third environment, because of the very saturated pink background and the heavy sounds when landing on apparently cloudy platforms, but I'm not sure if it's a placeholder environment, or a dreamy/cloudy landscape that would make more sense in context?

And I'll add my voice to the pile: we want to see combat now :-D

Yay! My game is finally starting to look like a game!(lol)
Ok everything is unpolished and not definitive, i need to fill the background with people, i'm not sold on the hud(the body in particular) and so on but it's a start right?
Please say yes.

Damn if only i was more dedicated to it :(

"Yes" :-D
I can relate: when I got the lifebars working, it immediatly felt more "gamey" :-D

The main remark I'd have right now is to lower the horizon line in the background a bit - I can understand the legibility concerns, but it feels a bit weird to me to have the trees so far up in the frame, as if the camera was pointing way down, and yet seeing the characters straight from the side. If the contrast is too strong, maybe tint the BG a bit to detach it from the saturated foreground characters?

As for the body indicator, (if I understand correctly, it's for a system to show damage to different body parts): some games I remember that use indicators like that are Deus Ex and Super Robot Taisen GC (EDIT: Mixed up all my references! I was thinking of another Xbox game, Tao Feng, but it doesn't actually have a body indicator, "only" limb damage), might want to look at those to see how they presented it if you haven't already? What I'd suggest is to separate the different limbs that need to be identified as individual (say, if you detect arm damage differently from body damage, then the arms shouldn't be attached to the body). In the same vein, if legs are individualized, I'd spread them a bit so it's a bit clearer which one is which in the heat of action. Maybe put the indicator itself on a sort of panel, similar to how both bars are, with a clear outline and back, so that it pops out better from the background as well?

Good luck with the characters in the background, it takes a while but it's quite fun to do! If you wish to add chars from games shown here (I heard it was a thing recently), feel free to get Honey in there :-D
So far here's what I'm feeling:

Ranger X: High res work for low res pay (changed def to res per Blizz and went with pay per Pehesse's recommendation)
Electroflame: Early Access, but not EA ("We are way better than EA at all things that matter")
Jobbs: Looking for Artist To Work For Free (this fucking got me hahahaha)
Chubigans: We ship when it's finished (no joke)
Thaumaturgic Tomato: Steam says I'm Green, Bank says I'm Red (i almost spit my coffee out, wow)

Seriously amazing shit here.
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