A lot of those look interesting, thanks for the links Hofmann.
Yeah, saw the article on RPS, definitely backing it on KS, looks totally awesome!Paradise Lost: First Contact
Trailer (just watch)
Greenlight Concept
I. Need. This. Now
Edit: And "it will be soon on Kickstarter." This is an instant back right here. Forget Confederate Express, this is going to be my next KS backing
Edit 2: Kickstarter is next week
What will you find on Naught 2?. Not only has Naught's world been completely redesigned to create more interactive and detailed environments, it includes new features that enhance the gameplay and reinvent platform game style. Game controls have been extensively improved while still offering two different options: accelerometer controls and virtual buttons. Naught is now characterized by procedural animations that allow him to adapt his movements to the surroundings by holding on to walls, modifying his way of walking depending on gravity and the ground surface, and pushing objects in a unique and dynamic fashion.
It will be paid ($1.99), but with NO IAP. ^^
We want to try in Greenlight and there will also be a version for PS VITA (in the future). But the all images we're showing are from the iOS version.
Road Not Taken - Road Not Taken is an original puzzle game about lifes surprises. Adventure through a vast, ever-changing forest in the aftermath of a brutal winter storm. Will you find your way?
Yeah the demo is actually (I think) just the 7DFPS version. I thought BP was one of the most promising 7DFPS games, up there with SuperHOT and Probably Archery, so I'm pretty excited that it's going to become a full gameThe demo of Beyond Perception is interesting. The game plays with our perception in a similar (yet different) to Antichamber. There are just a few levels, so it is really not enough to see how the level design would be pushed further. On the youtube video, we see levels which are not part of the demo, so there is more.
Actually now I'm quite torn between First Contact and Confederate. On one hand, you got awesome pixel art, stealth and action, promised open-ended gameplay and tactics, and an intriguing story. On the other, you have more awesome pixel art, permadeath and procedurally generated levels, tactical gameplay, another intriguing story and world, and some awesome bodily destruction/gore effects.Yeah, saw the article on RPS, definitely backing it on KS, looks totally awesome!
This is also coming out on Vita dontcha know
- Procedurally generated: Murder mystery scenarios with a new culprit and clues each time, every play-through is unique.
- Permanent choices: NPCs, interactions, and death will all persist until a new game is started.
- Notebook: Collect clues in the detectives notebook to help solve the case.
- Investigation: Interact with and examine numerous objects and characters in a number of environments.
- Countdown: Given a set number of days to solve the case, each area visited will decrement the time left.
- Freedom of choice: attempt to solve the case, or live out your remaining time doing as you please - be it fighting the law, going after gang members, or just seeing the city.
- Gunplay: Combat is generally to be avoided as a single bullet will take down the player. However, when necessary, the revolver is always available for use.
- Statistics and Scores: Statistics and high scores for a variety of topics will persist through every game.
Yeah...Neo in Broforce. Awesome
I haven't played the free version in a while but I'm going to assume that all the recent changes and additions are only in the betaHe (and all the other changes) in the beta exclusively? Rather then that free alpha.
Had a really busy month this month and not had the time I'd hoped to play much thanks to the parasitic new life lurking in my wife's uterus. As such I've kept it just to my favourite 5, mostly I've favoured the shorter experience this month.
Superhot - An excellent idea and presented beautifully, hope to see it develop into a full experience.
Incognita - Turn based and Klei, a match made in heaven, though still clearly unfinished its kept my attention for some time despite that. Gorgeous!
Probe Team - A fabulously short and complete experience, exploring a map with a group of probes in 10 second bursts.
Mirrormoon EP - Exploring the unknown, slow, deliberate and very compelling.
Hexcells - $3 well spent, a lovely looking and sounding Minecraft-esque puzzle game. Short but great value for money.
I tried Impulse on your recommendation Toma, and I can see why its liked but I'm just terrible at controlling it, after (shamefully) getting stuck on level 17 for an age I got angry at myself and quit. I'll try and get back to itSoundtrack's great though.
Once you got the hang of it, its actually quite easy. Sorry for the huge greenscreen, I made the gif with Gifcam 2.0 but I couldnt get rid of the greenscreen upon saving even after I deactivated it from the edit menu. Anyone know whats up with that?
I played a bunch of the XBLIG version. Was pretty fun.Aqua Kitty - Milk Mine Defender http://www.desura.com/games/aqua-kitty-milk-mine-defender
Never heard of that one before, apparently it's a port of the Vita version. Looks cute.
I've included bunch of IGF games that as far as I know never appeared here.
Interstellaria - Take the role of captain in an epic space adventure! Battle in space, explore planets, trade, upgrade your ships and crew, and save mankind!
Europa - An immersive FPS adventure game set on Jupiters moon 'Europa'.
RIP - Barch (DEios) and Mooosh (LIONESS) decided to make Pretty Much the Same Game, but working on it alone in confined space of their own peronalities.
Once you got the hang of it, its actually quite easy. Sorry for the huge greenscreen, I made the gif with Gifcam 2.0 but I couldnt get rid of the greenscreen upon saving even after I deactivated it from the edit menu. Anyone know whats up with that?
"...and it looks a cross between Portal 2 and that level in Braid where you co-operate with a version of yourself from an earlier timeline..."Reset is a single player co-op first person puzzle game with a strong emphasis on story and atmosphere. The unique game mechanic in Reset is the ability to travel back in time to solve puzzles co-operatively, with yourself.
I haven't played the free version in a while but I'm going to assume that all the recent changes and additions are only in the beta
Ha! Actually the Reddit post I made has over 200 upvotes (didn't expect that) and I know two other people bought the game based on the GAF thread.Well, the team behind Broforce owe you some commission because you just made them a sale.
There are a lot of videogames about violence but not nearly enough about consensual forms of violence and non-normative forms of intimacy," writes in Merritt Kopas to share her newest paid game, Consensual Torture Simulator. While most other genres and modes of games shy away from such topics, her Twine work presents a couple's premeditated approach to pleasure and pain.
While the planning isn't interactive, the violent intimacy is, in choosing how and where to inflict pain. I was a bit perplexed while playing because I did not know when to stop, as the character never used the safe word. Maybe that feeling of uncertainty is part of what people feel in real life during such intimacy. The text certainly gets explicit, but I didn't see or hear anything else that could be NSFW, in case you need to know when or where you can explore this 10-minute Twine tale.
Read the article, tried the game, still have no idea what I'm doing or understand what to doIf you're still unsure what Paradise is, then check out this article and interview by Chris Priestman with Aliceffekt and Orihaus.
Does anyone know how to use punctuation in a description of a vessel and how to enter an object when you move another one on to it?
Despite the look of the trailer, we are still in a early state of development... cause we want to make a HUGE game. We have plans to release by the end of 2014 (if everything goes right).
Think of it as a 2D metal gear but with the extension an puzzle resolution of other classics like Oddworld or Metroid. Some parts will be resolved by logic, other ones with the use of abilities, but the normal situations with enemies would be a free choose for the player. As I told you, like a Metal Gear.
Now thats some next gen player choice at work gentlemen. See all these different approaches? How does AAA even dream of competing with that! :-O (The last one was the pro version, aka took me the most tries)
So time to pop the champagne?First thread to break 50k views, woop.
Hmm. Gumroad has a no erotica policy AFAIK...so if this is explicit, it may actually be withdrawn from sale if it attracts enough attention.
Wow. I did too. Ended up being quite unhappy with how mindless-grind-to-win it was compared to the original and eventually forgot about the game's existence.After pre-ordering the game in 2011 (!) Desktop Dungeons finally has a release date! It will be coming to Steam on November 7. You can try out the old Alpha build for free here but the game has changed dramatically for the better since then.
I put some time into last month and I didn't feel like it was too grindy. It had unlocks and what-not like a lot of rogue-like/likes/lites these days but nothing really like the grind of a Rogue Legacy for example.Hmm. Gumroad has a no erotica policy AFAIK...so if this is explicit, it may actually be withdrawn from sale if it attracts enough attention.
Wow. I did too. Ended up being quite unhappy with how mindless-grind-to-win it was compared to the original and eventually forgot about the game's existence.
This one is the Kickstarter I have the least faith in out of those I have backed. I really hope all of the silent time has resulted in quality time spent making the game excellent but we shall see.Holy crap an Arakion update.
"We now have some concrete dates! I can now confidently say that you can set your calendars to these dates."
Yeah sorry guys you haven't exactly inspired me with your timeliness so far. Especially since they say they have concrete dates and then don't mention them...
Welp, development appears to still be actually happening I guess. They've given backer access to a design doc, which is cool. Gonna see if I can get into Alpha 1, wanna see the game!
\This one is the Kickstarter I have the least faith in out of those I have backed. I really hope all of the silent time has resulted in quality time spent making the game excellent but we shall see.
You should look into GameSaveManager and a Dropbox account (integrates with GSM) if you haven't already.Oh come on. Fucking blue screen of death. Now my laptop has to reboot to factory settings. Goodbye all my DRM-free game progress. Damn it
Well if there's a silver lining, I have 240 GBs of free space again! And thank god for Humble, Desura, and Steam. At least I won't have to go scouring the internet for the games I hadYou should look into GameSaveManager and a Dropbox account (integrates with GSM) if you haven't already.
Well if there's a silver lining, I have 240 GBs of free space again! And thank god for Humble, Desura, and Steam. At least I won't have to go scouring the internet for the games I had
Thanks for the link. Stupid stupid stupid not to back up my music. Had over 400 songs.Depending on how much drive activity occured, you may be able to recover some of the save files using Recuva. Can't guarantee anything though, seeing as how you mentioned several restarts in the other thread
Fuck man it took me like 6 tries to type that post without double bracketing the tags. Been spending too much time in Twine.
Cheesecake, you're my hero. There was no way I was going to remember every song I had. That program was a life saver.
Now I've double backed up my music and stories to Dropbox and a spare USB.
A girl trapped in a lifeless castle built upon ancient arcane technology, and ruled by an evil queen. One fateful day, she escapes her prison cell and encounters a malfunctioning robot knight that she decides to free. They must work together to unravel the mystery of the castle in time to escape with their lives.
The Girl and the Robot is a third person action/adventure game for PC, Mac and Linux set in a fairy tale world.
The game brings the thrills of classic games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Ico, and pairs them with the sense of wonder and adventure found in animated movies such as those from Studio Ghibli.