Fuzzy said:It's not really sneaky when one of the trophies is for going back there.
I rarely look up PS3 game trophies. Too much bother.
Fuzzy said:It's not really sneaky when one of the trophies is for going back there.
But it's the only reason to play PS3 games. [/Wario64]Dyno said:I rarely look up PS3 game trophies. Too much bother.
ezekial45 said:So it's been a month now. Have there been any good fan made missions?
narwhalSTAB said:Reaper Cole is badass. Forget the Old Cole vs E3 Cole debate, Reaper Cole should have been the original design.
JumpingTheGun said:Since when did Cole lose the ability to walk? HE CANT FUCKING WALK.
And the camera has no auto center.
The civilians shouldn't take 4 or more lighting ball/bolt shots to bring down. Theyre human beings and theyre being shot with electricity. I'd say one or two shots should put them to the ground immediatley if not kill them outright. They shouldn't be getting back up and running away. The fuck? (And I wasnt going for an Evil ending)
Its these reasons that I returned the game within a half hour.
HixxSAFC said:username makes post.
JumpingTheGun said:har har har. Well I played all the way through the original so I was coming in familiar wth the series and the gameplay. It just didnt deliver for me. The camera was erratic and janky and the lack of an auto center was really frustrating. camera issues couldve been solved with an auto center.
demosthenes said:Just don't see how you at least enjoyed the first one and threw the 2nd one away in 30 minutes when the gameplay was vastly improved on the 2nd.
upJTboogie said:Pretty sure Cole could not walk in I1 either, he could jog, but that's about it.
HixxSAFC said:username makes post.
From a trophy website:teiresias said:Is the "Extreme Makeover" trophy glitched, because I've destroyed at least fifty balconies (getting the Big Destruction experience notice) and still have yet to get this damn thing? I've tried to get it in both times through the game (currently doing my evil play through after finishing good). I'm going to majorly pissed off if this is glitched and I can't platinum the game.
If you know for a fact that you destroyed 30 large objects throughout the game but the trophy still hasn't unlocked, do it again all in one sitting. The trophy should unlock properly then.
Oh no not at all. I think everyone can agree on that, it's infinitely better than the good ending,brb said:Am I in the minority for absolutely loving the Evil ending?
Why the hell do you feel the need to walk? There are no stealth sections.JumpingTheGun said:yeah but the run wasnt as fast and camera was zoomed out moreso than in I2 so it was a hell of a lot more bearable.
I thought the evil ending was a little TOO evil for me. Loved the good ending though. Beat good on hard first when I got the game, platted it on my easy/evil playthrough, which was fun as hell I will admit.brb said:Just Platinum'd this puppy last night. Totally loved playing both as Evil Cole (my first, main playthough) and Good Cole a second time. The good/evil powers were different enough that I played it completely differently from my two play through which really kept it fresh.
Am I in the minority for absolutely loving the Evil ending?
Did you get Nix's powers or Kuo's? Because if you're saying the platforming is ass when you've got the Ice Launch at your fingertips I don't know what to tell you. I was in heaven when I hit Flood Town because all of a sudden I didn't have to mash X to fumble up the sides of buildings ever again.ElyrionX said:The whole place looks like ass and it's just depressing to complete missions in there. Plus, more than 80% of the ground terrain consists of water which is lethal to Cole and that places an emphasis on movement and platforming. This is bad because the movement and platforming in Infamous 2 is downright ass. It's just not fun climbing buildings, jumping around and using the weakass static thrusters to move around.
matrix-cat said:Did you get Nix's powers or Kuo's? Because if you're saying the platforming is ass when you've got the Ice Launch at your fingertips I don't know what to tell you. I was in heaven when I hit Flood Town because all of a sudden I didn't have to mash X to fumble up the sides of buildings ever again.
matrix-cat said:One thing I thought Sucker Punch really nailed in the first game was the balance between Cole's powers and the enemies', and the way you had to stay on your toes and use the city's geometry to your advantage, and I feel like they lost it towards the end of inFamous 2.
You never became really powerful in the first game, not in the sense that you could go and Rambo into a den of bad guys with much luck, but if you were mindful of your surroundings and picked the best area to fight from you could always do pretty well for yourself. Some of the later missions were really brilliant, and I think it was the second-last one in particular that threw a practical army at you but space them out on various rooftops in such a way that you were pretty much a match for them by your lonesome. It's hard to describe, but I feel the balance was a lot better in the first game.
There were moments in inFamous 2 when I thought I was playing the best thing ever, and it never got stale because the way you play that game changes significantly with pretty much ever new power you get. I was amazed at how the gameplay opened up when I got the Ice Launch, and the first big bossfight was absolutely brilliant in a way that inFamous 1 could never have offered. And then when you get to Flood City things get even better because all of a sudden you need to start getting a whole lot more precise with your platforming because there's water everywhere. But then you realise you can even use that to your advantage, though, because blasting dudes off rooftops into water and shocking them is an easy one-hit-kill. Only stay frosty, son, because these effers can jump, too. I just adored the middle of inFamous 2.
But I feel like it just goes downhill really significantly when you unlock the final part of New Marais. It feels like every enemy gets a huge bump-up in health with every passing mission, so before long even the most basic enemies need five second long bursts to the face before they even slow down, and you can just wail on bigger enemies for minutes at a time. Ice Titans are the worst thing in the whole game because they barely even fight back. The one on the bow of the cargo ship just stood in place while I emptied my electricity stores into his face and then ran off to recharge over and over again. I love the huge battles in inFamous where you fight a dozen different enemy-types at once and each neeeds to be dealt with differently, but by the end of the game I just groaned every time the game threw another forty enemies at me because it just took so long.
It got to the point where, despite your amazing new powers, you actually feel less dangerous at the end of the game than you are at the start because enemies simply have more health. And rooftop-to-rooftop battles are pretty much gone in favour of bland one-level fights in warehouses and city streets. You can still find higher ground, but when all you're doing is firing dozens of rockets into the same Titan it's easier to get in close because they travel so slowly; it's not like he's going to do anything about it.
I was planning to start an evil playthrough right after I finished, but by the end of inFamous 2 I was just done. I hated the way the story ended, too, but that's neither here nor there![]()
Yeah, I like her a lot more than Kuo so far.Dedication Through Light said:Wow just got to Nix, pretty cool, I hope I see more of her!
Dedication Through Light said:Kou and Cole's conversations are pretty nice. I like it. Im so glad that I got the precision shot again, Cole is starting to get back to epic levels again. I cant say that Im a fan of needing to find the charges just to use Ionic Vortex...I kind of miss the one in inFAMOUS, I like controlling it with Dual Shock 3.
JumpingTheGun said:Its too bad Cole cant wield the power of walking.
Dedication Through Light said:Wow cant believe I finished it in a week and no less on hard difficulty. Really, the only hard thing about the hard was just those ridiculous "defend the transformer" type missions. I hate them, just as bad as those protect the vehicle missions in inFAMOUS.
I enjoyed the good ending, though, I hope we get an inFAMOUS3, there is so much potential for this modern day superhero franchise. I wouldnt mind seeing Kuo, I loved her voice actor and the four main casts banter with each other.