upJTboogie said:It's possible, there was the lightning bolt in the shape of a ? above the boat.
Edgeward said:The traversal is even better than the first one but like the first one the better traversal powers,, are put way too far near the end. The second area would've been so much more fun if I couldimproved static thrusters and tethermy way around the first time I was there.lighting swing
that might seems weird but they just tried to balance things out ... not give every power right from the start . Also i really think some mossion would be broken with lighting theter or ice launch . they give it to you when you REALLY NEED to move across far away points from the map .Edgeward said:I will take that over the sense of being annoyed of going into waters, wires or ledges I did not want to be on. Or limited in my options of how to get from one place to another.
I don't need a sense of danger in traversing. I like to feel awesome and like a superhero.
I miss doing the ice launch then hover on evil playthrough so fucking bad. This time around evil powers just sucks compared to good powers. definitely going to do the hard playthrough on good!BruceLeeRoy said:Using Ice launch to hover to electric drop is soooooo bad ass. How have I ever lived without ice launch.
I just use cars for that, drain electricity and use normal bolts on them to kinda "recharge" em for a bit then drain again!Edgeward said:Another thing that would've been cool is if my powers didn't drain as quickly as they did. I felt it got in the way when I would need to constantly run around looking for a real power source because lamps and other small outputs gave you almost nothing.
But yea, way better than the first and I loved the first.
RatskyWatsky said:I've been on the lookout for inFamous 2 deals since it's launch, and so far, there aren't any that I'm aware of. Despite being one of my most wanted games this year, I decided to wait for a price drop since pretty much every game now days seems to drop in price just a few weeks after launch. I can't believe it hasn't dropped yet, although maybe it's a sign that it's selling well?
sadly it won't .Raonak said:As stupid as the concept of vampire cole sounds,
I'm pretty excited for festival of blood.
I hope it's also avaliable as I2 DLC, for a cheaper price.
Magic Mushroom said:You don't.
Boombloxer said:A lot of the Sony 1st party games don't drop until they are GH.
It's $44, just go and buy it.
BruceLeeRoy said:Using Ice launch to hover to electric drop is soooooo bad ass. How have I ever lived without ice launch.
They did do something. It's called UGC.ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:So finished on good and bad, unlocks all the powers when you finish................ but there's fuck all enemies around to use the powers on. Hopefully there's something Sucker Punch can do.
there are more side missions this time and there is UGC .New marais is pretty much alive compared to the barrens of empire city post game.ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:So finished on good and bad, unlocks all the powers when you finish................ but there's fuck all enemies around to use the powers on. Hopefully there's something Sucker Punch can do.
element said:We released a short clip from inFAMOUS 2: Festival of Blood today over on SuckerPunch.com
IPoopStandingUp said:Why did this game not get more attention? It is a ton of fun, improves on the first in every way possible and managed to get me to replay it immediately after beating it. My schedule permits me so little time to play games, plus I have an addiction to buying games on sale leading me to having a ridiculous backlog - which makes me feel forced to finish up games as quickly as possible.
Yet I replayed this immediately after beating it. Even went as far as to Platinum it which is something I have only done once before.
I loved both endings because they managed to mess with my emotions in different ways, something video games rarely ever do to me.
Spoilers for the good ending:
I loved the game so much that Cole dying at the end just left me bummed out. Maybe this is what prompted me to replay the game, squeezing all I could out of it. His death, followed by the haunting credits just made me feel like this would be his last appearance.
Spoilers for the bad ending:
The actual ending itself was bleh. But having to kill Zeke is what did me in. People talk about killing the Boss in MGS3 was dramatic for them, but I didn't feel anything towards that character. Zeke though, I felt was built in this game to be more of a friend than in the previous game. He is just so ridiculous, flawed, and at times just unable to articulate well that he seems like someone who would be real. Being forced to kill him while he has no chance to stop you, just made me cringe. Which is a triumph because it's the first time a game has made me do something "evil" that actually made me wish I didn't have to.
Such a good game. Can't wait for the ridiculous sounding Vampire expansion. I clearly have a boner for this franchise because I went out to buy the Special Edition just to own the ridiculous backpack that I will never wear. :-/
Boombloxer said:It is fun, and did get attention, however, some of the combat changes worked better in the first game (basic bolt uses no energy, moving with the shield).
So, while the story-telling was better, the overall encounter/mission design was better, and some of the powers more interesting, some people feel that 1 is better.
Now, that said, I3 is a day-one buy.
Ya, I actually didn't take up the Shield power because I felt it would have broken the game for me.R_thanatos said:if i could have the shield UP while moving , this game would have been broken
i mean some fights would have been boring ..and some ennemies would have lost all their dangerousness as well
God no.It is fun, and did get attention, however, some of the combat changes worked better in the first game (basic bolt uses no energy, moving with the shield).
I thought being completely helpless when you has no electricity was a really bad design choice personally. There's some changes they made with no explanation, not being able to recharge while grinding, no standard bolt.Raonak said:God no.
I'm glad of what they did to it in I2, Forces people to stop spamming basic bolt.
And it also truly felt like a "ah, fuck!" moment when you realise you have no energy left- I enjoy the recharge electricity gimmic.
upJTboogie said:I thought being completely helpless when you has no electricity was a really bad design choice personally. There's some changes they made with no explanation, not being able to recharge while grinding, no standard bolt.
Yeah that is true, but it made the game less fun, and slowed things down since you always had to run back to something charged just to start fighting again. Melee was effective but only on small groups.Raonak said:Well, you still had melee.
no standard bolt made more sense, you're out of electricity.... yet you can still fire bolts :|
no recharge while grinding was a stupid removal though. Hopefully it'll be back for festival of blood.
upJTboogie said:Yeah that is true, but it made the game less fun, and slowed things down since you always had to run back to something charged just to start fighting again. Melee was effective but only on small groups.
upJTboogie said:I thought being completely helpless when you has no electricity was a really bad design choice personally. There's some changes they made with no explanation, not being able to recharge while grinding, no standard bolt.