oh oh FoB is MOve compatible ??i guess my bolts will be even more accurate , then
Thrakier said:Move support incoming!!
I wonder who they made this...hmmmm...
Thrakier said:Move support incoming!!
I wonder who they made this...hmmmm...
element said:inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood screen. We did announce the price, $14.99 and release date today, October 25.
Oni Jazar said:Awesome news! They should patch the whole game this way.
DAY 1, baby!!!!element said:inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood screen. We did announce the price, $14.99 and release date today, October 25.
TTP said:Anyway, if they can pull it off, we'll have every right to bitch at Naughty Dog for not implementing it in Uncharted 3![]()
+ Sid Shuman on September 15th, 2011 at 2:36 pm said:
inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood and inFAMOUS 2 are BOTH getting Move support! Stay tuned for more details soon![]()
We will be releasing a free update for inFAMOUS 2 in October that will enable Move support.Oni Jazar said:Awesome news! They should patch the whole game this way.
element said:We will be releasing a free update for inFAMOUS 2 in October that will enable Move support.
element said:We will be releasing a free update for inFAMOUS 2 in October that will enable Move support.
How did we do what? Add Move? Magic! Actually, we will be talking about it in greater detail soon. Stay tuned.Thrakier said:How did you do it?
Any PS+ discount?element said:inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood screen. We did announce the price, $14.99 and release date today, October 25.
element said:How did we do what? Add Move? Magic! Actually, we will be talking about it in greater detail soon. Stay tuned.
We will explain how Move works very soon. As for the date on the update, before Oct 25th.Thrakier said:Funny guy. I meant how did you implement it.I want details. And I want to know when the patch is out so I can plan my evil playthrough.
hey_it's_that_dog said:erm excuse me *adjusts glasses* if Cole is a vampire how can he hold a cross as a weapon?
element said:We will explain how Move works very soon. As for the date on the update, before Oct 25th.
ShockingAlberto said:Move support will be interesting as I've always kind of compared inFamous 2 to GIRP in how many buttons you have to hold at one time. If you guys can make it feel less complicated but still as fun, I say go for it.
element said:We will explain how Move works very soon. As for the date on the update, before Oct 25th.
TTP said:Well, having camera control on the wrist allows for easier buttons access for sure (no need to move the right thumb away from buttons area).
As for actual buttons scheme, there are quite a few options there, but let's not forget the Move/Navi combo lacks a button compared to the DS3 (R3).
IIRC Infamous 2 uses L2 only for energy drain, but you need to hold it down. I don't think you can do anything with just tapping it? If so, that might serve as a free spot. Like, tap L2 for radar blip (instead of L3), hold to drain. Shoulder switch to L3 (instead of the R3 - which doesn't exist).
Edit - Of course it also depends on how/if they are going to put some gestures in. I don't see them used for close combat tho. Unless they implement a lock on system taking care of the camera while you waggle. Doubt it tho. Maybe forward jab for Blast powers (instead of L1 + X)?
R_thanatos said:maybe we'll know in FoB..but most likely in Infamous 3 if SP is considering it ...
Corto said:Actually L2 tap functions as a radar blip, same as L3...
TTP said:Right. So they can profit from the redundancy I guess.
Thrakier said:Move support incoming!!
I wonder who they made this...hmmmm...
Thrakier said:Not really. Just tapping it is enough to make Cole suck. Electricity. This won't happen with R3.
When are we getting the Nu Cole skin?element said:yep yep.
Thrakier said:There are smoe trophies I expected to get but didn't, f.e. finishing all misions on island 1. There is no more mission. What can I do about that? Also I have WAAAAAY less XP to get all powers. I don't know why. It's not nearly enough, need more than 10k. Although I did all side missions and collected all shards etc. - strange. Any tip how to gain XP fast?
Thrakier said:Anyone?
Combichristoffersen said:Quickest way to get XP would be to just plow through some of the easy UGC missions. Have you tried checking if there's any hidden package side missions you might have missed on island 1?
Kung Fu Grip said:Whats the fastest way to change your karma? I just beat the game as evil cole and now want to see the good ending. I saved right before last mission so it'll be easier but its telling me i need to change to good cole.
Hmmm. Don't really wan't to do that.Combichristoffersen said:To be honest, I think the fastest way would be to just breeze through the game again, doing a good Cole run.
it's a pain to change karma ..you've probably have cleared most events already and teh random events doesn't move teh metter that much ..See all the time you've taken to reach maximum metter ? you need twice that with less missions ...Kung Fu Grip said:Whats the fastest way to change your karma? I just beat the game as evil cole and now want to see the good ending. I saved right before last mission so it'll be easier but its telling me i need to change to good cole.
BruiserBear said:Can anyone tell me if they've patched any of the complaints people had at launch? Such as rocket dudes being hyper annoying, and Cole feeling weaker than he did in the first game?
Yeah it took almost the whole game for me to turn evil. I see your point. I'll replay it i guess.R_thanatos said:it's a pain to change karma ..you've probably have cleared most events already and teh random events doesn't move teh metter that much ..See all the time you've taken to reach maximum metter ? you need twice that with less missions ...
Also replaying the game will allow you to do other choices ..what's more once you've beaten it twice ( with the end game save ) , you'll reach full unlocked skill status .. ( way better for UGC )
in short , replay the game .. by rushing this shoudn't take you that much of your time
BruiserBear said:Can anyone tell me if they've patched any of the complaints people had at launch? Such as rocket dudes being hyper annoying, and Cole feeling weaker than he did in the first game?
Kung Fu Grip said:Enemies in this game have better aim than robocop. So annoying.
R_thanatos said:i really think that the linkage of missions is a freaking good idea , especially after seeing THAT much story missions poping up and i Can't find a part of it ..if this isn't proof that they SP are listening , i don't know