Ehh? it only works with other iMessage users, no?
Yes. That's what I'm saying.
Ehh? it only works with other iMessage users, no?
But can we finally delete one-time used emails addresses? I made the mistake to send an email to my boyfriend at the wrong domain, and now it always suggests that one. ):Finally you can relist your email accounts!
And merging the Apple ID with a phone number is only going to piss them off further. But it's the future, and i'm glad Apple's not shy of going down that path.Apple really pissed off the carriers with iMessage. Sending free SMS messages to non-Apple devices might start World War 3.
Apple really pissed off the carriers with iMessage. Sending free SMS messages to non-Apple devices might start World War 3.
why exactly would it piss off the carriers if apple let you send sms messages via your phone number through ipad/mac? it would be using your phone number, so the carrier would detect each one and have the ability to use it against your phone bill as a text message... isn't it just adding more capability for the phone companies to charge you?
It can't be that bad, it just works with other iPhone users. You can't message an Android device for free. Although, with how many people that use iPhones, I wouldn't be surprise if carriers start making texting plans mandatory.
They don't charge you for iMessages now as they are sent as data, not SMS. This would be the same.
Apple announced at WWDC that it's already a billion messages a day.
Given that the average US person sends/receives 40 texts a day... that's about 25 million users using iMessage in any given day. That's a lot of people just 1 year after launch. If even only 20-30% of those canceled their text messaging plans... that's a significant chuck of change.
Charging more for data. Simple.Thus why verizon went to unlimited calls and texts. The writing is on the wall. Eventually plans will be all data. Question is how will telco companies keep their profits in check.
i don't understand what that has to do with what i said though..
imessage is data that is completely unrelated to carriers unless the data is sent over the carrier network (in which case, you are charged by the carrier for data usage). if sms messages were sent as data via your phone number from ipads/macs, they would be sent over the internet to your carrier to process. why wouldn't carriers allow apple to do what other companies already do and send sms messages over the internet? if the sender is a registered phone number, they would be able to charge the specific person sending the message on their phone plan. the only person that would lose would be consumers as they would essentially be paying for the data usage (whether the ipad/mac is using their carrier plan data or not) and for the text message service.
Charging more for data. Simple.
But consumers aren't going to like that. I already don't like the share data plan. If you are a single user then the price for 1GB data on a smart phone is 90 dollars before tax. I pay 80 dollars total from at&t w/ my employee discount for 2gb.
This can be changed in the settings, no?Man, kind of wish repeated calls didn't break through the Do Not Disturb option, although I understand why. Would have been perfect ex-girlfriend repellent.
Wouldn't most plans with carriers to get an iPhone already offer unlimited messaging?
They're all now properly centered, where previously it was only Mon. Also, the color gradient status bar seems to make more sense now. It matches whatever color the app menu bar is using;
via iDownloadBlogsorry if already posted
why does everyone hate this? i think it's awesome.
I don't mind it, but it's slightly confusing if you're used to blue being tethering. Also, safari's is black despite the blue title bar
Yep, but I guess the double wide status bar (which I hate) is enough if you're in portrait.does tethering still turn it blue in ios 6?
is reverting back to ios 5.1.1 as easy with an iphone as it is with a wifi ipad?
As long as you can put it in DFU mode you are fine. iTunes will bring you back.
wicked. i may test out ios 6 on my phone then.
The only thing I would warn is that it tends to be a pain in the ass to repeat the process every few weeks as they keep releasing new versions to developers.
But can we finally delete one-time used emails addresses? I made the mistake to send an email to my boyfriend at the wrong domain, and now it always suggests that one. ):
why does everyone hate this? i think it's awesome.
I'd be fine with just blackThis is how it should have been since version 1. And if it had been, and they were switching it to grey, everyone would hate the grey one.
It's ugly.
I don't get it.
Why is there still no weather app for the new iPad? I can ask Siri about the weather and get all the data but they still won't just give us the dang app!
I lol'd:
Why is there still no weather app for the new iPad? I can ask Siri about the weather and get all the data but they still won't just give us the dang app!