First I've heard of iCloud working across two different apps. As far as I know that would be new tech supported by Apple.
Admittedly, my iOS dev knowledge is a bit rusty these days so this may have changed to be possible. But previously at least it was impossible to iCloud sync between two separate app SKUs, which this is. Short of making say the HD edition universal and enabling iCloud save game sync (or using a third-party save/sync system) I can't see it working. At least if you're looking to play on an iPhone and an iPad and not two iPhones/iPods or two iPads.
Same here, but that is what people are saying... guess someone else needs to say it doesn't work that way.
Also, I'm not sure how it'd work with IAP (if you bought a hero on the HD one but not the normal one) and tried playing your save on both devices... but what's weird is people said with Pinball Arcade, there were two apps, a lite and a paid version (that came with a single table or two opened up), and when there was a bug with the paid version, people were saying to download the free version and you'd be able to restore your purchases in it even though it was a different app, and people were saying that it was indeed working. Maybe there's some way to link IAP over multiple apps?
iPhone version <> iPhone version (on another phone or ipad) = yes
HD iPad version <> HD iPad version (on two different ipads) = yes
iPhone version <> HD iPad version = no
So, unfortunately there's been a little misunderstanding...
Anybody here who needs a CANADIAN store code for Final Fantasy Tactics?
Help a brotha out so that we can rectify and grab me a US store code for the same game.
Did you get this sorted? I'm Canadian and want the game, I'm sure we can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Anyone bought Ron Gilbert Scurvy Scallywags yet?
EDIT: Well, ok, bought it anyway...will report.
I've been playing it all morning. It's my favorite match 3 game to come out on the iOS. Incredibly addicting and so much to do with quite a bit of depthpretty enjoyable, has good production values. it's similar to dungeon raid in some ways. not the best game ever but a well-done match puzzle.
I had no clue they tracked all that stuff! I figured it was related to the look of your town. So that's why some of you guys have six million homes. :lol I can't make enough money at this point to afford much land and all the buildings are $100k as is! I just do it once a day at most. Seems like you need to devote to maybe 4 hour tasks or less to be highly successful. I know the 24 hour tasks are far less efficient.If you tap on the stars, it shows you the breakdown.
I had no clue they tracked all that stuff! I figured it was related to the look of your town. So that's why some of you guys have six million homes. :lol I can't make enough money at this point to afford much land and all the buildings are $100k as is! I just do it once a day at most. Seems like you need to devote to maybe 4 hour tasks or less to be highly successful. I know the 24 hour tasks are far less efficient.
Missed this post earlier. What you and I are describing are technically the same thing. It's up to the devs how it's presented ingame. Visible dedicated save slot or not. WHQ for example is the same, they got three slots though.Generally when a dev adds icloud support post-release to bridge two separate apps, it's done through a dedicated iCloud save slot, as opposed to having progress automatically synced. An example of this would be Galaxy on Fire/HD.
Missed this post earlier. What you and I are describing are technically the same thing. It's up to the devs how it's presented ingame. Visible dedicated save slot or not. WHQ for example is the same, they got three slots though.
iCloud works a little weird in that it doesn't transfer your specific save state, but rather, just your "memory card" save game between devices... But, hey, that's still really awesome especially for a game with this kind length and depth.
Did you get this sorted? I'm Canadian and want the game, I'm sure we can work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Hasn't been sorted yet. This has been my mistake, as I mistakenly bought the game for dash from a Canadian account. Would be great if you can buy it. I'll inform dash in a PM.
Haha Scurvy Scallywags is sooooo good!
Edit: And iCloud support is totally seamless. I swapped back and forth just now with ease!
God I forgot how close to crack Kingdom Rush is.
I have some iTunes credit from a gift card a while ago, if I make a in app purchase for a Hero will it take it from my existing credit or from my credit card?
I think it takes from your existing iTunes credit first before charging you. I added a couple of gift cards to my account and so far all purchases have come off that credit without me getting the option to pay via other means.
What's your Origin id? My Tapped Out friends list is still pretty sparse. :/
Scurvy Scallywags is fantastic! The little twist on how things fall into the field is great and helps it stand out from the rest of the match-3 games, and it's just straight up adorable all across the board. Absolutely worth $1. I'll be buying some of their IAP just to show them some more support, it's a really great game.
Some? Is there more than one (double gold)?
9th Dawn is pretty awesome so far. Has a big Ultima 4-6 vibe going, but with free form movement. I guess it has a little bit of a Nox thing going too.
Man of Steel iOS revealed:
looks cool but I'm not paying $2.99
9th Dawn is pretty awesome so far. Has a big Ultima 4-6 vibe going, but with free form movement. I guess it has a little bit of a Nox thing going too.
Huge open world RPG.
I mean, how can any Ultima fan resist this screenshot:
Hey there gaffers, just thought to share our new release, Bellboy, for the iPhone, iPad, iPod.
Its free with no inApp crap. Feedback is more than welcomed as we expect to improve the game.
9th Dawn is pretty awesome so far. Has a big Ultima 4-6 vibe going, but with free form movement. I guess it has a little bit of a Nox thing going too.
Huge open world RPG.
I mean, how can any Ultima fan resist this screenshot:
I was just eyein' this. How's the combat?
Man of Steel iOS revealed:
9th Dawn is pretty awesome so far. Has a big Ultima 4-6 vibe going, but with free form movement. I guess it has a little bit of a Nox thing going too.
Huge open world RPG.
I mean, how can any Ultima fan resist this screenshot:
I'm not sure. I only played the game on my hour commute to work this morning, so I didn't have any reception. I saw the gold doubler, but there was another one under it that just said "Loading..." so I have no idea what it was. Regardless, I will throw my money at them with force!
PfD refunded me before I could speak with him so yeah, it'd be awesome if you could buy the code off him!
I'll inform him to contact you via PM, he has the code now.
I'm sorry I was this much trouble to you man![]()
9th Dawn is pretty awesome so far. Has a big Ultima 4-6 vibe going, but with free form movement. I guess it has a little bit of a Nox thing going too.
Huge open world RPG.
I mean, how can any Ultima fan resist this screenshot:
No skill slowdown at all on my Mini. Rotating the screen has a slight hitch sometimes, but that's about it. Sprites mostly look really solid as well.
The sprites are pretty much the same as HMH. They're by the same artist, Ayaka S.
Here's some info that ought to help you beat the game.
Hero AI types:
いのちしらず Fearless - Charges in at top speed, never retreats. Charges monsters near by.
かげき Zealot - Charges in at top speed, retreats last minute. Charges monsters near by.
ねっけつ Hot Blooded Charges in at top speed, retreats at 40% health. Charges monsters near by.
れいせい Calm Charges in at normal speed, retreats around 50% health.
しんちょう Careful Slows down around midboss/boss, retreats around 60% health.
おくびょう Wussy Slow. Retreats very quickly. I give these guys red bandannas so they get the "Hot Blooded" AI, then make them fighters.
The top 3 personalities make for great fighters, Calm and Careful make the best mages while wussies get glasses or bandannas to change to Calm or Hot Blooded respectively.
Been playing this since it was mentioned in the thread and I love it. The art style is fantastic. Took me a while to realise that the enemies tend to attack on a cycle so it's a matter of working out when to attack and block, and also that holding down the attack button performs a secondary ability (regain health or mana or perform a more powerful attack), but now that I know that I'm really enjoying it. The animations are superb and the pixel art is really great. The fact that it's free is just the icing on the cake.