Actually I played it before and I felt a little bit lost but I gave it a try again and I actually really like it. Thanks

Plus this game is just too cute! Still, Half-Minute hero would be perfect for iOS.
The sprites are pretty much the same as HMH. They're by the same artist, Ayaka S.
Here's some info that ought to help you beat the game.
Hero AI types:
いのちしらず Fearless - Charges in at top speed, never retreats. Charges monsters near by.
かげき Zealot - Charges in at top speed, retreats last minute. Charges monsters near by.
ねっけつ Hot Blooded Charges in at top speed, retreats at 40% health. Charges monsters near by.
れいせい Calm Charges in at normal speed, retreats around 50% health.
しんちょう Careful Slows down around midboss/boss, retreats around 60% health.
おくびょう Wussy Slow. Retreats very quickly. I give these guys red bandannas so they get the "Hot Blooded" AI, then make them fighters.
The top 3 personalities make for great fighters, Calm and Careful make the best mages while wussies get glasses or bandannas to change to Calm or Hot Blooded respectively.
There is 1 fairly broken combo of giving a fighter type an armor that really boosts magic power(cursed armor, wine red with big shoulder pads) and then giving them a healing staff. They'll just bash bosses til they die. It's glorious.
Notable items are the White Robe which reduces revival time, the EXP UP shield which is a dark red and black, the mirror shield blocks projectiles, the red scarf you can earn in infinite challenge will make your character super fast regardless of what you equip them.
The big hammer has the highest attack of any weapon but it is really heavy. Wait til your heroes have enough speed stat to move fast with that big hammer before using it.
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