Christ. Now Thom Yorke's deleting HIS tweets.
but for how longJonny's tweets are still there
omg this is really happening
I think Jonny just went from 631 to 629 tweets
edit: 628 now oh boyyyyy
I think Jonny just went from 631 to 629 tweets
edit: 628 now oh boyyyyy
although those could be @radiohead or @thomyorke retweets that no longer exist
although those could be @radiohead or @thomyorke retweets that no longer exist
I saw and saved this beautiful tweet from Thom's twitter before it was too late
I'm hoping it drops before I go to work in an hour.I wonder how many other people are hoping the new album drops before WWE Payback tonight.
I wonder how many other people are hoping the new album drops before WWE Payback tonight.
Holy shit.Where else do you think Thom's planning on announcing the new album?
Turn on the faucet in your kitchen sink and there an album yet
I heard that fucking Radiohead record and I just go, What?! I like to think that what we do, we do fucking well. Them writing a song about a fucking tree? Give me a fucking break! A thousand year old tree? Go fuck yourself! Youd have thought hed have written a song about a modern tree or one that was planted last week. You know what I mean?
is there an album yet
pitchfork has that 10/10 review written already.
I feel myself fading away at this point. I should check on my vinyls.At this point they probably should of spread this out a little bit more
I would literally die.What if its some kind of "the world without us in it" experience that goes on for a week +?
What if its some kind of "the world without us in it" experience that goes on for a week +?
Im not really following the disappearing tweet act other than what you guys are saying. Are Johnny's still being deleted?
Im not really following the disappearing tweet act other than what you guys are saying. Are Johnny's still being deleted?
But what about MySpace?