Boo hoo, Thom Yorke doesn't think his band is making enough money, boo fucking hoo. Sorry for your meager ~$40 million. Let me pity him as well as all the other established millionaires who flock to whatever service pays the most whilst outputting sub-par (or quite honestly, terrible) product once a year (or longer) for their one or, maybe, two good singles.
Then let's all complain about Spotify, which gives artists enormous exposure, and arguably leads them to more money in the long run through that avenue then just direct streams. Does any artist really expect to make (or sustain) a career living from their music in streams? No? Okay then, go out and get money at a show or sell some merchandise, which is what you were going to do in the first place anyway. It's not, as if, you are only going to make your music available in one place, right?
"It's such a shame that music isn't valued"
Let's all clear something up here: a lot of "artists" produce shit. They release an album a year, with maybe two (if you're lucky) quality tracks that will even exist longer than the 6-8 month average staying period, and you expect me to pay for 80-90% trash you thought up in a boardroom while trying to appeal to "what's current"? Or pay the same amount (or sometimes more) for some no-name, badly produced, made-in-a-can sounding garbage you created in 48 hours on some software? The bar for quality music and media in general has gotten so abysmally low that it creates this false sense of "they're undervalued" -- hey, guess what, nobody has to listen or pay for your shit. If you create music to just get money, I guarantee your product is terrible. If you create music that you love and will do it regardless of who listens, because you actually love music, I guarantee you'll produce quality and will have fans and support. And of those fans who support and love your music because you're creating quality, guess what happens then?! People buy your shit because they value it.
But I guess it's okay to just expect people to prop you up for nothing more than ego.