Analyzing a 6 second clip.
The thirst is very much real.
Was there ever a digital release for Supercollider and The Butcher or was it vinyl only?
There definitely was for Supercollider. Remember being there the first time it debuted live at the start of the In Rainbows tour in Dublin with just Thom playing it on piano. Magical.
Hail to the Thief is G.O.A.T. From the first track all the way to "I Will", it's a roller coaster ride. Then it gets all weird but by then you need to take a break from Thom Yorke tonguefucking your eardrums.
Hail to the Thief's first half is fanfuckingtastic. From 2+2=5 to There, There. most of it (not a fan of Backdrifts) is just pure greatness. Then I Will comes in and ruins the momentum (at least the version that was part of the album - the LA version that was on Com Lag was great - would have preferred that on HTTT). Punchup is meh for me, but it gets back into a great rhythm of things again from Myxomatosis and doesn't stop until after A Wolf at the Door.
I'll say it: Amnesiac is their worst non-Pablo Honey record.
Nope. King of Limbs is. And even then, it's still a good album.
Knives Out is one of my least favorite Radiohead songs of all time.
Straight garbagio. Trans-Atlantic Drawl, Kinetic and Amazing Sounds of Orgy should have all made the cut instead.
1.) Kid A
2.) In Rainbows
3.) OK Computer
4.) Amnesiac
5.) The King of Limbs
6.) Hail to the Thief
7.) The Bends
8.) "The album title comes from a Jerky Boys prank call skit in which the prank caller says to his victim: 'Pablo, honey? Please come to Florida!' This snippet is sampled by the band on the track "How Do You?"." - Seriously, are you kidding me?
Genuinely LOL'ed at that.
Also, while I'm here - even though I've done it already in this thread - I'll take any opportunity to repeat my thoughts on the best ranked albums are.
Kid A (top spot is not even up for debate for me)
In Rainbows
OK Computer
Hail to the Thief
The Bends
King of Limbs
Pablo Honey