Agree 100%
People look at me funny when I tell them o prefer KOL to In Rainbows. I like when the band makes left turns.
I wonder how much of this is a factor of age.
When I was like 17-22 I loved finding new music, expanding my horizons and experiencing everything that's out there in all genres.
Now that I'm zeroing in on 30 I find myself faaaar less adventurous with music genres. I know what I like, and more importantly what I don't and there isn't much that is going to change that at this point, I think.
Not to say I don't want a band to be adventurous and find new sounds (really, there are so many bands that I've stopped listening to because they refuse to evolve), but there is a difference between evolving and being different for different's sake.
In Rainbows was an evolution, a perfect synthesis of their previous sounds (As opposed to HTTT which is a jumbled mess of their previous sounds). Parts of TKOL feel different for the sake of being different. I'd probably like TKOL more if I were still in my early 20's.