Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
I feel it is a bit heated now just cause many xbox fans for one year were in everyone's face about superior xsx and ps5 being weak and down clocking to 9tf and so many other fake fud.Is this what we have become?
Found the honest people
Yep.Wait! people who was claiming victory months before the launch of the new consoles are now saying it's too early to judge the consoles now that PS5 is doing better with most games?
Just today he dug up a 9 month old thread of mine trying to make a point or something. Didn't quit give 2 shades of a fuck to be honest. Found it quite comical he did that but also quite disturbing.Is that so? Care to point when? Cause last I checked I've not been banned to date.
Also, another thread of mine where you enter just to shat on it by going after me. I know I got a fanbase but.... it's getting creepy. Look in the mirror instead of projecting.
JESUS CHRISTShe would definitely say yes, if you have the right tools.
Star Wars Squadrons is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Rocket League 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
Call of Duty Warzone is 120FPS on XSX compared to 60 FPS on PS5
this is by far the biggest difference we had. All the other difference you mentioned in those games are not even noticeable. We need to zoom in 1000% to see a difference. We need to play the game in slow motion to see a difference. We need to have DF TELL US what the difference is.
When the opposition platform become this desperate for a win, it's safe say they probably feel deep inside that they've wasted money. They just don't want to admit it yet
When the opposition platform become this desperate for a win, it's safe say they probably feel deep inside that they've wasted money. They just don't want to admit it yet
Star Wars squadron is just running in BC mode on PS5, because it supports the definitive version, which is VR.
Rocket League is just unpatched a last gen game.
Warzone also just needs a patch. It will most likely also run better when at 120fps, just like Black Ops.
You are in denial and blinded by grief.
As for the poll: just the DualSense makes the PS5 the definitive place to play. Having the best console graphics and performance is a nice bonus, but nothing more.
I'm sitting here canning myself at this. I've never seen this happen before where tweets are being doctored. Seriously.Wow that's the saddest thing I've ever seen, which Discord warrior did this?
With each console generation the gaming community comes to an unofficial consensus as to which next-gen console platform is the best home to play third party multiplats (X360, PS4 etc..). This process comes about as performance data from multiplat face-offs come in showing consistent performance advantages (whether big or small) favoring one console over the other. Other variables also play a role in reaching this unofficial consensus even if not as predominant as overall performance is. While performance is important; experience differentiators like controllers, experience immediacy (loading), game availability etc.. also play a role. It's because of that and a few other reasons that I believe the PS5 is clearly the best home to play third party multiplats right now. The PS5 after a series of face-offs has shown to be the most consistently powerfully performant console, with an experience differentiator in the DualSense controller, and generally faster immediacy of the gaming experience. There are other factors but the line gets blurry when discussed.
In light of recent events I think there is a lot of cognitive dissonance regarding this topic for a variety of reasons. Marketing material leading up to launch created certain warped expectations with regards to performance in third-party multiplats. Spec-sheet reading and commentary from pseudo experts of the tech "press", mainstream gaming press and simpleton influencers didn't help in making gamers better informed either. In other words; wrong expectations can't be blamed on the average gamer that feels mislead or refuse to believe the real-world data when the results don't align with the built up expectations/conditioning. These gamers consume information as it's presented/framed to them and form their opinions based on such. Reality however has a fun way of throwing a wrench at wrong assumptions and I believe we're witnessing that now as performance results in face-offs come in.
My opinion is obviously just a conclusion based on early data, and other variables at play so not everyone is bound to agree. Which is why I leave the floor to fellow gaffers to chip in with their own opinion - and the poll. Votes can be changed at any time, now or in the future - no pressure. If you're a gamer that's not up to speed and wish to get better informed I'll leave you with further reading so you can make an informed vote:
DMC5: Special Edition: Face-off DF, patch - DF
Dirt 5: Face-off DF (patch discussion inside).
Observer System Redux: Here
Assassins Creed Valhalla: Face-off NXG, Face-off DF, Face-off VGT, patch - NXG, patch - DF, patch - VGT
Call of Duty Cold War: Face-off NXG, Face-off DF, Face-off VGT
Watch Dogs Legion: Face-off DF
Spider-man Miles Morales (bonus): Analysis DF
Demon Souls Remake (bonus): Analysis DF
From the horse's mouth? Microsoft acknowledgement:
Verge: Why is the PS5 outperforming "the world's most powerful console"
Eurogamer: Microsoft acknowledges Xbox Series X and S performance issues
IGN: Microsoft Working on Why PS5 Outperforms Xbox Series X on Certain Games
Dualsense Controller: Official Thread
Tech Radar Comparison
Polygon comparison
Gaming Intel: More next-gen than the console
Android Authority: Dualsense controller is what truly blows me away
Medium: Dualsense controller is actually next-gen.
They are hurting badI'm sitting here canning myself at this. I've never seen this happen before where tweets are being doctored. Seriously.
One has to wonder if this is a Discord plan.
Next thing you know they will plan to kidnap John and force him to praise Xbox at gunpoint. Sick mofos.
It's going to be close between the two machines either way. Very glad that nobody is getting shafted.I expect games to continue to have the best performance on PS5 the entire gen, with a few exceptions here and there.
The customizations haven't even been tapped yet, it's an extremely capable machine from what we've read.
What's wrong with the PS5 build quality?Quick resume, more confidence in the console build quality, and more confidence in the future of MS's BC support/upgrades and cross saves will keep me on Xbox for multiplats. PS5 for it's awesome exclusives.
I'm sitting here canning myself at this. I've never seen this happen before where tweets are being doctored. Seriously.
One has to wonder if this is a Discord plan.
Next thing you know they will plan to kidnap John and force him to praise Xbox at gunpoint. Sick mofos.
I feel it is a bit heated now just cause many xbox fans for one year were in everyone's face about superior xsx and ps5 being weak and down clocking to 9tf and so many other fake fud.
Once this few weeks passes no one will care that much and both will become pretty the end gamers will win .
FFVIIR, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us II, more Spiderman, Demon's Souls Remake. And now third party games are not performing as badly on PS5 as popular belief dictated for months.Indeed. It has been a rough year for the Sony contingent.
The fact that this poll has ps5 declared as the generation winner for mutiplatform games 2 weeks after launch is deeply disturbing. Seriously?
Indeed. It has been a rough year for the Sony contingent.
Is that what you need, another few weeks to get the rage out of your system? Lol