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Is This the Driest Year/Era in Gaming? If Not - What Is?

I understand that there's the COVID-19 pandemic going on, but all this recent talk about next gen had me thinking... I don't think I've seen a drier year in gaming. The Last of Us Part II disappoints me even though I didn't like the first game much, and really the only interesting games this year are either on a Nintendo platform or one PlayStation game. 2014 was pretty boring as far as games were concerned as well but this year may give it some competition.

If it's not the driest year for game releases, then it's certainly one of the driest when it comes to announcements. We were overhyped for an Xbox event expecting the first look at truly next gen games... and were left disappointed, and Geoff Keighley disappointed us twice with a mere remaster and a tech demo that was pretty insane but wasn't a real game (I'm aware this is what we'll be seeing during this time, roughly the same period this generation we saw the first unveiling of Unreal Engine 4).

I believe these companies can simply be more competent to suit what I believe is our standards that we should have as consumers (a half decent console launch with better planning with a well thought out dialogue between producer and consumer), it's like since the last generation they haven't been able to plan their game releases, their planning has consisted of having a terrible launch lineup followed by years of disappointing events, delays, and other announcements, to an exclusive that's finally worth playing a couple years into the generation. There is no planning in advance in order for devs to release their games in a timely manner (since they had to learn that games are starting to take more time). We're all getting older, and it feels like for two generations straight we're all playing the waiting game for one game per developer that takes 5+ years to release a game, hopefully I'm not alone on this.

It's not all negative, though. Microsoft seems to be improving their first party lineup significantly, and next gen seems to have a pretty sizable difference in both visuals and overall scope. The only real issue is the fact these games take more time to develop which is why we got so many delays, so we're only going to see more delays and disappointing news from here on out. Microtransactions (mostly talking about loot boxes) in AAA games are dwindling, and consoles are finally starting to catch up to PC. I'm still a proud and avid gamer, these are just my overall concerns regarding the state of gaming at the moment, pandemic or not, the most important thing to take away from my complaining is that as consumers we deserve the best experience as possible and everybody is doing their best, we have limitations and so do they. But is this really the driest period in gaming history other than the major crash back in the day? Hopefully I didn't miss anything, I appreciate anybody who read till the end, sorry if I seem like a negative Nancy.
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Driest is a weird word. I guess I don't see it written often because I was thinking "wtf is a Dreest?".

My short answer is, "no".

My long answer is, "Hell no, what's wrong with you? 2020 has:

Final Fantasy VII Remake
Resident Evil 3
The Last of Us Part 2
Ghosts of Tsushima
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cyberpunk 2077
Doom Eternal
Marvel's Avengers
Halo Infinite
Half-Life Alyx
Nioh 2
Minecraft Dungeons
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Iron Man VR
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Streets of Rage 4
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Trials of Mana".
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Driest is a weird word. I guess I don't see it written often because I was thinking "wtf is a Dreest?".

My short answer is, "no".

My long answer is, "Hell no, what's wrong with you? 2020 has:

Final Fantasy VII Remake
Resident Evil 3
The Last of Us Part 2
Ghosts of Tsushima
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cyberpunk 2077
Doom Eternal
Marvel's Avengers
Halo Infinite
Half-Life Alyx
Nioh 2
Minecraft Dungeons
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Iron Man VR
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Streets of Rage 4
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Trials of Mana".
Is this a joke? It's not an amazing lineup IMO, but if it's not the driest year... it's definitely one of the driest eras. My most important point was talking about this gen and last gen and the structural planning of exclusives, and I'd say that that issue has mostly been with Microsoft more so than anybody else.

Don't tell me the correct spelling is "dryest" because I Googled it. 😂

2014 was a pretty forgettable year. Shadow of Mordor was like GOTY and that pretty much says it all. Nothing against the game I really enjoyed it, but it's a considerable step down compared to other years.

Dragon Age Inquisition, actually. Yeah, it sucked.
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Not for me really. A bit of a slow start perhaps, but I kept busy with Borderlands 3 DLC etc. until things like Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy 7 Remake came out. Bit of a slow patch now--still playing AC most days, but started on the Kingdom Hearts games for the first time and will keep playing through those to fill gaps for a while. Things pick up soon for me with games like TLOU2, Paper Mario, maybe Ghosts of Tsushima (still on the fence), Cyberpunk 2077 etc. coming out at a pretty good clip starting next month.

As others note, 2014 was way worse. That first year to 18 months of this generation in general was pretty dry and neither console really had enough exclusives to justify it. I'll be a lot more wary of justifying early adopting a PS5 after paying full price for PS4 and being underwhelmed for so long and still mainly playing 360, PS3 and WIi U games.

Also can't agree with the comment that this generation has been dry for single player games. It's been one of my favorite generations (started gaming seriously with NES) and I only play SP games and a few Co-op things like Borderland, Destiny, Anthem etc. at times. Sony has killed it with some of the best narrative-drive games I've played, there's been great third party AAAs like Witcher 3, RDR2, FF7:R, I mostly enjoyed the campaigns in Halo 5 and Gears 4 and 5, Titanfall 2's campaign was awesome etc.

That said, I get that part of it is down to how much time one devotes to gaming. I have multiple hobbies so I really only need 10 or so games a year. Less if I'm dumping a ton of hours into a co-op game or something like Animal Crossing and/or playing a bunch of 40+hour RPGs.
My backlog is fucking nuts lol.

Between 3 consoles and PC, I don't understand how some people can ever claim there's a lack of games to play.
So is mine, I'm not saying that games don't exist (for Xbox it's more true, let's be honest, their first party has always sucked so far), I'm saying we're not seeing them being released in a respectable amount of time because they don't take the time to consider our time and patience as well. I'm one of the most patient people you'll ever meet, so when I say it's gotten bad, I mean it's bad.

Still love this hobby though and unlike... some users on this site that only make straight up negative threads, I'm not giving up hope that it gets turned around or at the very least managed. I'm actually excited to see what happens next gen, maybe things will improve for me? I'm far from disappointed with this gen, FFXV and KH3 are my favorite games of this and last gen combined.

I'm pleased with this thread so far, I do feel like I missed something though, just something to think about overall.
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I'm actually excited to see what happens next gen, maybe things will improve for me? I'm far from disappointed with this gen, FFXV and KH3 are my favorite games of this and last gen combined.

Hopefully. As I said above, the first year to 18 months of this generation was pretty sucky. Hopefully they've learned their lesson and are holding back things to make the launch window this time much better. Last time could have been better if things like GT6 and a few other late gen games were held for next gen.
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If you think this year is dry, you need to expand your tastes.

That said, 2014 was bad. It says a lot that the first year of this gen, for me, was mostly spent catching up on PS3 games than playing new PS4 games. Only bought 7 current gen titles that entire year, and that includes 3 launch titles in November 2013. It was a trash year for sure.
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This has been the weakest, dryest gen since the 50's.

You know it's been a rough gen when the best bits were hardware/software advances rather than games. Psvr, pro/x, elite controller and gamepass/psnow have excited me more than the handful of half decent games.

It feels like Nowt has changed in 10+ years on the gaming front
For me this generation was dry. 2011,2008 was good years. This generation I cant even think of games tha I liked in a goty tier. I just think of the witcher 3, and maybe fortnite because of its role in battle royals genre. Besides that nothing really surprised me or got me playing for more than 40 hours.
The was some playable and fun games, but nothing really marked me, many games I didn't even finished, I think more than 90% of the games I played this generation stopped playing in the middle.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Driest is a weird word. I guess I don't see it written often because I was thinking "wtf is a Dreest?".

My short answer is, "no".

My long answer is, "Hell no, what's wrong with you? 2020 has:

Final Fantasy VII Remake
Resident Evil 3
The Last of Us Part 2
Ghosts of Tsushima
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Cyberpunk 2077
Doom Eternal
Marvel's Avengers
Halo Infinite
Half-Life Alyx
Nioh 2
Minecraft Dungeons
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Iron Man VR
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Streets of Rage 4
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Trials of Mana".
This. Sakura Wars and Trails of Cold Steel 4 too


Yeah, 2020 has been kinda slow.
Animal Crossing and FF7R have been the biggest releases so far for me.

My memory might be wrong but 2018 and 2019 had a better January-to-Summer stretch.
Where I basically had one game on my radar every single month.

That said, people tend to look back on years with rose tinted glasses.
When I think back to, let’s say, 2011... I remember the few great games I played that year (Darks Souls, Arkham City, Gears 3).

Really don’t remember what I played in April 2011, how the releases were distributed and if there were any drought periods....

2020 still has some ammo left assuming TLOU and Cyberpunk are as good as advertised.
Maybe in 2027 we will look back fondly on 2020.


Gold Member
I don't think there's been a year in the last 20 that I've played fewer games than I have this year. But then, we're not even halfway through, so it's too early to call.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Not at all, I've been having a great time already this year with Doom Eternal, FFVII, RE3, and the continued content outflow for Call of Duty.

2014 is this gen's stinker. Dragon Age Inquisition won the game awards' game of the year, so that should give some perspective.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Not to turn this into a console thing but it really depends on if you have a PS4 or not for the 1st half of 2020

With that said, 2020 as a whole should be good for everyone as long as Corona doesn't delay the major titles
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I said this awhile ago the fact that gamers went head or hills for "BR" was going to lead to this the industry has always had fad games but with BR theres 0 need to create anything else that will net you the profit of a "BR" title look how much epic and ea make with fortnight and Apex what incentive to they have to make another Unreal tournament or Badcompany none.

Same thing with these overly cinematic games those games take like 5-7 years and can be beaten in sub 30 hours you spend more time waiting for games then playing them. if this was the ps2 era devs could crack out games in 2 years time now we go entire generations without certain franchise "GTA".

The lack of news about games and next gen consoles is because e3 is gone. With e3 gone whats the rush these companies can twiddle there thumbs and wait till the month before launch they launch the consoles if they want to. IF johhny mom buys him a ps5 for Christmas so he can play Fortnight that's a win in there book. E3 was the only thing that made these companies work on a concrete dead line of with no e3 no rush or incentive to drop news after faster than before.
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So is mine, I'm not saying that games don't exist (for Xbox it's more true, let's be honest, their first party has always sucked so far), I'm saying we're not seeing them being released in a respectable amount of time because they don't take the time to consider our time and patience as well. I'm one of the most patient people you'll ever meet, so when I say it's gotten bad, I mean it's bad.
I get you. Sure maybe Microsoft's 1st party offerings could be a bit more, but usually 3rd party titles cover that gap for me. A lot of games these days are like 30 hours long on average, with some going ranging into 60+ hours of content. Add steam sales and ever expanding libraries of Gamepass, PS Now and Virtual Console to the mix. There are so many fucking games lol.

Ian Henry

Honestly, I'm ready to move on from this gen. Disappointing. Some games captivated me most didn't hold that interest. Hopefully next gen we'll see a new wave of novel IPs and fresh ideas come into play. This gen felt like a retread of last gen but with better graphics and usage of social media. Bring on 9th Gen!!!!💯🔥🔥

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I mean... the PS3/360 gen was about as dry as it gets. Errybody was chasing that calladuty dollar, and Japan had forgotten how to make a video game. Most years during that gen were worse than 2020.


Yeah, I’m more worried about 2021 and 2022.

I'm actually pretty optimistic for a few reasons.

1. Architectures are staying pretty dang similar so that should help next gen releases on two fronts. First, no delays with devs having to learn no proprietary system architectures like in some paste generational leaps. Second, games can easily be scaleable and cross gen so when so there's less incentive to hold things back until the next gen systems have big install base.

2. It seems like Sony and MS should be able to have more big exclusives out the first year to 18 months compared to last time. Things like Horizon 2, God of War 2 shoudn't be that far off given when the last games came out, it's been a long time since GT6 and even since GT Sport, Halo Infinite is a launch game, Gears 5 I could see in 2022, all the acquisitions MS has made should have some games out. Should see things like something from Rockstar in that period, the next Batman game, maybe FF7 Remake Part 2 by 2022.

3. I also love Nintendo games and they're in the middle of their generation with the Switch being out for three years, and we should be seeing great late gen Switch games those couple of years with things like BOTW2, Metroid Prime 4 etc. that we know about and some surprises down the road.
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Can’t Git Gud
Do you own a PS4 and Switch? Because, otherwise, I don't see how you came to this conclusion.
I have gaming pc and ps4 for exclusives. Last gen we just had more games each month. Now the big releases are rare and months go by. I don't play sports games and mostly don't play anime games too...


Going off just what is announced there is a good chance Silver Falls, my hero One's justice 2, Predator: Haunting Grounds, and Deadly Premonition 2 are the only games I buy this year so yeah pretty dry for me at least.
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If you think this year is dry, you need to expand your tastes.

That said, 2014 was bad. It says a lot that the first year of this gen, for me, was mostly spent catching up on PS3 games than playing new PS4 games. Only bought 7 current gen titles that entire year, and that includes 3 launch titles in November 2013. It was a trash year for sure.
Expanding my tastes is the reason why I believe this year is dry. It's also about announcements in general, gaming as a whole has been dry so far this year and COVID-19 has a lot to do with that. I used to look forward to game announcements in live streams but now I hold off because I know there isn't anything new that'll be announced, really, especially during EA and Ubisoft conferences.

Were there any highly demanded/anticipated games that were being released this year? I was thinking only a couple, but realistically speaking about 3-4. Overall, though, not a whole lot of AAA type games are releasing this year and strangely enough a lot of the games I'm looking forward to are either AA or Indie, so really it's the state of the AAA industry that is disappointing to me.

Sounds like you didn't play Nioh 2. That's a very long, and very good game.

I have not, I'm not drawn to Soulslike games, the only Soulsborne game I enjoy is Bloodborne but that's because its action is fast and has some of the best lore in any game ever to me. I do have the first one, though, and I was actually looking forward to Nioh 2. I may have to buy it!

Do you own a PS4 and Switch? Because, otherwise, I don't see how you came to this conclusion.

I own all systems, personally, and even I can say that it's been pretty dry. How long have we had to wait until the next new Nintendo announcements? People got excited for a Paper Mario game (has that even had a good game since the Gamecube? It's not bad, don't get me wrong), that should tell you how dry gaming news has been this generation. For the last 2 years, Sony news has also been dry, with barely any new announcements and staying with a theme of announcing games and running with them for x amount of years, that's my biggest pet peeve this gen.
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Maybe you’re just bored of samey aaa games. I’ve been playing turn based strategy lately and theres loads of them. I haven’t even finished the good ones that came out last year like Mutant Year Zero
Maybe you’re just bored of samey aaa games. I’ve been playing turn based strategy lately and theres loads of them. I haven’t even finished the good ones that came out last year like Mutant Year Zero
That sounds about right, as I said above I'm more looking forward to the AA and Indie scene, but that's not a good thing. AAA games should be the best all around games, but AA and Indies show them up?

RTS, to me, is too hard to get into, and even more modern turn-based strategy type of games. I have quite a few of them on PC, and I don't know where to start, on top of the fact that since I couldn't get my PC working again quite yet, I got Geforce Now so I can play games like Battletech on my laptop. I have games like Ashes of the Singularity, Battletech, Mutant Year Zero, and Dungeons 3 to name a few and I just don't know where to start (my backlog is probably the worst out of any user on this site LOL).


aside from base building xcom2 is probably the most newb friendly. Gears Tactics doesn’t have base building so maybe that actually. Was just an example though. There’s probably some other genre or sub genre you could get into.
The only normal releases that are missing this year as far as I can see are Ubisoft games, and we're still getting Valhalla and were meant to be getting a new Watch Dogs and some other things, but they're re-jigging everything other than AC to prevent franchise fatigue.

Honestly, this year is insanely packed for releases and IMO a stark contrast to the yawnfest that was the end of 7th gen.

Just look at the preorder pages for the PS Store and eShop. Anyone claiming there are too few games coming out to keep them entertained is either a damned liar or needs to find a new hobby.
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