What is the MSRP for GG
eluxe? I want to make sure Gamestop isn't overcharging me at $90.
BobbyRobby said:What is the MSRP for GGeluxe? I want to make sure Gamestop isn't overcharging me at $90.
that page rather depressingly reminds me that they haven't had a PS2 game out since its launch, more or less. i remember playing a previewable copy of silpheed (sent by WD) before the system came out in the U.S., even if the game ended up getting delayed by a few months. lord.$89.99 Deluxe Pack
Neutron Night said:Yes, actually, at least the guy on the left. Then again, I don't know as many retarded people as you do apparently.
I thought I was pretty clear, but just to emphasize....Neutron Night said:One of the morons who posted against WD in this thread, please explain your problem.
More the fact that they tie products together to make people pay more for something as completely inconsequential as packaging. Good packing is nice. $20 for an extra shiny instruction manual is a waste of money.Is it the fact that they produce the best packaging in possibly the entire industry?
Their translations are not even close, because are generally not very true to the source material, in terms of overall content. More importantly, they take it on themselves to make ridiculously stupid gameplay adjustments that make the ports play much worse than the original. The worst offenders are Silhouette Mirage, where they fucked with the weapons system to destroy whatever balance was aready there, and Allundra, where they altered the damage taken/recieved formula (like an Tales All-Divide going in the opposite direction).Is it the fact that their translations are among the best in the business?
No.Is it the fact that you have Down's Syndrome?
Neutron Night said:The majority of Growlanser Generations will be the regular edition, the special edition will be ridiculously rare, which is why I have preordered it already.
ferricide said:i disagree that the packaging looks good; it's typically gaudy and unattractive. too much foil embossing, amaturish graphic design, and yellow text. arc the lad was probably their best effort in the packaging arena. i also think all of the bonus items are laughable crap.
jarrod said:Considering their constant problems with SCEA, it might be good to branch out a little too. There's plenty of worthwhile GC, XBox and especially GBA imports wasting away in Japan...
Lyte Edge said:And WD doesn't do cartridge based games.
DavidDayton said:... another reason they are incompetent.
WD sounds like some GBA ports would be right up their alley... get some interesting, but semi-obscure GBA RPG, change the text, and sell it. Heck, fill the box with little shiny gold colored coins and plastic seashells...
Their translations are not even close, because are generally not very true to the source material, in terms of overall content. More importantly, they take it on themselves to make ridiculously stupid gameplay adjustments that make the ports play much worse than the original. The worst offenders are Silhouette Mirage, where they fucked with the weapons system to destroy whatever balance was aready there, and Allundra, where they altered the damage taken/recieved formula (like an Tales All-Divide going in the opposite direction).
bobbyconover said:Maybe I should send a letter to Mastiff about that one. They're bringing over Technic Beat, so obviously they have an eye for quality!
I missed out on that entire controversy - enlighten, please.DJ Brannon said:The rape they did to Silhouette Mirage...
Really, that was just unnecessary.
Still waiting... though I'm considering UK imports of Kururin, Bubble Bobble and Mr Driller 2 now. I like my games in English if possible.Lyte Edge said:Jarrod, man...are you STILL waiting on games like Bubble Bobble Old And New? I admire your dedication, but it's time you started importing.![]()
Well, off the top of my head for GameCube, there's Mr Driller Land, Giftpia, HomeLand, Tengai Makyou 2, Doshin, Shiro no Shikigami 2, Bomberman Land 2, ChibiRobo, and the entire Hudson Selections series. On XBox there's Phantom Dust, Psyvariar 2, Shikigami no Shiro, Puyo Fever, Chrome Hound, Magatama, Tenerezza and Thousand Land. There's probably more for both consoles that slipped my mind...Lyte Edge said:I can't think of any "worthwhile" XBox and GC imports, Otogi 2 (coming from Sega) and Naruto 2 (which WD wouldn't ever get) that would be worth bringing over and haven't already been licensed though.
Actually Vic mentioned last year they were considering starting GBA publishing. He thinks they'd have to charge a higher premium for their products most likely though ($39 I'd bet). Besides, WD started out on carts anyway.Lyte Edge said:And WD doesn't do cartridge based games.
BuddyChrist83 said:I missed out on that entire controversy - enlighten, please.
The major change was making the game harder than the Japanese release. We accomplished this in two ways. First, the cost of weapons was increased and the monsters made more damaging. Second, the parasites were made to actually use a bit of spirit power when they were used, which made it necessary for the player to replenish this power. We accomplished this by adding a "spirit stealing" feature where the player could "steal" spirit power from enemies. In the original Japanese version, the player merely reduced the enemy spirit power if the attributes were the same.
That is a picture of a few members of "The Monkeys" the faux band and TV actors. Neither has down syndrome.
More the fact that they tie products together to make people pay more for something as completely inconsequential as packaging. Good packing is nice. $20 for an extra shiny instruction manual is a waste of money.
Their translations are not even close, because are generally not very true to the source material, in terms of overall content. More importantly, they take it on themselves to make ridiculously stupid gameplay adjustments that make the ports play much worse than the original. The worst offenders are Silhouette Mirage, where they fucked with the weapons system to destroy whatever balance was aready there, and Allundra, where they altered the damage taken/recieved formula (like an Tales All-Divide going in the opposite direction).
That's what they get for abandoning my beloved Saturn.
You know, I'm not overly fond of "limited editions" for games/comics/etc.. it just seems like a cheap attempt to cash in on the consumers.
"LOOKY! FLASHY SILVER COVER! Buy it now for twice the normal price, then buy it again when the standard edition gets released!"
But then, Neutron Night pretty much holds the most idiotic views imaginable on, well, everything, so I can't say I'm too surprised. I'm glad to see a few WD fanboys still exist, honestly. I was starting to actually feel sorry for Vic, since I know in my heart that he means well.
Wait -- maybe Mastiff is the NEW Working Designs...
Just without the glitter, at half the price, and with better games?
belgurdo said:WD won't be around within five years; might as well tell us so that we can get petitions to Atlus so that they can pick up their work ready
that is such a ridiculous assessment of the argument levied by intelligent, informed people. granted, some people act that way, but guess what -- it doesn't mean that the lameness they've saddled a number of games with isn't legitimately poor. arc the lad collection showed them to be on the upswing, though. we can only hope for the best.Catchpenny said:Much of the WD hate is foistered by humorless Japanophiles. Not that WD is perfect by any means...the delays are ridiculous, and I'm not a fan of the extra shit they started throwing into their games. But their translations are generally excellent, and I can't believe how many people get their panties in a wad over a few silly jokes that you usually have to dig deep to find anyway. As if God himself laid down the original dialogue in kanji, and altering any of it is some terrible sin.
no, i think it's because the people who made the games are the people who made the games. ahem. and thus have a clue about issues like design and balance. WD has time and again screwed up the balance of games to a greater or lesser extent. again, ATLC didn't have this problem, which i'm thankful for.Catchpenny said:Same thing for the gameplay changes...some are for better, some are for worse, but of course the original Japanese version MUST be better because it's, well, from Japan.
yes, that would be fantastic, actually. SMT <3 <3 <3Catchpenny said:while squeezing out quickie translations for SMT and its spinoffs! Wouldn't that be great?
Neutron Night said:Interesting. Apparently your personality is based on having the exact opposite of whatever my opinion is. Since I'm heterosexual, that must mean you're gay.
i think my problem with the jokes is not that they've been inappropriate (which they are) as IMO they're typically unfunny and forced. and they really come to the forefront of some games -- albert odyssey, for example, which is IMO their worst localization.
awesome music, appealing graphics, and good atmosphere are its redeeming features. i beat it in japanese before playing the US version. OMGNeutron Night said:2. WD's dialogue in Albert Odyssey was the sole redeeming feature of that game. Same for Shining Wisdom. If their translation can make a bad game playable, what's the problem?
Neutron Night said:1. Most of WD's jokes are funny. If they weren't, I would have a problem. Good thing they are.
Neutron Night said:2. WD's dialogue in Albert Odyssey was the sole redeeming feature of that game. Same for Shining Wisdom. If their translation can make a bad game playable, what's the problem?
awesome music, appealing graphics, and good atmosphere are its redeeming features. i beat it in japanese before playing the US version. OMG
Yeah, but your posting history demonstrates you have a very poor grasp of effective humor or writing.
Neutron Night said:But I had a good grasp of your mom last - nah, I'm better than this. I won't let you goad me into petty trolling.
Neutron Night said:I won't let you goad me into petty trolling.
bobbyconover said:Neutron Night pretty much holds the most idiotic views imaginable on, well, everything, so I can't say I'm too surprised.
Neutron Night said:see my defense of Legend of Dragoon in the other thread
Neutron Night said:Since I'm heterosexual, that must mean you're gay.
And what, may I ask, is your idea of great packaging?
Neutron Night said:If you were a collector, you'd understand the appeal.
DavidDayton said:(Side note: What does our pal Neutron think of the Famicom Mini series?)
Oh, I think I'm more of a collector than you are... it's just that I don't see the point of "false" rarity and collectibility. Artificially manufacturing rarity and "collectibility" seems inane; if you are speaking as a -collector-, you'd be more interested in the entire collections and in -true- rarity, caused by the market and events. Artificially constructed "rarity" seems to be an exploitation of the "collector" folks, as opposed to something they should be happy about.
(Side note: What does our pal Neutron think of the Famicom Mini series?)
Neutron Night said:Oh, and I used to own all four versions of the Dragon Force disk art, but I sold three of them because only one was in mint condition. So it's not like I don't try to complete anything. But I am REALLY a stickler for condition, I'm absolute NOT interested in any game that's not at LEAST near mint condition. All my games are immaculate. And yes, I have bought games based on packaging. Is it really any different that people who collect stamps or coins?
Neutron Night said:It doesn't matter whether the rarity is artificial or not, as long as it really IS rare. Take SWG "collector's" edition, I was conned into paying $80 for it on release day. Flash forward to today, it's available for like $25 on Ebay, my local EB STILL has a copy laying around. That was no collector's edition. That's why I was pissed when Disgaea was rereleased and La Pucelle was released in significant quantities. I want niche games that will be collector's items, I want another Panzer Saga (I have a sealed copy, BTW). Since a collector's dream like that is unlikely to happen again soon, the next best thing is deluxe editions like GG.
Look at how valuable some of those old PSOne RPG's are:
$300 for a new Suikoden 2:
Nearly $113 for a USED copy of Valkryie Profile (this was no fluke either, there were 23 bids):
$163 for a new Tactics Ogre and guide:
$90 for Tales of Destiny:
$84 for a used Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (I've seen it go higher):
$153 for a new Lunar 2:
$153 for a new Suikoden 1:
$80 for Tales of Destiny 2:
$92 for original version Xenogears:
Just to use a few non-PSOne examples:
$78 for Shenmue 2 PAL:
$85 for Shining Force 3:
$123 for a used Dragon Force:
Final Fantasy Anthology/Chronicles used to be fairly valuable before the scourge of humanity known as Greatest Hits showed up. The point is, NO ONE thought these games would be this valuable when they first came out. The deluxe version of GG may become one of these games. There have been no really rare or valuable games this generation. Disgaea was the closest thing to a rare RPG for the PS2, then then Atlus swooped in and rereleased it and Circuit City finished it off with their fucking $5 deal.
I own all of the aformentioned games (well, except Rhapsody, I really need to pick up that one) and if I was lucky I could sell EVERY ONE of them for more than I paid. Some times considerably more. Like twice as much. But I wouldn't dream of it because I'm a collector. I don't collect crap, I'm not interested in having 500 Atari 2600 cartridges lying around. WD is pretty much the only company that releases games targeted at me and others like me. Then the other people figure it out and end up paying through the ass for it. It takes a discerning eye to determine the future classic from the future bargin bin fodder.
Oh, and I used to own all four versions of the Dragon Force disk art, but I sold three of them because only one was in mint condition. So it's not like I don't try to complete anything. But I am REALLY a stickler for condition, I'm absolute NOT interested in any game that's not at LEAST near mint condition. All my games are immaculate. And yes, I have bought games based on packaging. Is it really any different that people who collect stamps or coins? Some people just appreciate a certain type of gaming. Anyway, rant over.
NES games on GBA? Didn't I already go over how much that shit sucked in my "portable gaming is an abomination" thread? What does that have to do with this discussion, are they really rare or something?
Neutron Night said:It doesn't matter whether the rarity is artificial or not, as long as it really IS rare. Take SWG "collector's" edition, I was conned into paying $80 for it on release day. Flash forward to today, it's available for like $25 on Ebay, my local EB STILL has a copy laying around. That was no collector's edition. That's why I was pissed when Disgaea was rereleased and La Pucelle was released in significant quantities. I want niche games that will be collector's items, I want another Panzer Saga (I have a sealed copy, BTW). Since a collector's dream like that is unlikely to happen again soon, the next best thing is deluxe editions like GG.
Look at how valuable some of those old PSOne RPG's are:
$300 for a new Suikoden 2:
Nearly $113 for a USED copy of Valkryie Profile (this was no fluke either, there were 23 bids):
$163 for a new Tactics Ogre and guide:
$90 for Tales of Destiny:
$84 for a used Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (I've seen it go higher):
$153 for a new Lunar 2:
$153 for a new Suikoden 1:
$80 for Tales of Destiny 2:
$92 for original version Xenogears:
Just to use a few non-PSOne examples:
$78 for Shenmue 2 PAL:
$85 for Shining Force 3:
$123 for a used Dragon Force:
Final Fantasy Anthology/Chronicles used to be fairly valuable before the scourge of humanity known as Greatest Hits showed up. The point is, NO ONE thought these games would be this valuable when they first came out. The deluxe version of GG may become one of these games. There have been no really rare or valuable games this generation. Disgaea was the closest thing to a rare RPG for the PS2, then then Atlus swooped in and rereleased it and Circuit City finished it off with their fucking $5 deal.
I own all of the aformentioned games (well, except Rhapsody, I really need to pick up that one) and if I was lucky I could sell EVERY ONE of them for more than I paid. Some times considerably more. Like twice as much. But I wouldn't dream of it because I'm a collector. I don't collect crap, I'm not interested in having 500 Atari 2600 cartridges lying around. WD is pretty much the only company that releases games targeted at me and others like me. Then the other people figure it out and end up paying through the ass for it. It takes a discerning eye to determine the future classic from the future bargin bin fodder.
Oh, and I used to own all four versions of the Dragon Force disk art, but I sold three of them because only one was in mint condition. So it's not like I don't try to complete anything. But I am REALLY a stickler for condition, I'm absolute NOT interested in any game that's not at LEAST near mint condition. All my games are immaculate. And yes, I have bought games based on packaging. Is it really any different that people who collect stamps or coins? Some people just appreciate a certain type of gaming. Anyway, rant over.
NES games on GBA? Didn't I already go over how much that shit sucked in my "portable gaming is an abomination" thread? What does that have to do with this discussion, are they really rare or something?
I also think they're some of the people who can discern "good" design from "bad" design.trippingmartian said:I think a few of the people complaining about WD's flashy packaging and extras are the same people who jizz and cry over Japan getting exclusive goodies with their releases.