This is one of Derek's worst articles, and I thought he was learning to not baby Xbox so much during some of his ABK acquisition takes (among Xbox-friendly press, he was one of the more sane people). The title is completely misleading because it implies the consoles themselves have contributed this amount, when we know from all valid sources hardware sales are on a death bed, even in America.
Also it confuses revenue with net profit; not even gross profit, but net profit. Or at least it's ambiguously worded in the title to a point where a casual reader implies such. This misinforms yet another person online, who taints discussions around the platform by citing inaccurate information. And, since that person likely already has a bias towards the platform, they just reconfirm it with erroneous information, indoctrinating them and making it that much harder for them to learn the truth.
All in all, hilariously misworded article. Approaches peak glazing territory.