In the last week of January the DS fell to 43,226. The following week it went down to 29,552, the first time you could say the sales were not great. At this point the DS stood at 1.78M. If psp sales are down to around 33,000 this week, it means that has happened with the sales at around 1.1M.
In the first week of February the DS sales below 40,000 for the first time to 29,500. At this point the DS total was 1.78M. This is the first week the PSP has fallen well below the 40,000 mark but the PSP total is only 1.14M. What's worse is that the PSP did receive a couple of releases including Sangukoshi which is a fairly well known game so there's no real reason for the decrease. On the other hand DS sales were always going down this week after the initial colour frenzy slowed.
This is also the first time it has become clear the PSP is tracking well behind the DS overall. It's also worse seeing as how the GBA is recovering in hardware sales too. Like I said there's no real explanation for the decrease except that overall demand is just slowing. If it is, and the PSP slowdown continues the next couple of week, well with the way GBA sales are going the thread where the PSP is competing not with the DS but the GBA in weekly sales is going to very entertaining.
Come on Sony, get your asses in gear and release some quality handheld software!