Interesting to see how NSMB2 will affect the trinity.
It'll probably knock off 3D Land. It's already become the best selling 3d mario ever, so I don't think Nintendo is too upset.
Interesting to see how NSMB2 will affect the trinity.
There isn't really much of interest there. He just talks about how the 3DS XL is coming out, reservations are extremely strong, and he thinks lots of people are looking to upgrade their existing 3DS. He also comments on how direct download games are going on sale next week, and it'll be interesting to see the ratio between package sales and DD sales. For a game like Oni Training he feels it is better suited for DD because it's the sort of game you want to play a little at a time throughout the day, and it benefits from not having to switch carts with whatever else you're playing. Apparently other than major retail chains, the initial shipment stock for Oni Training in package form is going to be really low.
Bamco wont let the PSP die - announced Summon Night 5 for it
Don't see why they should. The PSP will still be a viable source of development for the next year and Summon Night isn't some huge series. If Vita never takes off the PSP might last for more than a year
Don't see why they should. The PSP will still be a viable source of development for the next year and Summon Night isn't some huge series. If Vita never takes off the PSP might last for more than a year
Don't see why they should. The PSP will still be a viable source of development for the next year and Summon Night isn't some huge series. If Vita never takes off the PSP might last for more than a year
I miss Flight Plan.Bamco wont let the PSP die - announced Summon Night 5 for it
MH3G is really outlasting the Mario duo, impressive
The real winner here is Calciobit. Huzzah for Nintendo Direct.
A fully 3D Pokemon might be enough to get people that haven't played the series in years to pick it up as well
When all's said and done, Kid Icarus: Uprising will have done moderately well, and Fire Emblem: Awakening will have become the second best selling entry in the franchise.
Don't really see what there is to be disappointed about here.
Both Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem have lost their legs, seemingly on the path to slow burn, kinda disappointing that they aren't performing stronger.
An absolutely deserved status, me thinks.Possible. They're going to release Fantasy Life soon too.
Now, something which got unnoticed for some weeks.
23./20. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2011.11.03} (¥4.800) - 4.544 / 1.654.602 (-10%)
2 [N64] Super Mario 64 (Nintendo) - 162.111 / 1.639.921 / 9,89% 23/06/96
Give your warmest welcome to the best selling 3D Mario ever.
Can someone with a Japanese Vita account check how many ratings TT has? I'm curious.
When all is said and done - it's disappointment that their chart/sales positions were relatively short lived.
That is a strong message. A remake of a game on Wii that sold 1M can outsell flagship titles of the two best-selling series in history. That underlines how fucking oustanding MH is.
Thanks for the info159 with an average score of 4.6/5. More importantly it is #1 on this week's download charts. For test account: Dokuro didn't gain many ratings, now at 178 with 4.87/5 but it did chart at position 5 this week.
Level 5 has had a very mixed generation.
I'm just curious... when is Level-5 going to localize ANYTHING in North America that isn't Layton?
The 3DS has a nice range of games they could bring over at this point to take advantage of the inevitable boost in hardware sales brought on by NSMB2, the XL, and Holiday 2012.
Thanks for the infoOn the topic of Dokuro, i hope that this game gets localized.
I'd argue it really started earlier, Ninokuni DS being the first chink in the armor.Actually the majority LEVEL 5's flopping around started after the 3DS was launched so they're having a terrible "next generation"
They did really well when DS was king.
I'd argue it really started earlier, Ninokuni DS being the first chink in the armor.
Level 5 doesn't even localize Layton. Nintendo does all of it despite the fact L5 has been building offices for years to start self publishing. It's sad to see how in disarray they are.
Their US office seems to be more for overseeing licensing to western publishing partners (similar to how Marvelous USA was). I don't believe they even have staff for localization, Nintendo and Bandai seem to doing that.Level 5 doesn't even localize Layton. Nintendo does all of it despite the fact L5 has been building offices for years to start self publishing. It's sad to see how in disarray they are.
What happened to Level 5? A couple years ago the were the rising star in the Japan games industry. Now they look like another Square. Except Square had decades of success before falling off.
The last time we had some Kid Icarus numbers, Famitsu Top 30, was several weeks ago.
[3DS] Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo) - 144.468 / 304.043 / 47,52% 22/03/12
Now it's out of top 50, but it's not so implausible to think it's continuing selling and it'll reach the 350k mark with no doubt, which isn't bad at all for a brand new IP ( Kid Icarus is a new IP, basically ) with such a particular gameplay.
Fire Emblem, instead, it's still in top 50...but still, how can anyone be disappointed by Awakening? It did wonderfully. Wonderfully.
Level 5's North American office seems like a sad relic of better times when Level 5 was on the rise and expanding in all directions. It never really became anything and at this point you have to wonder if it ever will. Nothing Level 5 is doing really sticks anymore and they really can't afford to not have Nintendo publish Layton/Inazuma outside of Japan. And with Bamco picking up whatever leftovers they can get to publish in the west I don't see Level USA having much to do in the future either.
I thought it wasn't set up as a localization studio but rather a business studio where they explore means of entering the American market via the smartphone and social gaming markets? They even talked about working with developers to make stuff for the NA market. Doesn't sound like they were set up to localize stuff at all.
I thought it wasn't set up as a localization studio but rather a business studio where they explore means of entering the American market via the smartphone and social gaming markets? They even talked about working with developers to make stuff for the NA market. Doesn't sound like they were set up to localize stuff at all.
Source: said:Photos of Level-5 International Americas new office in Santa Monica, California. This is where the magic happens. This is where the wizards of Level-5s U.S. branch are hard at work not localizing Ni no Kuni for the DS (Or maybe they are? Prove me wrong, please!).
The company which youll know from games like Professor Layton, Inazuma Eleven, and Dragon Quest VIII/IX launched an official site for its U.S. office, and CEO Akihiro Hino posted a video you can watch here.
Hino says that Level-5 IA is up and running, and will not only release its games from Japan, but also put out original content for North America.
So why is Sony waiting so long to announce games? Supposedly they ARE coming, right?? I mean, they've said they have a Vita Game Heaven coming, and their TGS showing will tilt toward Vita.
VGH, no doubt a cue they took from Nintendo Direct, is not a bad idea, but spread so far among each other it really does not make much sense. At least Nintendo is reminding people what's coming every 2 months (or less).
If there are games, why not start announcing them now?? Are they still in planning stages, or too early to actually announce?? Or is it a better marketing decision to have a big blowout at one single time to wow people, even if it means being silent for months??
Of course as far as we know, there are barely any games for the system, so it might be pointless to try to announce what you don't have, but my question still stands.
I imagine that they probably abandoned localization plans when they realized the investment it would take to publish their own games in the US. Instead they're probably operating as a licensing bridge now, trying to get other established publishers to pick up their stuff.
vita sales seem to be stabilizing at a much healthier level. i think persona 4 kinda saved the machine.
i don't think it'll be what the psp was, but its success is going to be at a point where sony can kill the machine if they want to, but not because they need to.
I'd say KI is a moderate success from Nintendo's perspective. It didn't become a blockbuster hit but it'll still (at least eventually) become a million seller worldwide.When you have Nintendo, who is so geared to stockholder reaction/pressures and sales reception (Miyamoto placing SF fate of SF64 3D sales) - is 300k+ for KI:U celebratory for them? Would they have expected better for FE:A, seeing the refresh and changes they've made?
Then they're doing a pretty poor job of it. Yes, Nintendo is taking care of Layton and Inazuma Eleven, and Namco is taking care of Ni No Kuni, but what about all the rest?
Supposedly, Namco is bringing over the LBX franchise to the West, but not the games as far as we know, which is a peculiar move.
I'd say KI is a moderate success from Nintendo's perspective. It didn't become a blockbuster hit but it'll still (at least eventually) become a million seller worldwide.
Fire Emblem however must've beaten Nintendo's all expectations because it became the best-selling entry in the series in like 15 years. They're most definitely more than pleased about that.
It's important to remember that both FE and KI represent overal pretty niche genres that don't sell millions like Mario or Zelda.
All the rest of what? You just listed every single viable worthwhile franchise that Level-5 has which would sell outside of Japan. It's all accounted for. LBX is not going to be released anywhere until there is a TV deal in place in the region, and when the games are not stuck on the PSP. They're already working on that, so maybe something will happen next year.