Yeah Girls Age and Guild 01 aren't going anywhere. Ninokuni is being localized. I don't see what games Level 5 haven't brought over that they need to.
Which makes Level 5 USA look all the more pointless.
Yeah Girls Age and Guild 01 aren't going anywhere. Ninokuni is being localized. I don't see what games Level 5 haven't brought over that they need to.
So you don't think they'll be localizing ANY of their more niche titles, such as Guild 01 and Time Travelers and (potentially) Fantasy Life?
Damn it anihawk i can't tell if this is serious or not.
Who is "they" here? Like I said, I don't think Level-5 themselves are really interested in localizing anything. They want to sell what licenses they can to major publishers who can help them publish and market it accordingly in the region. If no one is interested in publishing those niche games, then they won't be released.
I've been arguing for this since the start. I'd totally pay $5-10 for Liberation Gal, Bug Tank and Crimson Shroud!The only niche title you might see get a localization from LEVEL 5 is Guild-01 because they can always break it up into small pieces on the eshop.
I guess it's foolish to hold out hope for Level-5 localizing content through the eShop then, yes?
More and more, the US office is looking quite pointless. I get that maybe they just exist to broker deals with bigger publishers, but couldn't the Japanese office handle that?
I'd say KI is a moderate success from Nintendo's perspective. It didn't become a blockbuster hit but it'll still (at least eventually) become a million seller worldwide.
Fire Emblem however must've beaten Nintendo's all expectations because it became the best-selling entry in the series in like 15 years. They're most definitely more than pleased about that.
It's important to remember that both FE and KI represent overal pretty niche genres that don't sell millions like Mario or Zelda.
It'll probably knock off 3D Land. It's already become the best selling 3d mario ever, so I don't think Nintendo is too upset.
Wha?? um no!
Maybe I misunderstand handheld gaming? I've always been primarily console, so when I hear that games have bombed in the East/West, I often expect to hear a publisher vocally praise/condemn sales numbers and expectations.
I'm certain the HD systems have a larger budget allotment for titles and therefore, to maintain or even debut an IP/iteration of IP, a million or more sales is expected. With handhelds, what is the litmus for a flop? Success? Moderate success?
If KH3D performed less than other installments, but performed decently in relation to its budget, is it really a flop (still needs to release in Western territories)? If Resident Evil Revelations performed poorly at retail and in all territories, isn't it a bigger flop?
Owning a Vita and 3DS this gen is fantastic and I try to follow these Mediacreate/Famitsu threads as best I can, it's interesting to me...but when I see a number like 200K, 300K, 500K or even lowly 75K in sales for a handheld games - what is the determinate factor of flop/non flop in relation to budget/series expectations?
When you have Nintendo, who is so geared to stockholder reaction/pressures and sales reception (Miyamoto placing SF fate of SF64 3D sales) - is 300k+ for KI:U celebratory for them? Would they have expected better for FE:A, maybe become the dominant selling iteration, seeing the refresh and changes they've made?
We've seen Metroid and F-Zero, even Star Fox shoved in the broom closet for not reaching the Zelda and Mario highs...
I'm just curious as to what is determinate of success on these handhelds?
Wha?? um no!
Um YES!!Wha?? um no!
Thanks for the infoOn the topic of Dokuro, i hope that this game gets localized.
Considering Revelations did best in Japan where it actually sold a good amount of copies in the end, I'd say they could try with a remake of RE2. Why? Because RE2 is by far the best selling entry in Japan.
I think the issue is that Kingdom Hearts has precedent on handhelds and does hold certain expectations. Revelations was a test and a bit of a wild card. Right before Revelations hit, Capcom released expectations of all their major titles except for Revelations which says to me that they had no clue how the title would perform. They also provided little advertising and was even marketing RE6 in some areas when Revelations hit. Capcom seemed happy with initial sales in Japan but undoubtedly the sales in the west were dissapointing. People have chalked up perhaps Mercenaries mudding the market and lack of advertising as to possible contributing factors. However, ultimately I think the west isn't interested in a portable RE. Even looking at GAF the community/official thread was fairly inactive and most people on this forum are aware of Revelations. Financially, I don't think Capcom is worried since Mercenaries was being developed at the same time by the same team and that did well given the nature of the title. I wouldn't expect to see another handheld RE for a while though given Revelation's sales. Unlike Revelations which had never received a mainline(sort of) title on a portable KH has received plenty of iterations on GBA, DS and PSP and this one had noticeable decline.
As for Kid Icarus, it outperformed most expectations and given how long the franchise had been gone it sold pretty well. Given Nintendo's marketing, I'm not sure what their expectations were at whether they truly believe this could be a major new ip or if it was more to do with Iwata trying to please Sakurai. I wouldn't call it a major success but i do think it did fine given all the factors. Even before the final verdict on sales WW were in Sakurai stated he had no intention of doing another Kid Icarus game. Metroid and Star Fox's decline were Nintendo's own doing. Super Metroid was the best selling, or close to it if I recall correctly, in the franchise and then they took an 8 year hiatus never returning to the style again. Star Fox 64 was a break out hit and Nintendo followed it up with 3 lack luster outsourced titles. They either had no interest or no clue on what to do with the franchise.
I feel financially, Kid Icarus likely did fine.
The main failure with that game (along with RE:R at the same time) was that it didn't really establish a notable Western audience for core focused games on the 3DS, and thus is very unlikely to cause a flood of similar titles to follow from third parties.
After seeing this its hard to feel sorry for Hino - its no game but still...i mean...really ?
Thanks for the infoOn the topic of Dokuro, i hope that this game gets localized.
well it was probably nintendo's most expensive project of the last decade, excluding maybe skyward sword. there's a ton of voice acting, the packaging is custom, they had to make a plastic thing for it (and something to house the plastic thing). they made those ar cards that they gave away for free at different events, and that's not including the anime projects associated with it, or the fact that it might have been in development longer than initially intended as it was moved from being a wii game to a 3ds game.
on a somewhat related note, i started playing it last night.
I've been waiting for REmake2 for a long time. I've been hoping perhaps a Remake style for RE2 with RE4 camera angle. However, I'm sure that'll never happen. With that said I'm not sure if the 3DS could do it justice and I'd prefer it on 360/PS3/Wii U or next gen but I'd take anything at this point.Considering Revelations did best in Japan where it actually sold a good amount of copies in the end, I'd say they could try with a remake of RE2. Why? Because RE2 is by far the best selling entry in Japan.
Wasn't RE4 Wii received well and sold fairly close to the PS2 iteration(outselling the GCN version)? I don't think RE4 Wii was a negative thing.That would be a slippery slope towards what happened with RE4 on Wii.
Your welcome! I'd like for another RE 3DS title and Claire being playable would be awesome but we'll see. I personally got nearly as much enjoyment out of Raid Mode as I did with the campaign mode and actually prefered it to Mercenaries.Thank you for this insight. You eloquently made sense of things, that seemed hazy to me. Much appreciated!
I hope to see a sequel to Revelations, maybe starring Claire and zombies? When Revelations was first shown, there were zombies. Then they became water/slime people. Maybe it performed less because ooze were just uninteresting enemies to the RE fanbase. I'd hope campaign length could remain the same, I loved it. Raid mode wasn't interesting to me, whereas I loved Mercs 3D. Go figure.
Are 3DS sales lower right now because of the impending LL/XL? Will this larger iteration of the hardware prove successful in JP?
How do you like it? You can just post impressions I guess in the community thread if you haven't already so as not to go OT. The only real complaint I have of the title is that the Wii would've done better justice to it's control scheme.on a somewhat related note, i started playing it last night.
08./00. [PSV] Time Travelers <ADV> (Level 5) {2012.07.12} (¥5.980) - 9.887 / NEW
09./00. [3DS] Time Travelers <ADV> (Level 5) {2012.07.12} (¥5.980) - 9.761 / NEW
We'll probably see Kid Icarus resurface with a new advertising campaigns this holiday. Maybe even more cross media.
Didn't Iwata talk about in the last stock holders conference how they're going to keep pushing it to become an evergreen success? Obviously it's so fast and frantic that it has a huge barrier it needs to overcome to achieve such a status, but I bet they'll put a lot more resources into it and try to brute force it this holiday.
well it was probably nintendo's most expensive project of the last decade, excluding maybe skyward sword. there's a ton of voice acting, the packaging is custom, they had to make a plastic thing for it (and something to house the plastic thing). they made those ar cards that they gave away for free at different events, and that's not including the anime projects associated with it, or the fact that it might have been in development longer than initially intended as it was moved from being a wii game to a 3ds game.
Um YES!!
Super Mario 64 - 1,639,921
Super Mario Sunshine - 789,989
Super Mario 64 DS - 1,217,587
Super Mario Galaxy - 1,017,287
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 1,003,763
Super Mario 3D Land - 1,654,602
Not even half the sales of SM64 worldwide.
Not even half the sales of SM64 worldwide.
Yeah but you never mentioned japan in your post. I got a little hasty my badForgot to look at the title of this thread?
The problem with SMG2 was worldwide sales. It did good, but it did a good bit less than the original. I'm not sure if this was the fault of the Wii itself, NSMBW taking away potential Mario customers, or what.
The problem with SMG2 was worldwide sales. It did good, but it did a good bit less than the original. I'm not sure if this was the fault of the Wii itself, NSMBW taking away potential Mario customers, or what.
All of you that think that Inazuma Eleven Go and Danball Senki W crossover is ridiculous hasn't seen the crap that Level 5 is doing with normal Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone.
All of you that think that Inazuma Eleven Go and Danball Senki W crossover is ridiculous hasn't seen the crap that Level 5 is doing with normal Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone.
All of you that think that Inazuma Eleven Go and Danball Senki W crossover is ridiculous hasn't seen the crap that Level 5 is doing with normal Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone.
I'm still holding on to the tiny amount of hope that IEG3 will be another (normal) world cup arc. I am SO THANKFUL Capcom is doing the story portion of Layton x Phoenix Wright.
Holy crap at the Time Travelers bomba.
Also, the actual sales data thread is less than half as long as the Vita sales fail thread...
All of you that think that Inazuma Eleven Go and Danball Senki W crossover is ridiculous hasn't seen the crap that Level 5 is doing with normal Inazuma Eleven Go Chrono Stone.
I'm still holding on to the tiny amount of hope that IEG3 will be another (normal) world cup arc. I am SO THANKFUL Capcom is doing the story portion of Layton x Phoenix Wright.
Wasn't RE4 Wii received well and sold fairly close to the PS2 iteration(outselling the GCN version)? I don't think RE4 Wii was a negative thing.
I think the point of the Inazuma Eleven franchise is to see how much escalation of ridiculous nonsense they can do before they reach a maximum level of absurdity.