It really is. I enjoyed my time with it.Xeodrifter is a really good game, please don't sleep on it guys.
I know it's been said, but it can't be said enough. A generic LOOKING angry-birds esque designed character in a bright kiddie looking platformer, named Chicken Wiggle, isn't going to get most people to even look twice at it. That is the most generic trashcan sounding/looking thing I can imagine, and that doens't mean it is, but it means I'll never find out unless it gets insane word of mouth. I suspect most people are like me in that regard. There are too many games to take a second glance at something that on the surface looks like some mobile trash cash in.
First time hearing about it, also haven't touched my 3DS in ages.
3DS seems to have died super quick though, or this is other problems about why this isn't selling.
Mistake 1:
calling it "Chicken Wiggle"
Jools, dude, if you're reading this: I'm sorry about your game underperforming, but seriously, you whiffed it hard with the name "Chicken Wiggle".
It's all of those things; the 3DS is dead, the game is expensive, the game is not immediately appealing (it mostly looks like Mutant Mudds with a Chicken instead of a kid), no real pre-release promotion, most people looking for a platformer aren't planning on making levels so the key unique selling point probably doesn't drive that much attention.
The vast majority of my gaming dollars go to the 3ds but wootsam's stuff has never really appealed to me. Not even knowing this game existe doesnt help.
Personally, I'm not buying anything off the 3DS eshop at this point because it's basically a dead end. So if your indie game is only on 3DS at this point I'm not gonna see it. On top of that, "Chicken Wiggle" sounds like a shovelware game name, so it wouldn't get me to stop while scrolling by stuff.
With all honesty and sympathy, I don't know why Jools expected otherwise. Chicken Wiggle, no matter how much love was poured into it, looks like a barebones mobile platformer with an especially kiddie aesthetic on the 3ds eshop that is pretty much dead at this r. There was no hype for this game online so it clearly was not building momentum leading to launch.
What? He has a dev kit and had one before the release of Chicken Wiggle.
Treasurenauts is going to Switch and they promo'd a mutant mudds port months ago, dude's had a devkit for a WHILE.
Getting a hold of a devkit within practical timeframe didn't happen tho.
Why the fuck would I play a game called Chicken Wiggle?
Is the game 3DS exclusive? I realise Nintendo have sold a lot of units, but with the Switch now out in the wild it seems like a risky prospect to target a single, now-outdated platform.
Also, everything else people are saying in this thread, i.e. risky name, marketing? etc.
This feels more like a marketing/pr failure than anything else. Also a naming failure
Mutant Mudd's, Xenodrifter and now Chicken Wiggle are all Hella overpriced for unremarkable games.
The reason I don't really feel that sorry for him. Jools always seemed to overvalue his projects on 3DS.
Saying the eshop is definitely dead for indies because your game didn't do well is a little full of it even it's true to some degree.
....Chick 'N' Pack.Hm I'm surprised at the hate for the name. I like it, it's fun and quirky and memorable.
For me it's the fact that I can't buy it for my Switch. I loved Mutant Mudds on 3DS, so I'm interested in anything Jools is behind.
Also as someone who designs logos for a living, this is borderline offensive to me
I don't get this talk. All consoles and handhelds are dead ends.
The 3DS is awesome.