Whoa, just whoa. At first you're in a little mechanic's room, and he throws engine parts at you. Nothing too bad, eh? After about 1/4 of his lifebar is gone, he rips off a piece of metal and tells you to take the fight outside.
Now, uh, remember the opening part of the second scenario, where you landed? The one with the tankers and the containers and everything else that's huge?
Yep, he throws 'em at you.
And, like Reno, when I saw him toss that tanker at me, I did my best Will Smith impression with "Oh hell no." So you're running circles around this guy, avoiding all the huge shit he's throwing at you, whilst trying to throw stuff back at him. Somehow, the box-aiming in the battle seems more lenient, but I dunno if it's just me. Either way, it doesn't do much to help you. All the time, he's throwing tons of metal at you, and you've got to make due and hit him with crates scattered around the arena.
Of course, you could go the cheap route and grab a metal crate...then bash it against his noggin time after time.
Awesome battle. Right now I'm on top of something that reminds me of Big Shell's topside in MGS2 (can't say much for creativity, eh?) that's backed by some beautiful scenery all around. I think it's somewhere in Hong Kong, but not sure.
Oh yeah, and it seems this one's got someone who can telepath me...Oooooh boy.