Okay, so your gal pal's missing sister suffers from evil twin syndrome, the enemy has everything they need to do...something...and you're currently in Really Fucking Bizarre, the capitol of the state of weirdness.
Just like I like it.
After you get through the ungodly mine sequence (which I think may be easier on a second playthrough, I eventually got the hang of abusing them with corpses), you get to a bridge with...GUESS WHAT, MORE MINES.
Thankfully, they're really easy to get past.
At the end, you meet up with Barrett who kind of just growls and does big-black-guy-things. He goes up an elevator, and walks away. You, of course, follow.
You get to the general, and you watch as Barrett moves the moon with TK, which increases the power flow to the temple. Coming up from behind is...Sara? No, it's her evil sister. Even
I knew this, and I'm not a psychic. Anyway, Nick gawks for a second, then the sister's head sprays a little of the red stuff, revealing Sara. "Mom always liked me best...bitch." Which, as we all know by now, is a pretty safe assessment, as Evil Sister killed their parents so they could develop their powers further. Also, Barrett goes exit, stage right. Note to self: if you're going to work with a guy to gain the power of a god, kill that guy. He'll eventually kill you once your usefulness is over.
...and now starts the fight.
Run up to the spinning spires, bust 'em down with PK, then run along the periphery to gather up the spheres lying on the ground. When you do this (or time runs out, and if it does, shame on you), the General is ready to fight. He has three patterns, of which only one you're going to be topside for. Turn directly towards him, hit the lockon button, fire off an orb, then hop into the gutter in the middle of the room. Run until you hear him laugh, then an explosion...Then hop out, and repeat the attack on him.
If you're quick enough, you can get two orb fires in on him in one cycle. Just get ready to run. A lot. Also, when you run out of orbs, hop onto the center platform and charge them up. (best you do it after the fireball attack pattern, right as he disappears) Finally, of course, hop back into the pit and start running a bit, then repeat the whole process until he's dead.
Now for the major spoilers.
El Generale gets sucked into a black hole, you get Sara out from underneath a rock, and helicopters are seen coming. "Wait, they're not rescue! Now I remember everything!"
Nick TK's a chopper into a wall, you both run away...
This looks like it could be a very good finite series (trilogy, hopefully)...as the first is one of the best emulations of a good summer action film I've ever seen as a game.
Here's to Psi-Ops 2 at least, lads!