I hate ign, but a dev/publisher has no place in telling a reviewer how they should score a game in a review.
Criticizing a shit review is different than asking for a score to be changed. Stay on topic.
I think you are misunderstanding the comment. They aren't legitimately asking for a new score or telling ign how to review games. They are pointing out an irony. They are calling to attention the fact that while an ign editorial may be saying one thing about the need for games to become more creative and made at a smaller scale, their actual review scores point to a penalty being given for doing exactly what it is they claim to be the solution to the AAA bubble.
In short, ign are being hypocrites by not recognizing that they are part of the AAA bubble problem. Out of curiosity, I looked up Stellar Blade's review. This game completely blew me away. It's easily a 10 out of 10. Like, it is literally perfection. But, it's a new IP from an unknown dev from a foreign land, so I guess the review tax says it's a 7 out of 10? Seriously. . . a 7? Oof.